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Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Crystalline Vibration of Love! (Part 2)

I am glad that I am next to you, because you are my family. I am connected with the net of your incarnations on the Earth, and with you as a group and individually too. I came here today, to speak to you about the crystalline vibration of love, for second time.

When I gave you the message last year, about the crystalline vibration of love, you acted then, through the nets of the Earth and the crystalline grids, in order to bring this love, to ground this love. This love is now a reality. It is the reality that you step on the Earth. Either you see it or not. Put in your eyes the water of the Holy Spirit through which I baptized you and see. See the love that exists all over around you.

Feel and sense the love, tit is the only vehicle that will lead you to the new Earth. The new Earth upon which I ascended first. I opened the way, I opened the gate and the gate is still remaining open for 2000 years. Your soul, your entire mind, entered into the heavenly place, either you know it, either you remember it, either you realize it, or not, this is what happened.

I am here today to speak to you about the crystalline vibration of love, again. The crystalline vibration of love contains a clear intention. And it is only one in the whole universe. The universal love includes everything, it contains everything leading the universe to evolution. To a spiral evolution. You are called again to make the transition completely. Follow and commune from this crystalline love.

Feel this sweetness in your mouth. Feel it now. Let it flow in your neck, fill you’re your hearts, I am opening your hearts now so that you see how an open heart is and you never forget this because I will open it now, I will open your door so that you see your greatness! To see the aspect of love of your own soul. See my face in the door, changing with your face. It is true, it is the ticket, it is you, you are I and I am you, within this heart of the crystalline love.

When the human lower ego doesn’t let this aspect appear, this image of your own face is the reflection of my own eyes within your own heart, through which I see everything, I feel everything and I sense everything you sense.

I am here to show you this heart. See it, all of you. You don’t need to close it because the crystal of love contains the absolute security. You just need to realize this, and the rest, automatically, will realize it, because a crystal brings the memories, so you bring this memory, the memory of the imprint. The imprint itself of the crystalline vibration of love, which is contained inside your hearts, inside your complete mind, inside your complete soul. Inside of all that you are.

Let it then, let your ego aside and feel your heart burning, feel your heart pulsating with my christed qualities and your christed aspects.

What does really prevent you from having this crystalline vibration of love, open, transparent, crystalline transmitting and illuminating all around and you as well ? This is not egoistic because it will also enlighten you. Egoistic is the fact that you don’t open it, egoistic is that you keep your eyes hermetic closed to the truth of love and vibration.

You are my family. Return, come here. Come inside my heart. Inside your own heart. There is the elixir “there” for everything, there I have created the place, the place of the christed energy. I and the other masters of wisdom are over there, transmitting this message to the world. Receiving this vibration.

Just the sharing of this love brought me here, and I have been serving you since. I am serving as you have served this love, because love is a service. This is the major service.

What does prevent you then from opening your soul, your mind, sacrificing it, bringing it in front of this crystalline vibration of love?

I am asking you. It is the I. The I always existed as a catapult that directed you to where they wanted to throw you. All the rest, all your other selves. Embody, completely, this love, now.

I pass by in front of each one of you, penetrating your scalp with the rod of the crystalline vibration of love. This rod will remain eternally and this rod is your tool to remember.

This rod is getting passed over each one of you, separately, from the crown to the heart, in order to awaken, to clear and vibrate and pulse with this energy. I am establishing it now.

Do you all feel it?

Yes they all answer.

Do you all feel it? Do you all feel this connection? Do you feel your hearts opening?

Let then, let the song of joy, of love, of abundance. This is the crystalline song of love. As the crystal doesn’t hurt when you throw it to the ground, or when it falls and breaks, it still remains the same. Do not afraid to open your heart. A heart never breaks, a heart never breaks when it has this vibration. It just gathers the pieces and becomes one. It becomes one essence. A source, and its basis is in the Temple.

The exercise I would like to give you is for a group and it will function for the good of all mankind. It needs service. It needs service and love sharing in the world. Imagine all the people functioning with this vibration of love. With this crystalline quality, with this radiation.

Go to the chamber of your heart. This way you will go every day and you will enter into each one of the rooms of your own heart, of your great spiritual heart. Each chamber of your heart needs to be explored.

Because if you don’t see inside, how it will function outside? If you were the Christ how would you function? Would you look the people in the eyes? Without being afraid, would you say the truth? Without thinking of the consequences would you be who you are?

So become what you are. Become Me, and I will be you, and we are This.

I diffuse the crystalline love in your fields, remaining in your hearts,

The Beloved,


Channeling from Ascension Workshops, April.07, Athens

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