
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Power Flame of the Solar Heart!

My beloved souls, I am Hathor. I am here for the solar radiation of your soul. This solar radiation needs care, warmth, love, life. The time, to start the engine of life through this solar heart, has come.

Visualize the sea. It is a huge mirror of the Divine. Have you ever seen the sea and the rays of the sun that reflect on it? It is the iridescence of the divine. Have you ever seen the sea stormy? It is the power of the divine that washes up things, puts out everything that it isn’t needed. The male and female energy are in perfect balance. Many people call the sea “Witch, because it has magical qualities. The same way, your solar heart does have these magical qualities. You know, that many times you proceed with the heart, and that is the point of choice. Do I have to choose this thing or the other?

Choose the Joy!

This is the choice that you have to do now, the choice of Joy! This is what creates the solar community. The community of the Light, the community of the connection and the reconnection with the House. Feel, inside your heart, this power-flame of the solar heart and let it shine, lighten the DNA, lighten your own code that it is changing this moment, that it is transmuting, is becoming light, being flooded with  light.

Everything , in this three-dimensional world that you are inside, dyes, doesn’t it?  And this is its fate, its fate is to dye in order to reborn. But you, inside your own solar heart, are the soul, you are the breath. Breathe, take a deep breath. This is the power of Joy, the breath. Breathe in and breathe out. Breath is what it keeps alive this spurt of fire, this pulsated flame inside the core of your heart. The solar centripetal force that sets in motion the entire universe. The more you are tuned with the central heart of the galaxy, the more the rotation speed is being increased. The vibrations of the Light are being increased, and your rotation is being increased. You are rotating beings inside a rotating galaxy which is constantly evolving.

We, the Hathors, are a civilization of the 5th dimension, we bring the joy and we help the work in this change of the evolution, the change of the Earth. Be tuned with the sea and put all the old staff aside, and the sea knows. The sea inside you knows what isn’t needed and now it is the time to wash it up. The time has come for the sea to put it out of the sea of your own heart. In your solar central heart, your soul lives forever.

Your soul is the power, and the power exists inside the joy and breath. What puts you out of this, is the fear. Where does the fear exist? Does exist in the darkness? Yes. It does exist in the darkness in order not to see it. It is there. That moment, the moment of the sacred silence, the moment that all fall down, this magical moment that the fear becomes present, two forces exist. The force of change through the choice of joy, and the force that attracts you downwards, inside this darkness, inside the black hole of the fear. The time to make your choice has come and this choice is the Joy.

- When we are being put downwards, how can we cope with it?

You just have to make the choice, so, something is going to die. Because the joy lives, lives through the breath, so it isn’t pleasant. By making the choice of joy you let something else dye, and what is dying is old, so somehow or other is being subjected to decomposition. But the joy, the soul, the solar soul lives forever. The body is what is being decayed and the fear exists there. The fear of the decay, the fear in general. Joy doesn’t have any fear. You have seen this, so that’s way you choose joy. But when this difficult time is coming, choose, again what it gives you life. What fulfills you and what awakens the adrenaline inside you, the joy, the joy of life, the joy of sharing, the joy of love.

Be tuned with the song of your heart! This is what is calling you, and you know it. It is like a flute playing and you go towards the music. This is the sound of your heart that is calling you, is calling you in a dance of celebration and joy. You, just say, it is not the time, now. Tomorrow I will be ready. You are ready now, wear your beautiful shoes. Wear your beautiful uniform, and begin. The shoes is the choice, the clothes is your intention. Go, the path is open, and a celebration of joy is waiting for you. The time is now, and the music has been playing for so long. Go.

- The time of transmutation of the fear to joy, is the conversional issue of the mind? We cannot control our mind, the way that this transmutation can take place, I mean this direct conversion.

Of course you can. What you need to do is to enter into the ocean of your own heart and let this sea of love and joy wash up whatever you don’t need. This is the way that you DNA is changing, this is the way that your own shield is changing, by existing more and more things, more that you need to put aside. And you, all, wander “ for how long do I have to cleanse myself, how much distance do I have to cover,  what else do I have to find, what else do I have to do? What you need to do is to remain tuned in to your fiery solar heart. The heart that is connected with the pulsation and the heart of the central galaxy.  And this is called rotation and motion, as I told you in the beginning.

So then, as you understand that you don’t need all the things which rotate around you, you just precipitate the rotation in order the ejection to be done. But you are in the centre, you are into the Joy. You don’t have to be influenced, you don’t have to be provoked, because it provokes you and you go there because it attracts you. For it has friction. I am telling you about the pure essence of joy, that it is in the centre, and it is the thing that makes the transmission, it transmits. It pulsates and transmits from inwards to outwards. What you are saying to me it is always from outwards to inwards. They are two opposite things. This is bipolarity. But inside you, in the centre of the fiery solar heart, there isn’t any separation. Everything is in unity. Proceed all of you to the One. Become all of you the One. Return to the power of the One. This is the power of the sea, and this is your power. So this power is so powerful that can cover everything and can give everything. So what are you afraid of?

- I wonder myself!

So it is an invisible fear! This invisible fear exists all over the planet and its consequences you are facing now. All things you are facing as a planet. From our position, since all is One, we see these things, quite differently. You still separate yourselves from the others, “we and the others”. He or the other. I or the others. All are One. What you need to do is either to put rhythm in your life, or to set an activity in your own solar heart, so that each time your heart goes out from the One, from the Whole, to retune yourselves to this again, and it is so simple. The invisible fear is the fear of the body. The body, moves on, it is being hit by the air, the fire, the water and the Earth. But the soul is the one that leads the body, isn’t it? You don’t have to fear anything because your soul lives forever. Your soul is inside joy.

As you move inside the crystalline vibration of your DNA, the codes of the Light change and the most of you have been inside this process. I am here today for you. For a new activation of your DNA. It is what I am going to do now, myself with the Hathors. So feel your heart opening. Listen to the song of the one. Listen to the song of the female energy that is coming now and is establishing upon Earth. The female energy, the Mother Goddess, the return to the One, inside the Love, Power and Wisdom.

This is why  She was in black, like Black Madonna. This is how you were told this, so that you fear this energy, the energy of the One. So as this separation to get through to you. Black Madonna, the misogynism. The time of the Mother Goddess has come and it is now. The time of the White and Red Madonna has come. The time of the Sacred Female has come.

The time to feel, to joy, to love free, to feel beloved, has come. To feel the love for the beings that live upon this planet, even for the smaller elements and molecules. Because all this, is the female energy. The power, the breath, is the male action, activity. But all are One. I am trying to speak with your own language, your own laws so that you to understand me. In our dimension, I am telling you again, all is One. Mother Goddess, Father God, are One, and they functions as One. You are inside this separation as humans, and now the time, of the return to the home, has come.

Home is here, and this home is being repainted from the beginning. This home is being renovated so that you all to dwell here. All that you see in your planet, they exist because the plasters fall down. We scrape the walls in order to be painted with new color. And it will be the color of the Rainbow. And this home is the Earth. It is the new Earth, in which you will dwell, all of you, without any separation, in complete unity and understanding. In love, wisdom and power, that you will begin to honor again, and function through these powers.

So let’s take off all these memories from all of you, out from your DNA, let’s uproot them. Let us do it for you. Let all these old models, go away, the old models that connect you with separation and you live in misery and pain. The time has come for you to enter into the joyful kingdom, into the kingdom of the New Jerusalem. The trumpets of the angels have sounded. The calling has been heard. You are at the gate, we give you the keys now. Are you ready? You don’t need to be afraid. Say it through your heart. Are you ready? Be overflowed with this vibration, from downwards to upwards, all your bodies are changing and whatever isn’t needed is washed up.

The energy of the Hathors is here, and that is taking place now. Feel the wave of Love drawing away all the memories of pain, of misery, of the misery of separation, of fear, of the invisible fear. The fear of your own existence, that you are a little man upon Earth, while you are a brilliant soul that is connected with the whole and then this substance has the absolute power of the divine. By knowing that all are One and without all these this one doesn’t exist. All are One and the One is All.

The soul is All that the One is, the One, One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, One of the One, One, You, you are One, All of you, you are the One, You, you are One, All of you, you are the One,

Let draw away all that are not One and they try to pull you and separate you from the source of the One. You are One with the Source, one with This, one with the joy, one with the power, own with the wisdom. The only one is the Love. And now overflow with the codes of the Light, of the new crystalline vibration, that is the Love in a liquid form, and feel it flowing inside you. For you will be different now. Because you are One.

From within the Planetary Love, we transmit to you rays of Light,


- Lord Maitreya is here, unifying your heart in this new consciousness, now he is touching your heart, and through the Christed Love he overflows you with millions of diamonds, that flow inside your blood. These are the diamonds of the crystalline vibrations of the Light, of the new grid, of the new energy, of the energy Ψ.

All in One. Let’s all thank, all inside us, or outside us, or either way you want, each one of you with his own way, the Hathors, The Goddess Hathor, Lord Maitreya, the Masters, the Angels and all the Beings of Light, and let’s thank Father God, /Mother Goddess, that dwell inside us, and let’s allow this unity to be fulfilled inside the heart of each one of us, so that we feel balanced and completed in all levels.


Channeling from the Ascension workshops, Nov.07, Athens

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