Merger of the Quantum and Christ Grid!
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- Master Yeshua through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Samothrace 15 Aug.16
Photo from: NASA in flickr.
Beloved souls, I embrace you now in the light of the Christ, in the warm energy of love. I welcome you in the expanded field of love, inside the Christ heart, to anchor the new solar codes through the portal of Sirius...
While this weaving of light from heart to heart begins, a unified field is being created among you and you function as One. The golden thread of the Christ consciousness unites you and you are one, one heart. All together are going to create a bright spot for the anchoring of the codes, a spot of light inside your heart, in the heart of the Earth, in the heart of the world.
Change of Perception!
Beloved ones, I recognize that this period is difficult but that’s how it was always throughout history. The cycles are being repeated; what’s different this time is the union of the grids on earth. This union brings everything to light and dissolves all that is old and worn out.
What has changed is the look of people, their perception about the events that take place and this will become more intense, it will increase in order for more spots of light to be formed; and then they will come together and unite. What creates separation is judgement, the judge, the archetype of the judge in you.
Many times it comes on the surface and then discernment leaves and ego takes its place. This happens on Earth from the biggest to the smallest, from the wars that happened and happen, from the governments that were manipulating and manipulate to human relations. When discernment leaves, understanding, patience and love, ego takes their place. All these are about to collapse.
Everything is energy, everything vibrates on the quantum field, which is the second grid on Earth. What’s inside you vibrates and creates stories, which are about to happen, stories that happened and are being repeated.
The quantum field is there and its gird holds reality and duality too. It depends to the vibration. What you are feeling here travels all over the Earth, on the quantum grid of Mother Earth. It is like the Ocean, where someone leaves their trash on one side and after some time they are found on the other side of the Earth.
Just like the ocean waves so is your vibration, it travels around the planet. What you create, what you hold in your reality travels and unites with other waves and creates reality. But now, at this moment in Earth’s history, the quantum grid gets united with the Christ grid!
Merger of the Quantum & Christ Grid!
Lets explain now about the grids so to have a better understanding. First is the magnetic grid of the Earth which holds the biology of the Earth, the elements of the Earth, the elementals. The second grid is the quantum and like I explained before it holds the reality of the third dimension and also duality. The third grid is the Christ grid, the multidimensional grid which opens the portals to other dimensions and realities through the Christ heart.
In this period on Earth, the quantum grid gets united with the Christ grid, so the collision that surfaces, the chaos comes from this union. Nothing can be held on it now. You will notice that people are more irascible. They cannot hide anything any more. Everything that’s inside will be seen.
I’ve told you that, beloved, many times before. Nothing can be taken for granted. All are about to change and you will change, like never before. The stories of pain, of suffering from the past, exist on the quantum grid. You carry them from generation to generation through your DNA. Many times I’ve told you that while you observe yourself you may see your father, through you, your mother, through you.
With the union of the two grids there is an opportunity now to get completely out of this, to function with who you truly are. That’s what will be seeing, what you will be perceiving and understanding as you will be moving on. You will reconsider everything you had thought because they won’t resonate with who you are now. And this is ok. The same will happen to governments, to nations, countries, to religions, which are not based on truth, not based on love, understanding, on patience.
Beloved ones, discernment has to be cultivated and this is its time. Till the end of 2019 you and all humanity will sort out on a global level the consciousness you are going to follow.
Humanity is going to change from its roots like the people you see around you, because if the don’t change, the pressure between these two grids will be dissolving their energy. That’s the reality, this is truly the reality. And the inflow of love coming from the rest dimensions through the Christ grid, through the quantum grid will create the new Earth.
You are the creators, you are the ones you’ve been waiting for!
And now beloved ones, I come forward and touch on your crown chakra anchoring the Christ consciousness through your angelic Self, through the portal of Sirius, through the grids from your seventh chakra down to the Omega chakra and then into Earth, in the centre of Earth and you become the bright spot, you are this Christ consciousness, the collective Christ consciousness.
Feel the power coming in from above and below, feel your heart that pulsates so strongly while my beloved Mother comes now into the field.
She embraces you all with her heart and surrounds you with affection, correcting the quantum grid wherever is required and her message is: "By opening your heart, you open the dimensions of love like the petals of a rose. Allow your petals of your heart to open towards the light of who you are and forgive, understand and be patient, because your vibration travels and will touch all the hearts; the hearts who don’t see, who don’t hear, don’t speak, they will touch them.
Let this vibration of love, understanding and patience embrace your heart and know beloved, not judging doesn’t mean that you are indifferent about what’s happening. Vibration is the one that travels, and what you create every minute, each minute, that’s what travels and will find you at the end of time."
Mother Mary, the angels of light and I send you a rain of blessings.
To seal this process I ask you to touch your heart because we touch yours now and we become one.
I spoke the truth opening the Third Cycle of the World.
Yeshua Sananda