The Flame of Magdalene (Two day Workshop)
The Flame of Magdalene
2 day Workshop
With the Founders Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou
The Secret Teaching of the Sacred Heart!
An experiential workshop which brings the energy of living love and the Christ consciousness. The seminar experience is that of heart opening and love experience, communion with our Divine self and soul essence, freedom, relief and empowerment.
The workshop has a healing and self-knowing character. Through the teaching of Mary Magdalene many restrictive beliefs that block the flow of grace in our life are released and the relationship with our self, the Divine, people and life itself is improved.
Many restrictive patterns, traumas and situations from our personal experiences are released in grace through this teaching. Also you learn how to work with this energy for healing, how to develop the Christ consciousness within and how to listen to the guidance of your heart. The workshop is a diode that activates the Divine spark and opens the portal of living love in your life...
Exploring the Christ Consciousness
In this workshop Paschalis and Frixos present the new teaching of Mary Magdalene that they received through channeling the last years. We will explore the essence of the Christ consciousness as a path to fulfillment.
Beginning this journey there is an introduction to the new teaching of M.Magdalene and we will gradually remove any limitations and programming that prevents us from experiencing the presence of the integrated Christ in our life.
Through useful information, energy work and experiential exercises we are going to release deep rooted traumas that block the flow of love within us. All this happens in a very graceful way.
While you will be reconnecting with the field of living love many realizations come up and liberate, issues regarding the relationship and the image we hold for ourselves, our relationship with our parents and other people, the inner child, emotional traumas, the relationship with Spirit/ God-Goddess, and many other conditions that are transmuted in the living field of love and divine Grace that embraces the group.
Usually the participants feel an emotional release, inner peace, love and will for life. The connection with the guidance of the heart is enhanced while many negative energies such as anger, non forgiveness, bitterness are alleviated or completely removed.
The Secret Teaching of the Sacred Heart!
Experience the field of the heart, the center of Love in a deep way like the master of Love herself reveals. It’s about the secret teaching of the Sacred Heart and the path of the roses. Under the guidance of Mary Magdalene, whose the living presence and energies overlight the seminar, you will experience a strong initiation that awakens the 12 Rays of the Sacred Heart. You will learn how to work with this energy as a way of self healing and fulfillment towards the Christ consciousness.
This energy was available in the past during the Atlantean times at the temple of Love, and later in ancient Egypt, the priestesses who served in the temples of the Great Mother.
Also we will present information such as the holy grail and how its related the the Light codes of the Christ and the DNA. What are the soul mates and twin flames, how this works inside and outside and the way it is reflected in practical life. We will apply several dynamic techniques for merging your consciousness with the Christ consciousness and you will be able to apply them after the seminar too.
Paschalis and Frixos guide the participants through practical information, energy attunements and harmonizations with the Flame of Mary Magdalene, the ruby-golden ray, the diamond codes of the Christ, the divine spark, reconnection with the Regions of the Light etc. The synthesis of this work will allow you to make a fresh start and see life through an expanded perspective, touching your course in a profound way.
A special part of this workshop is the living contact of each participant with the active presence of Mary Magdalene so each one to have a directly personal and transformational experience.
In these gatherings we do live channeling from Mary Magdalene for guidance and expansion of the teaching while a personal message is channeled for each participant. The direct contact with the energy of the Christ consciousness opens the doors for instant transformation for a life in the path of divine grace.
Paschalis and Frixos have presented “The Flame of Mary Magdalene” the last years in many places all over the world: France, England, Cyprus, Scotland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Dubai, Israel... Giving the opportunity to many people from different cultures to embrace this energy in their lives!
I am usually good with words but I feel there are no words to express my joy, love and gratitude for your presence and your guidance. You see me ! and my heart fills with tears of joy thinking about it. I want to thank you for the channeling, it means the world to me to hear Christ's words of love and wisdom.
You, my dear Paschalis, are so in alignment with His light and love that I feel blessed and comforted to have met you and to have you in this world. I send Frixos my love and respects, he reminds me of purity and unconditional love. May we all continue to serve the light ever so more in this year. Reshma (Dubai)
I would like to thank you once more for that wonderful joy and love we shared. It was really powerful, and for me, it was such a nice (and first) experience to be in such a close energetic contact with Maria Magdalena and Yeshua. Sophia.T (France)

14 - 15 Sept. 2019, Nicosia / Cyprus
Participation Information
Participation: 200€ | registration: 50€
Times: Sat. & Sun. 10:00 - 18:00
Repeat: 100€
To participate please contact us or click below to register: