
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Latest News & Activities (38 ADDS)

Meditation journey...

The three day meditation retreat in Mt. Pelion is complete, leaving a sweet memory to everyone! The workshop we shared was dedicated to the new pearlescent galactic codes...

Meditative Retreat in Mt. Pelion

The Galactic Human!

Beloved family of light, in the near future there will be an important increase in the activity of light and love whose flow originates from our galactic centre and a change in the collective consciousness through the new galactic pearl codes that are being activated.


The Age of Blank Pages!

The previous weekend the new moon was in the sign of Libra (harmony of love), but everyone can tell that we have just passed through a super-active full moon!


Thanks for another great Reiki Festival!

You have heard us talk about the 8th Reiki Festival in the newsletters and on our webpage on facebook. It was one of the year’s most interesting festivals with visitors and exhibitors coming from all over Greece...

festival Reiki 2013

The Circle of the Sacred Rose

When we allow ourselves to receive, we experience feelings which connect us with the real self-respect and self-acceptance. We encourage ourselves by giving us the gift of creativity.
