
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

A new teaching for change!

m.magdalene 18-9-13

Photo from: Elizabeth Gadd in Flickr.

Beloved souls, I welcome you in the circle of the sacred rose. Let your heart breathe and while you breathe attune with my presence. I embrace all the souls here and all the souls who vibrate in love...

From the highest vibration of love to its lowest vibration, I embrace them all because all are seeking for love. True love! More and more will be the people who will be seeking love itself in their life and its presence.

This is the destiny of humanity, to return back to the place it started. To Love!


2012 - 2015: Waves of Transformation!


This cycle of your return has already begun since the summer of 2012 and will be continued till March 2015. Throughout this period humanity is getting prepared, literally is under training for this return to the love of the One, in the heart of the All. Don’t get confused beloved. This transformation of the energy concerns all humanity till the last one returns to love.

Time has no importance to us, and neither needs to be of importance for you too. Each one in their own time will be aligned with the frequency of the living presence of love in their life. So you don’t need to be sad for some people who don’t realize or understand your new self who moves into the true awakening in the process of its evolution, and many of your friends or your fellow people who don’t realise or understand your new self, they may leave from your life for some period.

Definitely you will all meet again in the house of love!


The Special Forces of Love at the first line!


But you are the special forces of love and now like never before your living presence is required, in this incarnation, for a specific purpose. To express love every day in your life, through your actions and your words.

In this way you become a bright example for all who don’t understand, for all who don’t realise. Sooner or later they will be by your side too.  What you need to do is to attune yourself every day with the heart, allowing the energies of love to flood your heart and uniting with us.

I forgive you beloved ones and I say that I forgive you because many of you think that you have done some things wrong... and you don’t forgive your self. I forgive you because I can... forgive yourself too. Nothing is wrong or right, because everything is included in the process of learning, in the process of growth and love always forgives. So do I, as the the expression of love that I am I forgive you.

Till our next circle I would like you to see where you haven’t forgiven yourself, and while you work with it the transformation and the transfiguration of your being will be so bright, so tangible in your daily life. Do it now for all the things you have consciously or unconsciously blamed your self for because it took the wrong way, or did this or that or something that was not right, because love releases you now.

The transformation of the energy beloved ones is happening everywhere, not somewhere out there, but inside you. Change happens everywhere, not in others, but in you. The blessed breath of God embraces you now, inside you. There is the source and this new cycle will help you breathe along with the divine, living a life of a liberated being in love.

You look at the world around you, you focus your energy on other points. What we suggest is to spend more time on your self-observation and to open your heart through breathing. To connect with the energies of the Light, with your highest existence which is embraced by love and to allow that sweetness flow in your meridians, in your chakras, in your consciousness. Each time you don’t forgive yourself your body fills with spiritual toxins and this affects your behavior and your emotions.

You are the special forces of love, for this reason you were born!

For this reason you are here on earth right now. The revolutions on earth will be continued till love is established! You need to be on the first line, with your example and with your life. Showing to everyone the virtues of the Light, understanding what others cannot realise, because sooner or later like I told you, everyone will realise, all will be seeking for the essence of love because that’s what will exist in the end.

Know that I will be there whenever you ask...

At every moment, every minute!

So I now allow the space for your questions and through the energy of love I will set you free, giving to your mind, your heart and your being the essence of love... I hear you....


Mary Magdalene answers to participants’ questions:

Excerpts from the channeling in the Circle of the Sacred Rose. 


Q: I would like to know, how to cooperate with my son, to help him, be together in the Light, to unite our energies, to be in love.

A: Beloved, you know that this child has special abilities... What he doesn’t realise, what he does not understand is why the world is not in love and his reaction is convulsive, abrupt. It seems harsh, many times... But in essence it’s love itself. You said the right word - Cooperation. Cooperation is something that concerns everyone here and also the entire humanity. While you cooperate with each other, the light your produce is greater than each one by their own.

What you need to do is to hold steadily a attitude of love and acceptance. Not so verbal communication with him but by holding a firm position that shows to him that you understand and you realise that what he does that moment is a reaction, because essentially he seeks for the love itself.

So every time you are in confrontation with him, calm down your self first, embrace him and let him feel the energy of love and then talk to him in his heart and not to his mind. When you talk to his mind his system is shorting out and doesn’t accept the information. Does it?! 

-Exactly, that’s how it is!

That’s where the problems are created. All who come in contact with him need to focus on the heart and not on the mind because his system rejects this information. It doesn’t accept them as an answer. I will tell you something, know this, while you will be cooperating in love his energy will change, he will be more balanced and will be able to offer help too, and that’s the higher purpose of his existence in your life. Whenever you need my I will be there.

Whenever you need help ask Mother Mary to embrace him. To transmit the energies inside him. And whenever you want to calm down, call me and I will be there so to see in action what we are saying now...

Q: I ask for guidance, if I can do an exercise to prevent some anger bursts I have some moments that I cannot control...

A: Beloved, you need to work with forgiveness we discussed a little before. I talked on that and I know that I touched you... Also the exercise of protection I gave you earlier is a very good exercise and generally I would like everyone here in the Circle of the Sacred Rose to experience it. I would like you to put it in action.

Regarding your question...

Surely, and many of you here because I know, regardless if you don’t say it, you get in such situations too. Don’t you? The exercise I will give you is very simple. The moment you get angry, focus your heart in order to understand why you get angry. You can ask: What is making me angry now? What is this that takes me out of control this moment? Is it something in you or something outside you?

In the occasions you mention, what made you angry and nervous, was inside you or it was something outside of you?

-It was happening outside but essentially it must have been inside.

Change happens inside you, exactly! You need to allow that change to be established completely because in those moments many alchemical processes happen in your consciousness. Anger is fire and you cannot extinguish fire with fire. Right? You need to allow your emotions to calm down. Focus your heart. Realise that this is coming from you and then do the excercise of protection. Will that be easy for you?

-I will try, definitely!

Don’t forget that you are the special forces of love. You are here of course to try more and more. You are here to be at the first line. If these don’t happen to you, to whom they will happen?

Know that there will be much relief as you connect more and more and receive more the codes of love in your heart, in your consciousness. So what once made you angry it will make you laugh later.

That’s just another way, it’s another understanding where you seek the way to get there and that way is in you. It’s the love of self. Self-respect, self-esteem, the value of your self, there is the cause. Don’t look at the results and get angry. Look at the cause, it’s you, nobody else. Other people show what needs to be cleared inside you. See it as a lesson and not as an attack.

Let your creativity lead you in new ways and you will see that the results will be different. That’s what I wanted to tell you about this question.

Q: I would like to ask about something that is bothering me, about the place I live, if I can create there this moment or to go somewhere else. If this place helps my creativity.

A: Beloved, I’m happy that you are here. I’m glad because you have a rank in the special forces. What happens in your life is a process of a cycle that has been completed there.

Generally what you all need to do is to get together with people who resonate through the heart, to cooperate and serve together for a greater purpose, that’s you work. This supports your creativity, helps you in your everyday life, that’s why you feel great when you gather here at the Circle of the Sacred Rose with people who resonate in the heart. That’s why you feel good. In the place or the area you live there is nothing bad or something going wrong there, it’s just the people who live there are not many who resonate with you in the field of the heart. Isn’t it?

-Yes, that’s exactly how it is!

 So you had realise it. That’s what is pushing you far from that place and it’s good because your creativity needs to be expressed and in that place you limit it. It’s like closing yourself while you have so many things to give to so many people, to come in contact with heart resonance. You understand what I want to communicate to you, don’t you?

-Yes, of course I understand.

So it’s time to let me guide you where you need to be now, because in the special forces you get transfer when you don’t know it. And you learn it when you are just on that new point.

So have a good transfer!

Q: I wish to ask for guidance in order to find the courage to get out of the pattern that makes me get captivated in conditions where I try to convince people who cannot understand, so to resonate with me, and so I delay myself too from realising what I really need and to ask for it.

A: Beloved, the rose of your heart is wide open. Those who cannot smell the fragrance of love emerging from it, it’s because they don’t realise or understand. So you don’t need to try to convince them that your flower smells wonderfully.

Because this is recognized only by the souls whose flower is also open and scents. I give you this picture so to fully understand that what you do has no results in the new energy and you have seen that. Haven’t you?

-Yes, that’s how it is...

What it’s needed now is to allow your new reality and your growth to unfold and touch more people, people who understand, people who realise. Doing that you will get so much blessing and strength inside you and you will be able to continue your spiritual growth.

So beloved, stop yourself insisting or forcing other people to see something they don’t have the eyes to see.

This is true for all of you and while the energies become more intense, those who don’t understand will function in a completely different way from all those who realise and understand. You don’t need to push or force them to realise what you understood. Love itself will be the one who will release and solve any ties and issues.

Some things that are troubling you beloved, know that they will be settled soon. Focus in the rose of your heart while it is connected with me in a very deep and essential way throughout many lives; and you will see that your intuition and your creativity will lead you there where you need to be every time, and the attitude of silence helps you very much while that moment you realise the pattern.

Use it more frequently in such cases, like the one you mentioned and you will be realising every time which is your next step for the self-realisation of the heart, you will know it.

That’s what I wanted to tell you beloved...

It’s so wonderful, it’s so beautiful while your energies have gotten the color of love. I embrace you beloved ones and I raise the intensity of love in your fields.

Spiritual work may seem tough or that you always have to do something specific in order for something else to happen. Neither of this is true. Your energy is so strong and powerful in the pulse and the vibration of love that you now heal your self. You radiate this vibration out and this is connecting with all the wonderful vibrations of this energy in a gigantic net of love.

Continue this work and as you evolve the living presence of love will change the things around and inside you in profound ways.

Mary Magdalene.