The Light Bringers of the New Truth!
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- Master Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos
Beloved Light workers, beloved souls on the path to God, you are already on the path; you are already on the road. You don’t need to look behind this. Look only forward. You already step on the soil of the Holy Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem that you have in your hearts, where this connection remains alive.
This connection is vibrant and active in the perception of each one. The spherical understanding of this perception does not come from your mind; why, “how can we do this?” The mind has been created according to the data of other people’s minds. So let this spherical perception to come through from the higher presences and vibrations.
Beloved ones, let us with your every breath to approach you now, me and Mary Magdalene as we now come in front of you. Let us now take from this spherical perception all the ideas and thoughts you have formed regarding your shift in this period, and to bring in the new perception which comes directly through the divine intellect, through the Divine Mind and floods your being and your perception with the paradise codes. Sons and Daughters of God, prepare now.
Get ready now as you receive these codes. Awaken your divinity. Let this happen. You might be feeling the pressure on your head; you maybe feel the pressure on the heart or the soles. This is ok. Don’t worry, since there was something old and now something new is coming beloved ones. Let your hearts to smile. Let your face to attune with the face of God which exists inside you and let all the masks to fall off. You are here, where you were, but not in the same way.
Now, I and Mary Magdalene are among you, on each one and around you as a group and we awaken these codes. The new Christ codes in perfect balance, in order your perception to be conceiving the imprints of the complete consciousness of the Christ being.
Now come in the joy of the return, which essentially, this is also part of the illusion because you always exist there. Simply the mind wants to realize that it returns. That it returns to something from it never left, to something that is already there. Do you understand it now? Do you realize this essential difference? Now come. Your spherical perception can conceive it. Let this process to complete.
We embrace you loved ones because you accept yourself as you really are. We help you as never before in this transition and change you do, because this time you need it and also all people, as never before. What you think to be an obstacle is the intellectual thought which was created in the past, which was separated from God. The Son of God of man is here. Let yourselves too, now, sons and daughters of God, let your breath to the hands of the Divine. Let now too, sons and daughters of God the truth to flow in your blood, to awaken your cellular memory and to awaken the entire recollection of the living Presence that you are, which cannot be controlled and limited. This is the spherical perception, this is the complete view.
And now let from your base a red thin line to move down to the core of the earth, to connect with the core of the earth, and leave in the heart of the earth anything that relates with the earth itself and the planet of the Earth. Like a transmission of all the facts and all the memory in the hands of this being, Gaia. As she changes them, transmutes them, attracting them in her core.
The fragrance of change is intense in your field, because you are being purified by something that it never existed, you were just holding in, in presence and manifestation. Release it, loved ones. And now feel your energy, how different it is, as we charge your field with the paradise Christ codes which fill this gap that has been created.
Become the Sacred Chalice of the new codes of the light. Become what you are, the Bringers of the Light of the New Truth, of the New Jerusalem, the New Earth, the Paradise on earth. I now place my right hand on your heart in order for you to be sure that I am here. To enliven your faith in the living presence, and to dare to talk to me and delegate on me anything that concerns you, because I can help you better than you can help yourself.
And now Mary touches on your shoulders, balancing these energies in you. Loved Sons and Daughters of God, connect as frequently as possible with your spherical perception. While the Paradise Christ Codes will awaken and be awakened inside you, you will find meaning in your life and in the purpose of your incarnation. While this is the joy and the co-creation on the path, on the road, of each one, and this is wonderful while you take on the responsibility to make the next step forward now all together, as individuals and as humanity.
Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda
Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Sept.09, Athens
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