Shambhala 13 Dimensions
4 day Seminar
The diamond light of unconditional love!
Have you ever dreamt of a land where people and nature are in perfect harmony, where peace and beauty prevails? A land where nature is colorful and alive and there is heartfelt communication among people, trees, the animal kingdom and the celestial beings?
On the etheric level above the Himalayas, the Masters who lived on earth and ascended, hold in their consciousness the divine perfection for the entire earth. This possibility exists and we can experience it here, now!
"Shamballa 13 Dimensions" reveals in a grounded and practical way the promise of heaven on earth. The seminar is a strong reconnection with the Masters of Shamballa and the consciousness of perfection.
Through the teachings of the ancient wisdom about the nature of life, mind and being and the perception about reality, and going through energy attunements in the 13 dimensions you will discover how this perfection exists around you and how to embrace it.
Shamballa 13 Dimensions is a platform for transformation and a passage through the veils for a brand new life!
What happens in the Seminar
This seminar is a journey of self discovery through the 13 Dimensions of reality that helps everyone embrace their divine being and expand their perception.
We will explore the 13 Dimensions of reality one by one and experience them in a practical way and also through the 13 initiations - energy attunements.
During the seminar we explain and share important information that are interconnected, giving you the opportunity to open your perspective while we will be going through the understanding offered by each dimension.
The teaching presented here helps you disconnect from the negative perspective, the dramas, the emotional games of life and relationships, giving you the opportunity to break free from the chains of the mind and to understand its nature. You will experience a deep reconnection with life itself, with the joy and the meaning of being in the here and now.
Also you will connect with the energy of the ascended Masters of Shamballa and the divine aspect of Divine Will and Love - Wisdom. This seminar is a major attunement to the energy of the master, the energy of self-mastery and will.
All understanding drawn from this experience will accompany you like precious diamonds in your everyday life. After the recent activation of the “Mahatma Portal” on the 31st of August 2012, the energy that pours in the seminar has gone on a new level, providing greater and stronger access to the energy of Shamballa!
Moreover we will explore several aspects such as the spiritual warrior, the observer, creative inactivity, the programming and the projections of the mind, the emotional body and other facets that will allow you to embody them in your life.
The seminar unfolds in such a way that offers deep realizations and in combination with the energy attunements that will lift you on a new level of understanding. Parallely you will experience a profound connection with the spiritual Hierarchy, the ascended Masters and the Light beings who oversee this work.
You will learn how to work with the sacred directions and how to bring down the energy of Shamballa as a method of multidimensional healing.
The seminar experience is one of empowerment and expansion. The participants usually feel greater centerdness and confidence in themselves, experience greater peace and harmony, compassion and understanding while they release restrictive beliefs, judgment and other.
“Shamballah” seminar offers you the opportunity to make a fresh start, changing the way you see and experience life, your self, your relationships and existence itself. An invitation to embrace more the perfection and the gift of life.
Some of the subjects we will explore:
Staying grounded in the now moment, the meaning of blood, the galactic races and the crystal skulls (new attunenement), devas and elementals, Shambhalla - the diamond Light of unconditional love, clearing meditation and Light Body integration, brain balancing. A full manual and certificated is provided.
A profound, transformational and moving experience of merging with the energy of Light and Love. A purification of soul and body that keeps exiting my being. For first time I felt the energy moving so strong, so true. I strongly recommend it. Sabrina B. (Athens)

19 - 20 May 2018, Athens (Part 1)
26 - 27 May 2018, Athens (Part 2)
Participation Information
Participation: 650 450€ | registration: 50€
Times: 2 Weekends 10:00 - 18:00
Repeat: 200€
To participate please contact us or click below to register: