
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Channelings (76 ADDS)

Wisdom comes when the Knowledge is being understood!

We are asking for an alignment with Boddhisatva Kwan Yin, the Goddess of the compassion. We are asking for an alignment with the Archangel of the Understanding. Let’s release our heart so as to become one with it and let the understanding become one and spread everywhere...


The Water of Life!

I Am That I Am. I Am the Truth, I Am the very Life Itself. I Am the One. I Am You, now, here. I Am Sananda. I am here, again, beloved souls, and I am speaking to you about Love, Truth, Life and honesty.


The New Vibrational Frequency of the Christed Energy!

I am greeting your group, I am Sananda. I am here today among you in order to bring a new vibrational frequency of the Christed Energy. This new vibrational frequency of the christed energy is different than the one you have experienced up today.


Change yourselves and this is what you will See!

The issue of the humanity was always the way it perceives me and the way it accepts me, and it is just this. Many Light Workers think that since they work in the path of spirit, the spirit will bring everything to them the next day, and this is an illusion.


A Photon Reveals!

We welcome you all, we welcome you all. Welcome! Welcome to the Big White House of Sirius. We are from Sirius and we welcome you, because you have entered, you have become One with us now.


The Power Flame of the Solar Heart!

My beloved souls, I am Hathor. I am here for the solar radiation of your soul. This solar radiation needs care, warmth, love, life. The time, to start the engine of life through this solar heart, has come.


The Presence of the Female Energy upon Earth!

Beloved children of the Light, I am here today, with you, to speak to you about Love, Light and the presence of the Female Energy upon Earth. I am known to all of you! I am Maria Magdalene. I am here for Love.


The Crystalline Consciousness!

Beloved Light Workers, I am Sananda. I am here today, close to you, I am here today with you, I am beside and around you, for one and only reason, Love. Do you feel this diffusion of love? Feel it. Feel this divine fluidity, feel the Love.


The Crystalline Vibration of Love! (Part 2)

I am glad that I am next to you, because you are my family. I am connected with the net of your incarnations on the Earth, and with you as a group and individually too. I came here today, to speak to you about the crystalline vibration of love, for second time.


The time has come for you to open your path!

Ι am greeting all of you. I came here today to convey to you the message of liberation, of joy and of the returning to the divine. They have sown plants of fear, and the time has come for these plants to be reaped by me in cooperation with you.