
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Presence of the Female Energy upon Earth!

Beloved children of the Light, I am here today, with you, to speak to you about Love, Light and the presence of the Female Energy upon Earth. I am known to all of you! I am Maria Magdalene. I am here for Love.

I am here for Love means inside your hearts, inside the core of your heart, inside the core of your own existence, being created by Love. Love more people. This is your purpose. This is the message of that life.

Love the people!

Love this sensitive part of your own self. The part of understanding, kindness, compassion, hope, faith, dawn, Christine’s, life. These are the qualities that you need to bring back, into your own life!

Love, love, love the people!

Love, love, love the plants!

Love, love, love the animal kingdom!

And now come with me, step upon these grids, the crystal diamond grids of Self’s Love, of God’s love and of the love of life. Your heart always moves ahead to these grids, and then you come as bodies, because the bodies is what you still see. But your hearts are ahead, showing the way.

Love your hearts. Love what you are, because this is what you create for. This is what you transmit and this is what exists. Be tuned with your heart. Do it now and feel the difference, stepping on these grids. I would like to hear you, I would like you to speak to me about the matters of your own heart. The door needs to open, I am listening to you. Do you hear me? I speak into your hearts. If you don’t listen, which is the veil between us, that doesn’t let us communicate, that doesn’t let your own heart free. Do you perhaps put it there? Did you set it there? Did it make you feel awkward? Did it seem to you peculiar? And if not, listen now. Each moment is there and is waiting for you to listen. This is the heart that loves, maintains and holds tight.

I am listening, what do you have to say to me;

- How will we lift this veil?;

Loved one, you have to love more. The filter of love dissolves everything, and you really know it, that this works, and this is it. Nothing else exists. I have whispered it in your heart, don’t you remember? You have heard it, dear, this is the key and you know it because you have done it. Many times we just forget it. This is what you need to do.

It needs love to remove the veil, you need to love more and more people, you need to make place inside you for more people. You need to make place inside you for the plants, the minerals, the animal kingdom. Each creature, each being inside the heart it will break even the strongest grid that hinders. The darkest veil will be removed and the joy will appear inside the heart, that you all know it. You all know the joy, because it was present from your early years.

A child isn’t scared unless others scare it. It is absolutely aligned, and in perfect balance, of the sacred masculine and of the sacred feminine inside it. That’s why you cannot distinguish if it is a boy or a girl. The identity is put later on, is being put according the beliefs.

The grail of the heart doesn’t have such beliefs, the only belief is the truth of the heart that exists inside the grail. This is the truth in your own hearts too. So in order to complete the answer, the veil doesn’t exist as long as love exists. To sup up, the veil is already very thin between us. The more you move on the thinner it will become, and this, because your hearts have already moved on and you just don’t know it yet. This is what was always happening in history, this is what is happening now. This is what happened during the creation, this is what is happening now. That’s all dearest Mary.

So feel this love, feel it. Feel this love that I am transmitting to you now, and let this warmth from your heart to move forward your mind, because the ice should break, and the ice has been created in the mind, to all these situations and beliefs that this planet moves.

So what it melts is the Love. The Love is the one that  melts any ice. I am here for all of you. Set yourself free and make questions. Move the pain from your heart. Let the joy, let the joy in the throne of the heart and show the new way to the mind. Because the new way is from your own heart which has already moved on. All these seem familiar to you because you know them. So make questions.

-How will we recognize the “new”?

Very simple, beloved. As a child recognizes it. It feels joy, it glows! Everything around the child transmits joy. This is the new! It isn’t scared, it moves, moves on with the heart. The time of the return to the primal innocence has come for all of you and the primal innocence has a perfect balance of Love and Power, through the Wisdom, and this is the way it moves on. It moves forward and creates. It creates in a healthy pattern, existing this way, all that  is.

The heart is a compass, and it knows, dear, where to direct itself, to the new. Many times the choices of the mind are the ones that change the direction, and the compass is getting confused, so you have to search in order to find it. You need to feel that you are strong. You need to feel that you are the sacred female, you and also the men who are in this group.

But you also need to feel the balance between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine, and then the new exists, it is on the way. It is the new age that is coming for you. And you don’t know it, simply because it is new. It isn’t something that you have seen, it isn’t something that you know, with your outer eyes, but your primordial eyes know, and you discover and reveal this brand new in your own life and in the rests’.

An important thing in order for you to move forward, to see the new, is not to be concerned of the others’ opinion. Listen to the heart that is tuned with the divine pulse of the love of the Father God/Mother Goddess, and follow it. Have the strength to follow it.

Is it here? -I could ask you- Why don’t you see it? But we all have passed through this process. Even myself, and millions of others and beings which are evolving. But love moves, love proceeds, the absence of love is what it causes delay. The inner unity comes when the grail is full of love.

This way it flows inside you, this way it creates what you see outside. Be tuned with the grail of your own heart, and follow faithfully all that is shows you. I think, dear, that you are on your way. You just need to trust and enjoy it. To enjoy with the new, because all the rest are assumptions. This is there and you know it.

I would like to give you an exercise, as a group, that will initiate you to the new and it will coordinate you, so that you put aside any veil that exists ahead, and this exercise is very simple, as simple are the things that God creates. As simple is the way we move on altogether.

The language of light is the geometry, and through geometry you will understand not only your own existence but also the entire creation that exists around you, and it is alive among you. See a pyramid surrounding you, a pyramid with four sides. The top of it is up, fill now this space with love. What do you feel inside your heart? How do you feel inside this?

Experience through this pyramid, and when you gather all these experiences inside the treasury of the heart, place them in the holy grail, the senses, the feeling, your visions, the New One. The One that hasn’t been created. Because we co-create it now, together. Because now you start remembering what you already know. The love in your hearts.

Rotate the pyramid now. Its top looks downwards, and you are inside it. What do you feel, what visions, what kind of thoughts are coming in your mind?

Place also these to the treasury, to the grail of your own heart. And then, join me, in a journey. To what you see now, in front of you. To this journey of your soul, that afterwards, you will be called every day to come to this journey of your soul. The effect of this exercise is to begin to see your own puzzle, your own purpose, for this incarnation, for this life.

From the Cosmic, Planetary and Universal heart of the Mother Goddess, from my own heart and the heart of the universe, that echoes to your own hearts,

Mary Magdalene

Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Oct.07, Athens

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