
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Crystal Children of the New Aeon!


Photo from: Crystal in flickr.

Beloved human angels, there is some time now that I have been wanting to write this article concerning the incoming waves of the new children. The information is now complete and I am ready to share it with you....

Let’s welcome these high and special souls who are being incarnated on our planet by learning more about them and unfolding their gifts. These new-coming souls travel towards our planet on the rays of the Angels and the dolphins. They are children with developed spiritual properties.

 Their hierarchically high placement is because they are deeply connected to the sixth dimension and they are highly evolved souls. Integral part of these children is the spiritual relationship they have with their higher self. Every one of these eleven soul groups that I will describe below has higher spiritual traits, talents and gifts. It is very interesting that these groups communicate with one another through the dolphin channels on Earth.

Those of you not familiar with the dolphin channels will find the following information useful and you will be able to understand the function of this network. The dolphin gateways are high spiritual activity networks which are anchored to the ocean gates inside the Earth and form a powerful type of human telepathy.

This spiritual network expands continually to embrace and help those who do not live in connection with their higher self. Crystal children have come to our planet as a big family consisted of eleven distinct soul groups with the purpose of helping all these beings to connect with their higher self.

Although each of these eleven groups is unique and different in various ways, they share one characteristic: their connection to the dolphin gateways. We could say that these gateways are the channels of the crystal light through which the higher vibrational mind travels within the earth plane.

This grid is held together by crystals in the Earth which are located at the North and South Pole. Every insightful child is etherically connected through the heart and the third eye chakra. In other words, there is a beautiful etheric crystal inside each child’s heart and third eye chakra which connects his/her awareness with this sacred network.

Those crystals are etheric and made of light frequencies. They facilitate instant spiritual communication, which is the reason I mentioned earlier that they form a powerful type of human telepathy. Every crystal child has a higher insight of all that are happening in their environment and possess increased amounts of unconditional love.

Dolphins are closely related to these children as they share the gateways with them as well as having a close cooperation and communication with them. Dolphins bear a crystal in their hearts as well which is their connection to the sacred grid. They also have a crystal in their tails, which allows them to receive messages from other dolphins or from entities which dwell in other dimensions and communicate through the grid.

Every crystal child who originates from one of these soul groups has a supportive nature and experiences this connection as something natural. These children have the power of deep thought and the ability to turn inwards in search of answers. Occasionally they are disrupted by interference of spiritual vibrations which do not originate from the heart: this fills them with energies that do not come directly from their higher self. These interferences may be coming from their environment or other beings or from other dimensions of themselves.

As these children learn to open up in a more wholesome way, to ground their abilities on Earth and to be accepted by society they will learn how not to be disturbed mentally and spiritually by other presences. At present, when these disturbances occur the balance of their emotional and mental bodies is affected.

The eleven soul groups that are described below are arranged in such a way so that there is help for all, the insightful children, their parents and friends and that they discover the connection and their soul purpose. These eleven groups will give you a clear description about the purpose of each group. Every individual child, however, have got their own unique purpose within the framework of a group purpose.

After discovering the group each child belongs to, you and the child together can reach the child’s unique Divine Purpose with sufficient accuracy. This can also help towards the education of these children, since every child has got particular gifts and he/she may need special education in order to see these gifts within himself/herself.  A great number of Angels will gather around us as we talk of the forthcoming eleven soul groups of the children who have been born and are being born on Earth. Let’s have a close look.


The Eleven Groups of Crystal Children!


guido caprini

Photo from: Guido Caprini in flickr.

1. The Crystal Children of the Elohim!

These children have got  a distant origin and they have not been on Earth for very many a year. They have existed before, when the Earth was in a non material form before it descended in the physical plane. They are deeply connected with Lemuria and the cities of light which are Anchored in the Oceans and the watery world of Earth.

Through songs and language they tune all the souls with love and the experience of love through vibrations. Their touch may be subtle but it is deep. Each of these children is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. They are here to transmit sound and transform the vibrations of the environment they live in through sound. They broadcast sounds which they create within them and some of them will invent a new music through those sounds.

Sounds anchor a new vision for all Earth beings, a vision connected to the collective consciousness and the expression of love. Their powers are unifying and they love bringing people and souls together. Many of those souls have been born in female bodies. The percentage of female incarnation is higher than the equivalent male one. According to what they say, this is only a present phaenomenon so in the years to come many more will be incarnated in male bodies.

One common characteristic, which they are eager to communicate, is their difficulty with distorted sounds, or the sound vibrations of people who lie. This inflicts a deep sadness on them as they know when people are lying.


2. The Fairy Crystal Children!

This is a large number of incarnated souls, but unfortunately some of these children are facing very difficult conditions here on Earth at present. They are here to open humanity’s hearts and help the more sensitive and hidden parts of ourselves to accept love. They know what is hidden within every being and why.

They have great counseling abilities and a deep connection with the fairies on Earth and the stars. They have a tendency to play in other kingdoms and explore this connection as there is a commitment between the fairies and those children to help humanity and the Earth spirit live in harmony.

They love Earth very much, as well as flowers and gardens and they would love it if everyone had a garden. Their hearts‘ dream is for every family to have a garden in the future which will fill them with love and vitality. This is their vision about Earth’s future and it is one of the reasons they are on Earth: to cause the need for the creation of more gardens on Earth. They know and feel how detached city people are.

They are openhearted and polite as to their divine configuration and they are eager to act in a unifying way for those who face emotional problems. Whenever they feel that other beings are having a hard time looking into their hearts and resist they become one with their soul and help them to release the pain which is probably trapped inside them at a deep level so that they can open their heart.

These children have powerful vision and are spiritually aware due to their multidimensional vision. They see other kingdoms like those of the Fairies and the Angels which helps them when on Earth to be able to hold this connection at deeper levels.


3. The Crystal Children of the Emerald Ray!

These children are the guardians of the Emerald Ray. They too have powerful vision and insight of the other kingdoms and of what is happening to those who connect with them.

Their commitment is to help all the beings who face difficulties with astral energies and they spend their time as souls helping those who get trapped in the astral grids or are being influenced by large astral thought-forms. They cooperate closely with Archangel Michael and the legions of Light helping those with difficulties and problems in the world.

They are here to support the astral plane’s release from the Earth and as souls they are characterised by great patience. It is very hard for these children to be influenced by those around them. They look like solid rocks when they are in tune with their connections. They are very grounded and they bear a Buddha kind of energy when they fully open their hearts and reveal the divine truth and wisdom they have within.

They have the ability to scan energies from a distance and know the way with which they can help souls free themselves from energy predicaments they have never experienced before. Each one of them carries the sword of the emerald ray which allows them to help all the souls which are emotionally tied to the astral plane.

They busy themselves with herbal remedies, herbs and they have excellent knowledge of Alchemy, the mixing of plants and producing medicine.


4. The Golden and Emerald Crystal Children!

The children that belong to this group have a very strong inner knowledge and faith in everything that is happening. They face some difficulties regarding their relationship to the world in its present state and the way people relate to each other all over the world.

They understand that this is a fragmented society with different sets of rules applying to different people depending on who has got the power. They are trying as a group to perceive in which ways people have lost their sovereignty and their connection as a tribe so that they will be able to help.

One of their main problems is people who want to control them. Their conscience is not in tune with authority, which disconcerts some of them. They carry much knowledge which they want to share in a non-hierarchical system. They are here to form a way of creation of such a system so that they would share equally and be seriously considered.


Photo from: Marco in flickr.

They wish that a new educational system is created for all the children and they hold the keys of its creation. Their mission is to help other children embrace and consent to that creation, through which the way will open so that children in the future will create and learn  together.

According to what they say, they are aware of other children’s gifts and the keys they bear as well as of the way that will allow them to surface. They know that there is  a particular time for this to happen and they also know, through their higher-selves, that the time is near.

They have the gift of communication in a hierarchy free environment, otherwise they experience communication difficulties. Each of these children is deeply connected to the teaching of the new children  and they all have leadership abilities in a non-hierarchical framework.

5. The Aquamarine and Silver Crystal Children!

These souls are amazingly honest and speak directly from their heart when they communicate with others. They love simplicity and beauty as well as simple prayer rituals and meditation through which they connect with their inner self.

They are here to anchor and create a sacred space. They are here to change the environment and create a new one. They possess powerful abilities of creative visualisation and they can conceive an idea and visualise it immediately, see the materialisation procedure and specify what is necessary for an easy and perfect manifestation. They focus on the creation of beauty  and they love to be surrounded by beauty and serenity.

These children are here to activate the energy of peace everywhere by creating sacred spaces in various places of the world where the sacred connection and the activation of the vibration of peace and love is needed. These children are devoted to what they have inside them and they do not analyse it too much. On the contrary the see and recognise beauty around them and in others who can share the beauty within.

They talk about the positive aspects of others and encourage the development of all positives. They are gifted with the ability to see the divine potential of all things and what to do to develop it.


6. The Silver and Platinum Crystal Children!

The children of this group transform and unify all energies that pass through them. They change them and transmit whole frequencies to their source. They have huge heart chakras and feel great compassion for all beings. They receive everything that is given to them with an open heart and they accept it in order to transform and unify all energies.

These children are teachers of alchemy and have the ability to transform all energies through possessing the true power of alchemy. They know that people have not yet fully assumed responsibility for their energies and they feel sorry for them. They know that people are not ready yet to assume full responsibility for all their energies and for this reason they have come on Earth to help.

They know that in the future more and more people will be willing to take responsibility and choose not to project their not transformed energies. Therefore their mission lies on supporting others to claim responsibility.

These souls advocate new ways of using the energy, which will not affect others negatively. They protect souls who are recipients of negative energies and not able to digest them by absorbing, unifying and transforming them. They learn how to cooperate in a more dynamic way in order to create a larger support network which will  transform all negative energies.

They are aware of what many other insightful children are coping with and that some of them face difficulties and need help. They visit them and help with the energy changeover. They have the ability of soul travelling and of receiving directly from the source what they need to help those in need. They command a panoramic view and are in a position to see the energies they want.

They possess powerful distant vision as well as microscopic or macroscopic vision (zoom) which explains their ability to perform and help others from a distance. They have been charged by their Divine Source to supervise those who are learning how to live in peace and to be responsible for all the energies. They have also been asked to supervise humanity by blocking every negative energy projection.


7. The Blue and Golden Crystal Children!

This sacred soul group holds the energy of inventiveness and the souls belonging to it are very inventive. They are here to create new forms and inventions which will help every living being including Earth. Their hearts enlarge every purpose they connect with.

They possess new healing gifts for all humanity. Each of these children are closely connected to sound which is very important to them. Sounds around them can inspire them and reveal their creative spirit or they can be affected in a more limited way.


Photo from: Crystal in flickr.

These souls are very expressive and their purpose is to freely share the ability of being expressive  with others so as to help them express what is in their hearts. They owe their creativity and ingenuity to this power of expression which allows the birth of their healing gifts on Earth.

Without the freedom of self-expression in their environment, these children feel exhausted and pressured. Within each of them there lies an ocean of expression that knows no boundaries when it comes to creating harmony, balance and the flow of the divine feminine energy through playing. These children have come to help everyone to honour the female energy and to reveal feminine expression though creative playing.


8. The Pink and Emerald Crystal Children!

This group is full of souls who are guides and teachers and inspire people. They are deeply connected to the invisible worlds as wisdom keepers. When they sleep they travel to the inner fields’ schools since each of those souls is greatly focused on ascension and divine wisdom.

They are ancient souls who have been incarnated many times as teachers and they have returned to Earth to inspire all souls and to offer wisdom through their teachings. They are fond of doing this in an invisible way, without anyone seeing them or attracting attention, until the time of their appearance comes.

Their calm wise words, which may sometimes startle parents, are signs that they may belong to this soul group. These children are high thinkers but not intellectuals since they are experiencing a complete balance of mind and heart. Their vibration and connection to Earth has remained stable since they have come and ascended on Earth before.


9. The Rainbow Crystal Children!

These children have incarnated in all the races and their purpose is to help people from all over the world to open their hearts to each other without race, language, colour, or culture discrimination.

These souls have incarnated in various civilizations and they possess the way of helping people open their mind and heart without judging other races and cultures. They have come with the purpose to unite civilizations and help all people bridge their differences.

They are deeply connected with Earth’s new vision and they are directly related to the ancestors and guardians of mountains on Earth. They connect the ancestors with all the gifted children  and with all the spiritual love network participants. As they grow up, they will talk on behalf of the mountain ancestors and share the wisdom of those Earth guardians.

They have a deep spiritual connection with the inner Earth current which is known as the Rainbow Snake. They are also keepers of secrets which help others find their way and purpose as well as the free flow of their heart.


10. The Crystal Children of the Elves!

These children are deeply connected to the Spirit of the Earth - the spirits of nature, the elves and Archangel Sandalphon, the guardian of all Earth Kingdoms. They are here to bring joy and lightness in all activities and connect everything with the joy of being on Earth connected to Her spirit.

They have wonderful gifts of communication with the spirits of nature and all the Kingdoms of Earth as they are extremely telepathic beings. This ability allows them to understand the healing potential in all plants and animals, as well as the full of vibrations substances from all beings on Earth.

 Crystal 2

Photo from: Crystal in flickr.

They bear within them the key of the heart so as to help in the restoration of the Earth field, the restitution and healing of the areas which have no connection to nature and whose Earth energy has faded out.

They are here to balance from the beginning the natural flow of the energies in the various areas of Earth and to guide others in balancing them in the future. Their innermost desire is for Mother Earth to be free to bloom and for people to live in harmony with the earthen Kingdoms.


11. The Crystal Children of Pegasus!

This sacred soul group has many gifts and the powerful ability to be silent and deeply connected to the here and now in a state of absolute stillness. Naturally, these children love meditating and remaining silent feeling the pulses of the stillness of the divine light. They need tranquility in their lives as well as the time to find it within.

These souls have the ability to help others balance their energies by connecting them to the stillness of every moment and shift everything in the here and now. They are here to help others bring their energies in the present moment instead of living in the past or the future in their mind.

They carry assimilation frequencies and help others assimilate their energies though stillness, silence, breathing, and consciousness. They carry the Grace of God which they transmit to others so that they can remain calm. They can easily bless others with this gift whilst maintaining their calm connection in the presence of others.

They have the tendency to withdraw their energies when they are in complicated situations when the energies are messed up and not in harmony. They are mostly attracted by particular persons rather than groups, except if they are aligned with the group energy. Due to their tranquility they are in a position to fly like Pegasus or expand their consciousness to unite with God. They are on Earth to experience that and share it with others guiding them to tranquility.


The Insightful Children: The Activators of our Times!



Photo from: Neusa in flickr.

All these eleven soul groups have unique characteristics and abilities which are activated if they are given the right environment for their growth and flourishing. Each of these children knows what it needs which is the reason all parents, guides and friends of these children  are urged  to listen to what they really need in their lives so that they will be able to create an environment which will support them and allow them to open up and express what they are gracefully and easily.

The nature of all these children is similar concerning their connection to the spiritual network which is known as the dolphin gateways. There are many children which have been born as members of one of the groups but they have probably not received what they needed from their environment mostly regarding support. It is, however, possible that they still have their connection to the dolphin gateways provided they are in communication with other gifted children.

Some of these children are partially disconnected from the gateways and they do not receive full support through their telepathic connection as other children. If you feel or receive guidance that a child you know is one of those children but he/she is partially connected to the network, you can ask Archangel Michael to help the child’s soul to reconnect, to receive love and support through the gateways and to communicate telepathically with the other children.

Archangel Michael will help all the children to rekindle their connection through the dolphin gateways if you ask it through a simple prayer. The disconnection may have occurred because of birth difficulties or traumas during early childhood. As these children reconnect to the network, they will feel supported on Earth.

Each of the eleven soul groups bears a specific vibrational frequency which they channel when their heart is open. This frequency is capable of activating spiritual abilities in others so that they are awakened if the time for their existence is right according to the Divine Will.

When one of these Insightful Children opens his/her heart fully to another being which is ready to have a deeper spiritual connection to his/her higher self, he/she releases a specific frequency which helps this being to obtain the connection. This is one of the purposes of the vibrational ray with which all these children have been born.

These rays are known as the Angelic Dolphin Rays. Each of them carries specific vibrations which activate the connection of souls to their higher self or their spirit. You can invoke these dolphin angelic rays  so that they can fill you up this very moment according to the Divine Will of your being and ask each of the eleven soul groups to come and help you reinstate the connection to your higher self. You can ask them to support you for a period of time until telepathy between you and your higher self develops.

You can ask the Archangels, the Angels and the Ascended Masters who care for the dolphin gateways to free you from all the constrains, old memories or energy blockages.

You can also ask your Higher Self -always according to the Divine Will for your existence- to become one with you and enhance your in-between communication having as witnesses the eleven soul groups. If the timing is right for you, Divine Will willing, beloved ones, you will powerfully experience the activation of this connection. If the time is not right for you then you can ask for this activation to happen at the right time for you according to divine will, when your soul is ready to accept it.

I hope that everything that has been said may help all of you. My love to you all. May these children surround you with their Dolphin Angelic rays and may you let them fill you up as you open your heart to the children who are on their way to find you. They bring you their gifts and offer them to you according to the divine will for your existence.

Paschalis Kazakopoulos.