
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Wisdom comes when the Knowledge is being understood!

We are asking for an alignment with Boddhisatva Kwan Yin, the Goddess of the compassion. We are asking for an alignment with the Archangel of the Understanding. Let’s release our heart so as to become one with it and let the understanding become one and spread everywhere...

We are aligned with the true of the One, and let this take place now.

Let it bring our hearts even closer and let it make this pulsated heart, the only heart that is dressed with compassion, with the mantle of the understanding to the truth of the One.

Let the flames of your heart wrap your existence, wrap your own existence. Your whole existence. The one that you understand and the one that you don’t want to understand. Compassion is now coming here and it is wrapping you. Feel the weaves of love, feel the weaves of the sacred heart inside the grail, that you are, and unite your hearts with the song of the One, with the melody of the return, of your first Love. Feel this flow of the compassion and understanding flowing into your life, now and forever.

It is like a crystal river, like crystal clear water. It touches softly the rocks, the sand, it gives life to the plants, to the flowers. It is stormy, it is calm, but it flows. It moves forward and gives life. You are the people who pollute this river and you are the ones who can stop this. You are the ones who set dams and you are those who break them. Let the water run through your own heart and let it overflow, your whole existence, with compassion and the understanding that all are One.

The time has come to put aside any criticism or conviction for this doesn’t fit in at the orders of light. Let the water flow, and your consciousness will be flooded from the energy of abundance, understanding, love, compassion, wisdom, peace, order, and the glory of the One.

Project your heart now, your big luminous heart. Let it move forward, and feel this tightening. Feel this pressure for your hearts become one. You are inside a heart, your are inside the intergalactical heart. Inside the heart of the universe itself, inside Mother’s heart, inside Father’s heart. So you become one with the universe, one with the whole. And now let this heart, the one heart, transmit the light of all hearts of the Light and let more hearts come here. Feel this completeness and let any conflict with yourself, for this is yourself. Your real self.

Your have come to the seventh level now, and I am glad for this. Stay here and feel. Tara, the female aspect of Buddha and myself, enter the room now, and we both bless you. I, through compassion, and she, through wisdom, that emanates from the heart, so, this way understanding is taking place.

Feel our energies wrapping your grids, this vibration to ascend you even higher, and let down your lowest feelings. Any bitterness, pain, disappointment, for these feelings brought you here. But you pay attention to what brought you here and not to the place you are, now. Look where you are, and let the heart become the worker of your spirit, and the new self of the truth of the One to be built.

Come closer, even closer. And now I Quan Yin with Tara light up the flame of the spirit, behind your backs and we surround you in a circle of full protection, in a circle of fire, and here is the chance, here, inside this security set any pain from the past  free.

We are here to take away any pain from the heart because only through this way you will move on having joy into the heart. The period of pain has ended. Come now in an embracement with the fire. Raise your hands up and give up anything that you don’t want, and feel this fire warming your back and awakening the energy that you have inside you. It becomes intense, more intense, and more intense and even more intense.
Give up.

And now hold your hands, become a circle into the circle and bring your hands in front, in the centre of the circle with your palms doing again one circle and your body doing another circle, having the fire surrounding you, and stay there. See the lotus that blossoms and see the water that springs, and unite a petal of the lotus with your heart. This lotus is the heart of the Father God/ Mother Goddess, and each one of you is connected with this lotus, with this petal of the lotus of the heart.

Each human upon Earth is connected with this petal that becomes more and more thinner, it becomes more and more finer, and here it just become a silver line. The more you ascend the more lotus it is, and it is connected with the heart, not with the head. So, feel this love of the One, feel this love that withholds everything that exists, for only love can  support. Only love creates. Love is the only thing that exists. It is the power that brings you back to the Earth, as it brought you in your previous incarnations, for your evolution. Because it doesn’t stop, it can’t be separated. It exists.

Now put your hands on your heart. First your left and then your right and feel your heart. Whenever you feel pain, wary, sadness, because you are getting out of the heart, put your hands there, and let it unfold as it is now, and feel what it is transmitting you. And listen to what the heart will tell you. (pause) I love you, for you exist. Do you hear it? So give a chance to your heart to speak to you everyday.

Before you ask anybody, really anybody, ask your heart first.

It is the guard of the path

Through the compassion, gratitude and understanding that you have shown,

Kwan Yin and the Mothers of the World

Channeling from Ascension Workshops, Mar.08, Athens

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