
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Channelings (76 ADDS)

(10-10-10) Sacred Union & Secret Marriage!

Beloved Family of the Light, workers of Love and Truth your soul brings, I welcome you today in the circle of the rose you created in order to support these qualities which are grounding now on Earth and will consist the station for the change of its history.


Ascension is… The Violet Flame of Transformation!

Beloved light workers of the planetary transformation, I Am Saint Germain. I come today among you, to your group so to communicate some important information about the planetary transformation that is taking place now. The forces of the violet fire expand now in great speed on the entire hologram of the earth. This process is constant and non-stop.


Light Portal 10:10:10 - The Sacred Union of the Twin Flame!

Beloved Light workers of truth of the Divine, I speak in the heart of each one now. I transmit the flame of Love, the one which burns alive in the kingdoms of truth, beyond any illusion. I speak to you honestly; this is the essence of your heart. This is the source of your being; this is the light that is guiding you. This is the light you will shine, you beloved ones.


The New Teaching for the Living Guardians of the Light!

Beloved workers of God’s work, I welcome you to the call you got for the truth. To the call of your soul itself to move on, radiating these new codes of the Light of the integrated Christ within the universe of your heart.


Jesus speaks about Greece!

Beloved light workers of God’s work, in January I spoke to you saying that Greece will play an important role on a global level (*1). So you see it now unfolding before your eyes. I will explain analytically which is this role and what is about to come. In March I also talk to you about the energies of chaos that will continue and climax till the July of 2010.


Activation of the Crystalline Pineal Gland!

Beloved Light Workers of God’s Work, I am here today, among you, bringing information of light in reference with the planetary shift, which is taking place now. The dilation process of photons has called forth an activation to the grids of Rose which are activated right now upon Earth. This brings a reflection in your Christ consciousness, which is the direct dilation of your consciousness.


The Energies for 2010 & The Important Role of Greece!

Beloved light workers of God's work, we welcome you now in the new cycle opening for all of us. The new cycle of Light action. This new cycle includes the networking of the Sacred Rose, the activation of the diamond codes of the Christ in humanity and the final alignment of the planet for the Ascension Portal.


Seven Paths Lead to the Garden of the Heart!

Beloved torchbearers of God's service, I welcome you on this mountain, which is still holding the energy codes of the Light of Transfiguration. While you are here, I transmit to you the truth of the Teaching as I did to my students.


The Energy of Abundance & the Divine Consciousness!

Beloved Beings of Light, radiant Lovers of the Divine consciousness, feel comfortable. Let the Divine Eros to upraise your soul and your heart now. Let your heart breathe and be united with the twin flame of your own soul, of your heart, of your essence.


The Planetary Hologram & Creative Love!

Beloved lightworkers, you are in the midst of changes on the planetary hologram called earth. These procedures have already begun and will be completed in 2011. Remain calm now, breath and release.