
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Channelings (76 ADDS)

The Heart of the Earth & the Essence of Compassion!

m.magdalene 16-7-14

Photo from: Paige Nelson in flickr.

Beloved souls, flowers of the heart of the earth, “Open yourself to the sun, open to Christ Consciousness” this is the message of Father. “Open yourself to the heart of the Earth”, this is the message of Mother...


The Energy of Cosmic Fire!

channeling 24 11 13

Photo from: Τhomas O' brien in flickr.

Πολυαγαπημένες ψυχές, σας αγκαλιάζω τώρα με την ενέργεια της Θεϊκής Παρουσίας, την τέλεια αγνότητα και διά μέσου της Χριστικής Εγώ Ειμί Παρουσίας σας, μυρώνω το κανάλι της αντακάρανα καθαρίζοντας και εξαγνίζοντας το, από την Εστία μέχρι τη φυσική σας παρουσία εδώ.....


A new teaching for change!

m.magdalene 18-9-13

Photo from: Elizabeth Gadd in Flickr.

Beloved souls, I welcome you in the circle of the sacred rose. Let your heart breathe and while you breathe attune with my presence. I embrace all the souls here and all the souls who vibrate in love...


The 33 of Sirius: The Ark of the Covenant!

Beloved workers of the Light, stars of the sky, citizens of the universe, we welcome you in the new reality. We are the 33 beings of Sirius...


The I Am beyond the I Am!

Mary Magdalene

Beloved workers of Love, open your hearts to the Light of the Christ, open your hearts to the breath of love which becomes one with you now and fills you...


Wesak Day: The Revolution of Love!

Mary Magdalene

Beloved workers of love, how wonderfully you are today. Your hearts have opened and your bodies shine. They radiate the Light of the heart. Shining into the light, in the pulse and the call of God itself who lives in you. Into the light behind the light, behind the light...


The Role of Greece for humanity!

Beloved workers of God’s work, the garden of your heart is wide open. It’s calling me to enter the Light of your soul and I do this now... Breathe my presence, breathe in my Light and while you breathe the Light of the Christ you become one with me, one with the Light of the World, one with the Love which is radiated to this planet. One with your love for the planet, your fellow people. One with the entire existence of Love...


Good Will: The Key of Salvation!

Βeloved workers of truth, love and peace, we bring now in your heart the energies of the Christ consciousness, the energies of Light. Beloved we activate now the core of good will inside you. Good will in each man, which is the elevator of this time...


Wesak Day: The Message of Choice!

Greetings beloved ones. I Am Archangel Michael. I come to you now as a group and at the same time I speak to many other groups around the world, giving the same message and the same essence of the love of the Divine to the human evolving race for its next step...


Elevating Greece!

The core of your love, the core of your being, the word, the reflection and the world become one. Beloved hearts, roses in the garden of the divine, the blessed time has come and this is the time for all of you who unceasingly in your thoughts, in your heart the message of freedom was beating for so long, the message of hope, the message of change towards Love...