
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Channelings (76 ADDS)

The Light Bringers of the New Truth!

Beloved Light workers, beloved souls on the path to God, you are already on the path; you are already on the road. You don’t need to look behind this. Look only forward. You already step on the soil of the Holy Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem that you have in your hearts, where this connection remains alive.


Tune into the Rebroadcasting Station of Love!

Η Δόξα του ονόματος μου είναι η δόξα του ονόματός σας, είναι Ένα. Αγαπημένες όψεις του Ενός, φωτοδότες της κρυσταλλικής συνειδητότητας, άστρα του υπέρλαμπρου ουρανού που εσείς είστε, νιώστε τη συμπαντική αυτή ενέργεια που υπάρχει γύρω από εσάς.


Ascend to the Mountain of Ascension!

I am Master Jesus, known as Sananda, to all of you. I came to speak to the heart of each one of you here. Do you hear me that I am speaking to you?


The Sword of Truth!

The presence of Archangel Michael is entering in this place now. I Archangel Michael and the legions of angels we surround your group now. Feel this pulsated vibration that we transmit you.


Christ’s arrival in our Hearts!

Beloved beings of the divine, I Am Archangel Michael. I am today amongst you to help you leave behind any doings of your personality that have played their role in your life, and now I come before each one of you bringing a book.


Everything starts from you and come back to you!

Beloved students and mystes from Christ’s Ashram, I am Sananda. Let your consciousness accept the new light codifications  coming from Christ’s Ashram.


The Light is multiplied as we Share it!

Beloved family of Light, beloved souls, flowers in the garden of the divine, let your breathing free. Let your breathing go even deeper.


The Eternal Gate of Unconditional Love!

Blessed flowers of God’s soul, I am pleased that I am here today, among you. Let your bodies free, as you let your though free. Let your breath free as you let your heart free.


The Treasury of the Sacred Heart!

I am among you today and I am very pleased for this. Let the blessings and energies of the heaven inflow deeper in your field. As this will happen, I will offer you a high powerful healing.


The Heart Seeks and the Soul Magnetizes!

Loved ones, I am greeting you through the spheres of the enlightened truth. I am the Master of Love. I am here among you each moment that love is vivid and pulsates.