
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Change yourselves and this is what you will See!

The issue of the humanity was always the way it perceives me and the way it accepts me, and it is just this. Many Light Workers think that since they work in the path of spirit, the spirit will bring everything to them the next day, and this is an illusion.

The spirit will bring you whatever you have in your own consciousness, because that’s the law. And this is the law of Abundance. How you accept it and how you perceive it! Open your arms, share your gifts. Don’t hold your hands tight, open your arms to the Light.

Is there something that you lack?

If you think it, you will create it. See how many good things exist in you life, see how much abundance you have in your life. Open your arms to the Light and share your gifts. This is the real abundance!

When you feel that you miss something, you are dismal, when you are in abundance you feel a wave of euphoria and joy. Why, shouldn’t you be in abundance, why do you feel that you miss something despite that I am here?

What kind of thoughts do you have? How do you perceive them and how do you accept them?

Do you accept the thoughts the way they come? And if yes, how do you perceive them?

Do you create something so that all the others have something?

Do you create something that will be offered to the others so that they may receive something?

This is the Law. This is the reflection. As inwards, so outwards. As outwards, so inwards.

Why are you trying to be something that you already are?

You are the wonder-workers. I just make your path easier for you and I give lessons where are needed. The spirit won’t bring anything to you, unless you have it inside you.

Say out loud: “I Am rich in consciousness, in abundance, in joy and I share my gifts. I Am easiness, I ease and I am eased. I Am value, and I reflect my value. I deserve, I accept and realize that abundance is created from within me and this is what I see outside me. I have everything, I choose wisely whatever I need each moment and I bring it to the now, and it presents on the now moment».

Do you feel ok with these affirmations?

The all answer Yes.. very much…

These affirmations complete the entire law. Because wherever you choose to be, you are there, at that moment. Whatever you choose to be, you experience this specific choice at that moment, there. God wants the best for you, become the best of you, on your own life. See the truth in the eyes of your heart, and answer me, do you lack of abundance?

They all answer: No…

Then why do you manifest it? Manifest what you really got into your heart. Say, that from now on, I will manifest the abundance. Say it with faith and believe it and make it real every day.

Say: “ I will express, from now on, the abundance of my own heart. I am sharing my gifts with joy, because I know that I will never miss them. Because by giving, I receive. This is the law of Love and I Am the Love, I Am the Abundance, I Am the wealthy consciousness”».

The consciousness of abundance is an ascension consciousness. Make this ascension of your abundance, as you withdraw money, make an ascension of abundance in your own life. It is in your own hands, it is inside you, and this is what you see outside you. As you put make up or you shave, you put something on top of what you see. You put make-up or use the raiser in order to change what you see.

Change yourselves and this is what you will see!

With full abundance,

With full Love and Light.

The Archangel of Abundance

Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Jan.08, Athens

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