
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Meditation journey...

The three day meditation retreat in Mt. Pelion is complete, leaving a sweet memory to everyone! The workshop we shared was dedicated to the new pearlescent galactic codes...

Meditative Retreat in Mt. Pelion


Working with the new galactic vibration we surrendered to the magic of the adventure! Each one experienced this shift in their own way which keeps assimilating while many deep personal transformational realizations took place.

Already feeling a vast change in the texture of the energy, with many adjustments being reflected on the physical body and the way we perceive reality. More revelations and adjustments in the new field of Light will keep unfolding in the next period. With this opportunity we will share with you the new Light codes that anchored in Mt. Pelion in the next seminars at Angels House!

A big thank you to the 17 souls who joined the meditation retreat and supported the weaving of the energies in Greece. The new pearlescent galactic codes and the blueprints we received on the mountain of Centaurs will keep working with us and transmitted to everyone we meet.

Thank you all and we feel deep gratitude for the service you offered!

Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou.



Testimonials & Impressions from the participants: 

 Magical healing attunements that will accompany me for a lifetime! There is a change in the quality of my energy and restoration in trusting my power! Valentine (Thessaloniki)

 This time Pelion was completely different. Full of positive energies, love and light. We came in contact with nature and ascended to the sky, next to the angels. Wish you are always well, filling the world with love and power. Thank you, Tasos. (Volos)

It was like coming home! All the bodies Ι read about in my life came together in these 3 days. Now is a life experience and not just reading in a computer. Thank you. With love, Coby (Holland)

 As many colors and brightness our meditation had, so many colors and light for the years to come. Be always well. Thank you, Panayiotis (Volos)

 The experience surpasses the limits of self-knowledge, it touched our connection with transcendental. Thank you so much, Maro (Athens)

 The color turquoise has always been with me; it lead me to your beautiful country. I have waited a long time and now I feel "at home". Thank you very much! Angels, my family! Gillian (New Zealand)

 Thank you Paschalis and Frixos for taking us in this journey to galactic horizons. Thank you, immense gratitude! Mary (Athens)

 The magical and very energetic Pelion in combination with the deep purifying and healing activations we received, made these 3 days special for me, full of experiences and energy for creative activities. Thank you from my heart, Giota (Athens)

 Deep gratitude for this magical journey you gave us! Lots of love, Varvara (Athens)

 consciousness and that I now levitate connected with the universe and mother Gaia. Litsa (Volos)

 Perfect!!!! *Beautiful Star!* Vicky (Athens)

 A Light journey from a dream, from a mountain flying among two seas and which gives as a gift the magic of humans, nature and love that embraces them. Stratis (Athens)