
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Good Will: The Key of Salvation!

Βeloved workers of truth, love and peace, we bring now in your heart the energies of the Christ consciousness, the energies of Light. Beloved we activate now the core of good will inside you. Good will in each man, which is the elevator of this time...

Good Will is the elevator of this time!


Photo from zerega in Flickr.

It is the step to move forward in service to Divine Will. Beloved, whatever the personality cannot do, it can be done by good will.

So connect with everything around you, all situations, all things happening to you, in your environment through the eyes of good will and she will guide you in positive thoughts, she will guide you in the path of Love which is the purpose of divine will.

Many programs of the ego, agentas of the mind fall into the void, spiral in chaos, devouring themselves, collide. The truth in your heart and in the heart of each human must now shine!

You will notice that there is raised demand for service and love. This is wonderful while humanity moves towards good will and service of unconditional love.

As lightworkers you need to build peace in you and in the world day by day, through good will you build through your thoughts, your deeds and words.

The key of salvation is found in good will!


Photo from Geoff in Flickr.

The hopeful message I bring to you as a group today and for the planet, is that the store of cosmic evil is ending. Joy will return to Earth! Order will be restored and Divine conciousness will spread in all areas, even to the most dark areas.

Beloved ones, take care of your self. The key of salvation is found in good will! Keep this inside you, work with it. Reveal all of your bright aspects, without fear, fear to be judged for what you are, fear not to hold the energies of mastery in your life. Fear that you cannot cope with it because you don’t deserve it...

I release you beloved ones because I can! You are already free!

Let it flow inside you, let this reality flood you. That’s what you are, a spirit in total freedom who discovers the multidimensionality of Self.

The past connects you with past mistakes and repeats those patterns. Connect with the present, connect with the now moment. This moment of freedom, of absolute love, of honest between us. Let your self to celebrate his/her Light. Break the ties with the ego consciousness and embrace each human on earth, and while you do it you merge with the all; as difficult and harsh that person may be, as difficult and harsh these situations may be.

The Bringers of Love is your generation!


Photo from Luke Tscharke in Flickr.

Know beloved that the entire Hierarchy of Light is in vigilance since thousands of years, for the moments you will live and your eyes will see, for the angels you will hear from the sky calling you back home, which you will ground here. You are the bringers of the dawn, you are the bringers of Love. You have signed for this purpose, for your essence and your soul.

So come to the now, to living present. I will remind you something, many times you have seen young people... Children who were incarnated recently on earth, evolved Souls, you observe them and you think that this is another generation... This is your generation! The evolution of your spirit comes from the future and not from the past beloved ones. Attune yourselves with the truth!

Attune with the truth that you are in the living present and the fruits of Divine Will, the flowers of love will be blooming in your heart. They will be nurturing and empowering you.

Many souls have chosen to make their transition at this time. Know that this is a transitional period, but like I said before the Light fills up, floods, illuminates even more the consciousnesses of people. So the planet itself cannot hold anything lower than this vibration.

Many things are about to change from August till December of this year. Be sure that you are safe, protected. As much as you attune with good will which is the key of salvation because it leads you to Love, know that you have everything you need on the living present. Later you will be smiling, recognizing that you didn’t need them. This is happening in order to live your full freedom.

Through the Light of the World, of Father God/ Mother Goddess, I spoke truly to the family of Light in Greece,

Yeshua/ Sananda.

Channeling from Yeshua through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | 8th Festival, July.12


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