
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Heart of the Earth & the Essence of Compassion!

m.magdalene 16-7-14

Photo from: Paige Nelson in flickr.

Beloved souls, flowers of the heart of the earth, “Open yourself to the sun, open to Christ Consciousness” this is the message of Father. “Open yourself to the heart of the Earth”, this is the message of Mother...

Open to Earth’s Heart… Be attuned with us now, since you came here through her. Each being is her flower. Each human being is a flower from her heart and you are connected with her through your thymus gland with her heart.

The star of your soul and its memories are recorded in Mother Earth’s Heart and she holds all of her children. The children who are weak, children who are healthy, children with Down Syndrome, children with movement problems and those with mental problems. The easy ones and the difficult ones. Compassion is the essence of her heart.

Beloved ones, you are called as humanity to connect with your roots, with her heart, and the birth of the diamond heart will take place while “all the flowers”, all of her children will allow the star of their soul radiate and the ascension of her own heart will embrace everyone as one human race, without separations, with no castes, as One!


The Thymus Gland & The Connection of the 18 Chakras!


This is connected with your thymus gland. There is the connection of your 18 chakras which extend above and below. At your thymus gland is your connection with the past and the future. There lies your solar activation as souls. There is your higher heart center that is connected with her own heart center.

Feel now this connection from your thymus gland to the center of the heart of Mother Earth and forgive all those that she forgives… Forgive all who are to be forgiven and let this opening of the heart to embrace humanity as One… And while you are released, humanity is released!

You are the cell and the flower, and the flower will be reborn and this rebirth is happening now. Taking place in your hearts and in her heart. Feel this wave coming to your thymus gland and open your hands up to the sky in order for the sun to activate your diamond heart with the codes of Christ, which is connecting with Earth’s Heart and becomes One!

She holds all the memories from all lives for each being who has lived on her, for her every child and she forgives everyone because her essence is compassion. Forgive your self. Let go of all guilt, all memories of death, all harsh situations from all of your past incarnations while she brings now her presence here...

Mother Gaia brings the diamond of her heart here and she enfolds you like a breeze, while the octahedron diamond rotates at the center of this space...

Feel her energies as she heals the solar plexus of the heart, the thymus gland… Feel it beloved ones, connect with it...

As you breathe feel the difference at your spine which is her axis. Feel that rotation around you...

Humanity is called to embody this connection with her!


The zero point is found in the Higher Heart Center!


You need to realize beloved that each day is a different vibrational frequency. Everything is vibrational frequencies with which you resonate through your thymus gland and from there you receive all information.

So beloved while your diamond heart gets activated at your thymus gland your Divine Plan will be revealed because it’s written in there. The zero point is there. In order to live in the present, in this moment, on the now, you need to allow the diamond of your higher heart center shine forth!

And now Yeshua and Thamar come in this space too along with Mother Earth’s diamond heart who projected her heart here as she felt her flowers asking for her, calling her, feeling her. Listen to her calling… She is here next to you...

And so Yeshua brings the solar connection of the 18 chakras and anchors it in your thymus gland, connecting it with these 18 centers one by one… I touch your heart and bring the remembrance of the brotherhood/sisterhood of roses and Thamar activates the radiation of your aura, dancing around you, around your diamond heart bringing the joy of reunion...

The moment has come to celebrate this reunion, opening to the new beginning of Christ Consciousness on Earth and I’m sure that you now love all the world… As she sympathizes, as she protects all of her flowers, all of her children...

Welcome this connection and accept this gift from me today, this day that your frequency was attuned with mine and you are here to receive this gift...

The gift that all humanity receives as you come in contact with the Christ consciousness that envelopes the planet. For you it was this moment and this has been recorded in your thymus gland...

Welcome to the new beginning which starts for you now!

Mary Magdalene.

+| The Portal of the Diamond Heart, 8 to 12 August!


Let your diamond shine and come celebrate the activation of the Diamond Heart Portal!

This Light gathering is a gift from the cosmic heart to your heart. Come and share the blessings and the heart opening while we will be opening together the field for deep healing and planetary service.

Find out more here and register to this unique event!