
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Latest News & Activities (38 ADDS)

Reconnecting the Ancient Temples with the 24 Regions of the Light!

Beloved friends, the joyous messages from the Regions of the Light shower now our planet. On Easter Time we had the honor the visit the land of Egypt with a group of light workers for a sacred journey at the ancient temples.


Work with the Family of Light in Germany!

The work with the family of Light in Germany in October has completed and filled us with joy and satisfaction while the people embraced the new information we shared and very good work was done.


The Goddess Returns to Aphrodite's Island!

On the wonderful island of Aphrodite, Cyprus, we spent one entire month while in August we were given the opportunity to escape for a little bit to a different scenery. A pleasant pause between the upheavals taking place on the social-economic scene which filled us with new pictures and positive energy for the new season.


6th Spiritual Awakening Festival!

Life is the Miracle of Creation, the Magic of Existence through the Heart of Love. Beloved spiritual family of the Light, the 6th Spiritual Awakening Festival brought in our hearts for one more time the sweetness of the Spirit supporting the global community of people.


Light Gathering for Greece!

Open invitation to everyone on the 30th of May for energy group work!

Αγαπητή πνευματική κοινότητα και εργάτες της καλής θέλησης, σας δίνουμε ένα κάλεσμα συσπείρωσης για ομαδική εργασία υπηρεσίας την Κυριακή 30 Μαΐου, ώρα 12:00 το μεσημέρι στο χώρο του Angels House University στην Αθήνα.


Wesak Festival in England & Work with the Family of Light!

The month of April is coming to its end while the new beginnings for all Lightworkers and the entire humanity are signaled by the known sacred Wesak celebration in honor of the Buddha. This time we had the privilege to participate in a unique celebration gathering in Surrey, England.


Dubai: Weaving the Grid of the Christ!

Our recent visit in Dubai, one of the 7 emirates of the United Arab Emirates, completed, leaving a pleasant memory and joy of satisfaction from the light work that took place in the area.


The Rose of Magdalene Blooms in Germany!

With great joy and feelings of reunion and love filled us the recent workshop “Magdalene's Flame” which took place in Germany. This unique work with light workers from all over the country of Germany, took place in the town of Ochsenfurt, located truly in the heart of Germany!


March: with the Family of Light in Germany!

Activation of the Sacred Heart! In the month of March we will visit Ochsenfurt, in Germany to work with the new energies and the new teaching of Mary Magdalene. We have worked with these energies of the sacred couple, Mary-Jesus, in several places in Greece, France, England, Israel weaving the energies of the Sacred Rose. This two-day workshop, “Magdalene's Flame” brings an integrated understanding of the Christ Being and initiation to the mysteries of the Sacred Heart!


The Portals of Light in the Holy Land!

Beloved family of light workers, the recent sacred journey we accomplished with great pleasure in the Holy Land and the holy grounds of Mount Sinai was ineffaceably written in our souls leaving the blueprint of the seal of true love.


Angelic Reiki to the Next Level!

With great success was accomplished the Angelic Reiki Update Workshop, in Athens on the 4 – 6 of December. The Co-Founder of this System of Healing, Christine Core, visited Greece and shared the new information and the new understanding that is coming in this period through the channel we know as Angelic Reiki.