
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Galactic Human!

Beloved family of light, in the near future there will be an important increase in the activity of light and love whose flow originates from our galactic centre and a change in the collective consciousness through the new galactic pearl codes that are being activated.


Photo from: Jean Michel Priaux in Flickr.

The new light codes and the pearl vibration, which are descending on our planet now under the authority of Sirius, will activate a new cycle of  planetary development. There will be an increased radiation from the Sun as the Earth will be spiraling in a new cycle and this in turn will accelerate the collective consciousness at a higher octave.

We will begin to perceive ourselves as “Galactic Humans”, because our galactic light body will be fully connected and we will gradually realise the presence of galactic beings who work with us. These beings have been waiting patiently for us to be ready to “see” them and work with them.

The mind usually does not accept their presence, as the collective consciousness has not allowed them to exist in the logic framework of this reality. However, as we move towards a new reality based on the heart, we will be able to see through the eyes of love and feel - receive the love that has always been there. It will be a joyful reunion as we begin to become one with our galactic families of light.

However, we could say that this is going to be an intense procedure as we are pioneers and break all the obstacles of fear and illusion which were anchored within the collective consciousness for thousands of years. Thus, we are ready to welcome our Heavenly Families.

As our galactic light bodies will be imbued with the radiant energy of the Galactic Centre through Sirius and the Sun, we will join the acceleration of the galactic consciousness. We will all cross the “fear zone” of the collective consciousness, this obstacle made by humans - created to keep us cut off, isolated and divided from our galactic and heavenly origins.

As we are being reunited with the galactic consciousness, we need to be brave and not to fear to accept our cosmic rights with joy. During our passage through the “fear zone”, it will start to give way and disintegrate, allowing more people to awaken their Heavenly origins as true “Star-children”. The reason simply is that we all “Human Angels”, we are all “Star-children”, whose roots reach their Heavenly Families of Creation.


The Heart is always the Key!


As we are travelling through the “fear zone” as a collective, it is necessary that we be true Warriors of the Heart against the old and solidified barriers of fear and lies.

Beloved, stay focused on your heart and do not allow the mind to slip into anger or fear. During this period when people around us are in any kind of state, often apprehensive and volatile, it is very important to suspend all mental and emotional judgement and live only through the love of the Heart. Many of us have practiced these skills in the previous years but this is the time for you to really be the Heart and live through it.

The following section gives insight on what you may feel and experience this period as well as on how you can handle any symptoms which may arise from this electromagnetic vortex.

On the physical level:

You may feel tired or even exhausted because your energy bodies will be rotating faster in order to respond to the accelerating light frequencies. You may feel energy surges through your hands and legs and these sensations can be quite intense sometimes. You may have trouble sleeping at night and as a result feel very tired during the day. So, rest as much as you can. All is good, you are alright!

On the emotional level:

You may feel that your life is a roller-coaster. Up and down. You may be moody and have sudden bursts of anger or be sad and apprehensive. Some times you may experience intense fear and worry and be afraid to be alone. You may sense that you are about to die but remember that you are only crossing a zone of fear created by human fear and illusion. Just relax, and release those feelings. All is good, you are alright!

On the mental level:

You may feel that everything moves too fast and be mentally exhausted. This is happening because in western culture  the mind is over-activated and in a state of continuous stimulation. An increased light frequency will stimulate even more and will exacerbate a situation which is already out of balance.

Relax, breathe, allow things to pass in their own pace and do not try to “catch up”, because you will never be able to. The best you can do is to slow down and flow with the flow, do not resist, simply accept. All is good, you are alright!

On the Heart level:

You may experience everything too intensely. Celebrate. Reconnect to the cosmic heart beat and feel the flow of the divine creative energy into your every cell. To be exact, beloved light-workers, the more you can be in the energy of your heart the easier it will be to resonate in unison with the flow of light and love, because the Heavenly energy flows in the Heart Chakra and it then diffuses through our physical bodies into the crystal Earth network known as the “Paradise Matrix”.

So, during this period of increased luminosity and energy flow through our bodies into the Earth grids it would be useful to be outdoors (if you can) so that you come in contact with the Devas, the spirits of Nature and the Fairies!

Feel the flow of love and light and release all fear. All is alright and everything is as it is supposed to be! The Galactic Human is the luminescent bridge between the new cosmic energies of the pearl vibration and our planet’s crystal grids.

We invite you, then, to join us at enchanting Pilio from 26 to 28 October 2013 where the 33  Masters of Sirius will work with our group through energy attunements and alignments.

We will connect to the pearl vibration which descends on our planet now and under the guidance of Sirius we will work through alignments and attunements for the highest possible assimilation of the galactic codes.

With the help of the Pleiadian representatives of light we will synchronise with the universal natural laws, finding harmony and balance in our relationships to colours, sound, crystals, healing, music and mantras.

Under the powerful energies of this period's eclipses (18 Oct. Moon eclipse in Aries and 3 Nov. sun eclipse in Scorpio) this interval will be a firm and stable basis of empowerment. Check out the schedule of this meditation escape and contact us to book your place!

Peace, Blessings and Love to All.

Paschalis Kazakopoulos.