
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Water of Life!

I Am That I Am. I Am the Truth, I Am the very Life Itself. I Am the One. I Am You, now, here. I Am Sananda. I am here, again, beloved souls, and I am speaking to you about Love, Truth, Life and honesty.

The creation of your own self, who returns to the truth, living with honesty and truthfulness, this moment. I am here with my Angel, who is now opening a door for you, it is the door of the unlimited freedom. You are free.

You are all free, here. Walk through this door. Walk through this gate. Come into the heart of the God Himself, the One of the Whole. You stand at the door thinking thousands of things. Walk through the door, trusting the heart, the soul, your consciousness.

This is your path and you are already there. The door gives the opportunity just to realize this. Look exactly where you are. How many of you are behind this door, answer me now. How many of you are behind this door? How many of you aren’t behind this door? How many of you don’t know exactly where you are?

For all of you that you don’t know exactly where you are, and for all of you that you know exactly where you are, I came here today, so that we walk, altogether, along this new path that you will see now. My angel is now giving you a rose, it is the christed rose. This is the chrism of Sananda’s order. And now it is taking place for all of you.

The door, as I told you, exists so that you realize where exactly you are in order to move forward. What you need to do is just to let yourself function through the truth and honesty, within life. You move along with the Spirit creating the truth that you want, that the heart also wants, that your own soul wants, and this is truth that you create.

I am very glad that I am here, for we will discuss enough this year for many matters, but let’s now concentrate on the matter of this day which is the Truth, the Honesty in your life,  going through the door of the Spirit, and understanding your own course. Have you seen how many things hinder you to go there?

Lets’ talk about some matters that are more difficult. That seem to you more difficult.

There are not difficult matters. What exists is what you create. Come with me to pass through this door once more, I am guiding you through a path, and upon the top of this glacis, that we climb, exists the temple of God. The temple of my Father and Mother, the temple of your own Father and of your own Mother. The temple of the Father and Mother of the whole world.

Come to pass through this door. This is the gate. Feel, feel this quality of the House which you are in now. Feel the lightness of the body. The more the spirit ascends the more the body lightens. Feel this now. In the centre of the temple a fountain is plumming water. Drink from the Water of Life and quench whatever thirst is inside you

Rinse the body, mind, heart, feeling and physical body with this water. And now that you did all this, you look up and you see a white pigeon flying. The Power of the Holy Spirit. The power in order all these to be grounded by you and bring in what you feel, now, this amazingly unique, this superb sweet embracement of the Light, Love, the very Creation itself, the Eternal Wisdom, the Knowledge.

You need to be inside this, every moment, every minute, in each breath of yours. When you feel that the body, the mind and the feeling is seeking, give it the water of life. Tune your selves with me, come here where we are and give it. Your body is connected with the Earth, and the Earth needs water in order its fruits to blossom, and I give you the Water of Life. You don’t need to be told what you have done and what you will do afterwards. I am telling you now, drink from this Water of Life.

You can connect yourself with this, through your own tube.

- How can we use the Water of Life for the clearance of the mind, for the attunement?

You need the ritual to understand things, and this is nice, it is superb. Take a bowl with water. While you fill the bowl with water, look at the water and say: The blessing is coming in. As soon as it fills up, take it out to the Sun, you, also, sit there, and repeat with me now, all of you, here, this affirmation that you will say as you will have the water in your hands, out, under the sun.

Say: I bless this water with my Christed quality, allowing the entrance of all the energies of the Whole Being that revive it and transform it to the Christed and Holly Water of Life'.

Then drink from this water, three times, and give everybody to drink. Some thoughts are coming to you, take some water and wet your head. Splash your body, your etheric body. Water the flowers using some water from this water.

Work with this, this month, and see the changes that it will bring in your own life. I and my angel are coming now to each one of you, giving you from this water to drink. Feel it as it is coming down inside you. Sense the feeling of the water of life, and this is taking place now.

After this, stay united. Stay united.

I am leaving you with the sweet feeling of the water of life running through your body.


Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Mar.08, Athens

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