Νιώθω πολύ πιο ήρεμη, πιο σίγουρη και πιο διαφορετική... “Νιώθω όπως ένας “άγγελος”, πιο φωτεινή και με μια δύναμη κάπως διαφορετική και πιο ισορροπημένη και πιο καλά γειωμένη στα πόδια μου. Νιώθω επίσης πιο ήρεμη και καθησυχασμένη. Ρόζυ Μ.

Από τις ωραιότερες εμπειρίες που μπορεί να βιώσει ένας άνθρωπος στη ζωή του. Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που αισθάνθηκα και είδα τις ενέργειες να με πλημμυρίζουν. Νιώθω ευλογημένη που το έζησα όλο αυτό! Μαριάνθη Χ.

Περισσότερες Εμπειρίες

Angelic Reiki 1st - 2nd Degree

3 day Seminar


Angelic Reiki 1 2 cover banner 2013


Become a channel for energies of healing angels!


Angelic Reiki is a contemporary system of healing which synthesizes ancient wisdom and new thought. A complete system of self care and healing that works on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Its application is simple and the seminar is designed in such a way where everyone can joy and apply it immediately.

During the seminar you will learn how to come in co-creative contact with the healing angels and you will expand your understanding about healing. In simple and direct ways you will learn how to bring changes in any aspect of your life, whether this is health, your job, relationships, to support your family or other people. While the angels have no limits in their healing, your reality is about to change in miraculous ways!


What happens in the Seminar


At the beginning of the seminar Paschalis and Frixos will present in their first introduction a new understanding about the angels and how the dynamic of Angelic Reiki is underpinned by it, the background of the system and the history of angels and reiki.

One of the basic elements of the seminar are the meditations - attunements presented. It is about an experiential harmonization through the angelic kingdom. We will share two angelic cleansings from karma and other energy blocks which limit the potential in healing.

You will also experience two attunements to the 1st and 2nd Degree of Angelic Reiki. These attunements are given in the most perfect way from the Angelic Kingdom directly to the participants. From that moment on a healing Angel will accompany you to all sessions you do in this incarnation!

Already from the first day of the seminar we will connect with the Angelic Kingdom bring the experience of the angelic field for everyone to experience. While you will be connecting with the Angelic field you will be merging as one with the angelic consciousness bringing shifts in your consciousness, something that changes the light body, the DNA, expanded perception and other aspects of reality.

Having as a base these attunements we will explore the possibilities opening before us. Paschalis and Frixos will guide you through practising several healing methods. You will learn how to connect with the angelic field, how to work with the angelic energy, locating energy blockages and in simple ways allow change to occur.

Through the teaching, personal examples, practical application, answers to your questions and queries, we will build a strong base in order to be able and confident to use all tools directly to your self and others. Through this work you will be in a position to work with any issue or pattern you would like to shift.

The last day of the seminar we share a special attunement for your merger with the Angelic Kingdom. During this deep harmonization 30 Archangels transmit energy attunements, which allow you to merge with the energy of the Divine Mind! 

The seminar experience is unique and many changes unfold while you will be merging with the angelic field and the angelic vibration starts flooding your being. Traumas, pains and blockages are usually released in a way full of grace giving space to a new reality to surface.

Also there is a complete information and work which provides you with the tools in order to expand your practise beyond the seminars and parallelly you are equiped properly for an integrated application of Angelic Reiki. 


Some of the subjects we will explore


The energy centres (chakras).

The 8 mutli-dimensional symbols.

Healing methods: as a channel, healing with intention to locate specific patterns, multidimensional healing (space - time, past incarnations), distant healing, healing for pregnant women, children, infants, situations, work with the ascended Masters and galactic healers, self healing, attunement with the crystals of Atlantis, clearing and activation of crystals, essences and spaces, how to create a healing space and much more.

With your participation to the seminar you will receive a full manual for Angelic Reiki 1st - 2nd Degree, a personal Master crystal which will be harmonized for your healing work and attendance certification.





An unprecedented, transformational, thrilling and touching experience of reunion with the energy of Light and Love. A purification of the soul and body which shook and still shakes my entire being.

For first time I felt the energy flowing in my body so intensely, so powerfully, so truly. A revealing three day seminar that I strongly recommend to everyone. Stavros K (Athens) Read more...


workshop dates logo new

11 - 13 Oct. 2019
7 - 9 Feb. 2020  
22 - 24 May 2020

Participation Information


Participation: 350€ | Registration: 50€

Times: Fri. 17:00 - 21:00  Sat. & Sun. 10:00 - 18:00

Repeat: 250€

To participate please contact us or click below to register:

