
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Wesak Festival in England & Work with the Family of Light!

The month of April is coming to its end while the new beginnings for all Lightworkers and the entire humanity are signaled by the known sacred Wesak celebration in honor of the Buddha. This time we had the privilege to participate in a unique celebration gathering in Surrey, England.

The hosts weren’t others of course than the amazing Rosemary Stephenson, Edwin Courtenay and Andrew Helme! Unique people full of joy, dedication to their work, honesty and open heart. Their warm welcoming and their hospitality was unrepeatable, something you hardly find these days.

Along with a big group of light workers, healers and teachers we shared love, wisdom and wonderful moments that brought us more closer while the Spiritual Hierarchy and the ascended Masters made their presence so perceptible, welcoming all the group in the inner planes for the traditional Wesak ceremony.

This gathering brought again synchronisticaly many people from different places of the world in order to support the new energy that is anchoring through this special day. Souls who met again in order to share the next phase of the divine plan on the path of life. Edwin Courtenay, channel for the ascended Masters and clairvoyant, opened officially the celebrations introducing the group in the sacred space, chanting sacred mantras with his own exceptional way.

Photos with the family of Light in England!

Next Paschalis and I presented a workshop with information about the new teaching of the integrated Christ. The energies of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua/ Sananda anchored firmly in everyone, preparing the group for the entire year till the next Wesak, giving guidance and strong empowerment for all of us. The Spiritual Hierarchy shared ascension activation with the participants, replenishing our dynamic for the period that is coming.

The pleasant atmosphere that was created couldn’t be so joyful without the exceptional humor of Edwin while he communicated his knowledge from the Buddhism tradition about the importance of the Wesak; assisting the same time the group to release any blocked emotions and concerns connecting with the period that had just closed.

Regarding the hostess, Rosemary Stephenson, approachable and hospitable as always, she colored the day with her angelic voice bringing in the space the energies of the violet flame for transmutation, calling in the presence of the archangels for the works of the day.

While I write our impressions from this trip to England, I listen to Rosemary singing I am the Gold Silver Violet Flame…» from her new CD “Songs from the Soul” recalling the sweet feeling of this gathering. The music from her crystal bowls continues sounding pleasantly in our ears…


Of course I cannot omit from the group Levi Attias from Gibraltar, one of the presenters. A very special man, multitalented, communicative and with abundant knowledge in Kabbalah, the Bible and the ancient scripts. Levi shared through his experience profound sacred prayers giving examples from the hidden code in the Bible and how this can help us esoterically this period, showing the same time how diachronic are the esoteric messages from the sacred scripts.

The celebration completed with the Wesak ritual, guided by Edwin, bringing the blessings from Lord Buddha, the Christ and the Maha Chohan, while Paschalis and I sealed the works with powerful mantras for the Light body, concluding with a prayer from Levi.

Everything flowed so smoothly, full of grace, joy, love, communication and unity showing a new paradigm that light workers can be united, sharing honesty and bringing tangible changes in their lives and the lives of their fellow people. A new beginning starts now for all of us lifting us up with grace in the Light.

A big thank you to everyone who participated in this gathering and to all who helped in its successful conduct and completion. May the blessings of the Wesak spread in your lives and this new beginning to guide you deeper in the flame which burns brightly in your heart.

Frixos Christodoulou

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