(10-10-10) Sacred Union & Secret Marriage!
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- Mary Magdalene through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 10 Oct. 10
Beloved Family of the Light, workers of Love and Truth your soul brings, I welcome you today in the circle of the rose you created in order to support these qualities which are grounding now on Earth and will consist the station for the change of its history.
The Galactic Center & the Energies of the Twin Flame!
Beloved, let your hearts to open and receive this Light of Love of the Twin Flame, the essence of the Cosmos Universe which is activating now and passes through the photon belt, the central sun of the galaxy, on your planet.
Activating the grid of the Sacred Rose, the Christ Grid with which you worked for so long, and awakens within the consciousnesses of people the union with your I Am Presence. With your Twin Flame. This union beloved is activating now in every heart.
You can feel and connect now with the network activated by the crystal guardians of the Earth, while the energy spots of the Sacred Rose open and this energy spreads on the planet in Light speeds and woven now.
Celebrate this opening of your heart because at this moment the accelerated light of your heart meets the other lights of all human hearts who attune to this pulse at this moment, becoming one within unity.
Vitiating the models of ego, of egocentric action which brought the planet to this point; in order the truth to rise now within each human heart within its Presence. And so forgive, release and open.
Open the space because shortly this union will be a reality for all of you here. This union within your heart. In the heart of your twin flame that is alive and burns on the altar of the sacred heart of each being who incarnates on this planet.
Closing the Door of Pain:
So I call you now beloved ones. Let this opportunity to become a door for you and close the door of pain for once and for all. Take out the ego with the assistance of your I Am Presence, because now He/She can. He/She can take action and guide you within the truth of your heart. In your essence that He/She transmits.
And so beloved ones, let the sound Alpha to come through your heart, signaling the beginning of the new cycle. The new cycle for the souls of people. Sons and daughters of God, emit now the sacred sound while you unite with the family of Light of the planet...
Thamar, The Birth of the Christ Child within every heart!
And now place your hands on your heart, the left hand touching the heart and the right hand above the left and attune beloved ones with the vibration of your heart which is pulsating simultaneously with the vibration of your I Am Presence’s heart. Come now, let it manifest.
Let this new birth, the new birth of Thamar, the Christ Child, to take place within you because this is happening now, and find in the silence the voice of your heart, the sound of Creation which attunes with her. And now extend your hands out to the world while, beloved ones, I approach in front of each one of you, placing a tear of Mother Goddess in the altar of your heart.
It is a tear of joy, it’s a soul balm. It’s the communion of the Holy Spirit. It’s the transmutation of Shekinah in the anointment of this Child who born in the hearts of men/women. This is your being, your essence and comes from the sacred union of your twin flame. This is created in every human heart at this moment, because there is no separation.
Each human heart holds within her the new birth and this birth gets anointed from the Christ Body of the Christ. All the models of “us and they” are going to collapse from the consciousnesses of humans, because this birth has take place within every heart.
Beloved, bring, bring all the people you know from this incarnation and embrace them in your heart, whoever they are, whatever they might have done. Because they are found within this essence that brought you here, on this point as humanity. The return to the original innocence of your Spirit. The return to your primal love. Recognition will come within every heart.
Opening a New Cycle:
As this new cycle opens beloved ones, so you understand that another cycle closes. Whatever you left out of that door will stay there. Ask in the center of your heart every question for your every choice and let fear out of your heart because love doesn’t contain fear. And now hold in your arms this child within the altar of your love. Within the heart, the inner heart of the inners and connect now with heaven and earth.
Connect with the grid that is activating all over the planet. Connect with the crystals, connect with dolphins that carry these codes. Connect with Heaven and Earth the same time, and see how wonderful is to be yourself the bridge of the rainbow for the manifestation of your Twin Flame. The union accomplished in the sanctuary of your heart and the ceremony of the Roses will manifest in your life, either your twin flame is in incarnation or not. Be sure for this.
I will be the one who will open your heart and you will feel this touch of love that will confirm the truth your essence is calling. The call of the I Am Presence that is grounding now within the center of your centers. I now come behind you with my beloved Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda. I activate the ascension column in your consciousness with the energies of the Integrated Christ.
Co-Creation with the I Am Presence:
The energy of prosperity, joy, complete love, divine eros, reveal within your living pulsating heart. You will transit in the New Earth all together as a society, as a planetary community while service to Love is one.
There are no "buts" and "musts". There is cooperation, co-creation!
This co-creation with your I Am Presence will bring the blessed Work of God on Earth, and this moment is the beginning of a new cycle. So feel the joy. Feel the support, the expansion in your blood, in your cells while this is activated in the core of your cells and radiated now outwards. All of your cells radiate this vibration from their core.
Now come in, within the one core, within one cell, and as you approach closer, going within the center of this cell which is the recorder cell, you will see that a rose has open there. And on this rose there is a diamond. They are the diamond codes of the Christ which hold the akashic memory and connect with the crystal guardians who also hold this memory. All the information is available. They are found within you, and are radiated around your aura, in your spherical consciousness.
Activating the Grails of Light all over the Planet!
So now, with my beloved Jesus we activate the grail of the group with our energies. See from above the place you find your selves, see the golden chalice radiating its rays all over the area of Athens and see the pink-purple Light energies spreading on all the area, shining. See them connecting with every heart and spreading and connecting with the rest chalices that other light workers created, in Greece, other lightworkers all over the planet. Connecting with the entire Light network that emits this pink-purple Light, the pulsating Light of the Sacred Union of the Twin Flame.
Planetary Initiation of the Emotional Body & Achieving Unity!
While the Earth receives in her core this initiation and radiates it in her emotional body, she gets united and unites. There is no separation. It is the illusion of the ego that wants to make us necessary. Let this go away. Feel what is burning within you, what exists in your core and let it express. Let it talk. Let the freedom of your heart to serve you with deeds of love.
Peace is the only thing you are “striving” for. And now beloved we bring you the energies of the Twin Flame of our Sacred Union and we weave your aura. Creating this garment. The garment of the completed unconditional love around your consciousness. Do you allow us to do it? So it is done.
Welcome to the new reality your heart creates.
Welcome beloved.
Mary Magdalene.
To listen the live recorded channeling in Greek, Click Here!
Channeling from Mary Magdalene through Paschalis Kazakopoulos| 10 Oct.10, Athens
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