
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Humanity & The Road to the one Heart!

I Anthropotita O Dromos pros ti mia Kardia

Photo from: Lizzy Gadd in flickr.

Beloved souls, welcome in our new encounter. I bring the light of the Christ to every heart, I bring the sweetness of his love to touch the world. Like it touched me, it touches you now...

Allow your self to relax into the living present in the presence of love. Now I let the energy of Mother Goddess to enfold you… I bring in the energy of the Mother of the World to embrace you… Let the frequencies that are coming from the heart of the earth and which are attuned with the Heart of the Mother to attune your heart.

In this moment the heart of humanity is being attuned into One Heart; and this is the one integrated Christed Heart of humanity herself, of the past, of today and of tomorrow...

One humanity, one essence, Love!

Humanity shows now her real face and the masks are falling and other new masks are coming forward; but the new ones will not have so much power, so much strength like the old ones that are falling because the field has changed. Earth’s frequency doesn’t hold on her body any more the old masks that are falling now.

Humanity confronts her own face… and like I said to you the integrated Christed Heart of humanity is being created now and will show her true face too. And like you said before, her face is based on action, in manifestation and not on ideas and theories that simply remain in the mental level of people but they will begin manifesting as one heart driven by love and fueled by love.

So beloved, the next 18 months will be a birthing process of this one heart in humanity. And I say 18 months because is a double pregnancy! The pregnancy of the Earth who creates the circumstances in order for this new humanity being created to be supported, and the pregnancy of humanity herself who will be guided with actions to a target, to a purpose: The manifestation of the Christ Consciousness on Earth!

Beloved ones, breath deeply and embody these codes of love which are provided to you open handed through the Christed integrated heart now, in this very important period, this period of deep change...

Many things in your life are about to change but they will be based on truth and not on illusion, on the truth of the one heart. The changes that will come will help you mature more and help you step firmly on the earth of heaven and walk together as one family, removing separation and polarization out of your societies. Creating new communities of light that will be supported on true Christed Virtues and not on the projections of the ego!

So during these 18 months the ego will be “walking naked in the street” and so the eyes of your soul have to be wide open in order to choose the original innocence, the next step, your union with love herself. You will discern it because it will be denuded and you will be able to notice it very easily, it won’ t have any place to hide!

And so you will be coming more and more closer to what you truly are, leaving behind fear, guilt and the feelings of victim. More and more, day by day as humanity will be changing, as you will be changing, you will be gathering more light in your consciousness, recognizing the living present where the living Divine Presence exists.

The Divine Presence in this reality will be you!

Those who choose to make the next step towards her will become the Apostles of the Christ Consciousness on Earth. The choice and decision is only yours and respectively of all humanity!

Each one needs to make this step, being cautious of the actions and the reactions he manifests in his reality. The time to open the door of paradise has come and is here now.

Paradise is the opening of your heart. So open that door of paradise, now, and see what do you feel around you. You are not alone. You are one humanity, you are the one paradisian heart!

Choose to let go of all the parts of your self that are connected to the ego and prevent you by experiencing fear every day, all the emotions that are related to the negative sphere. Open your paradisian heart, bring in the positive sphere of your emotions. Become aware that you function as one humanity!

The fight that is taking place now is in order for you not to realize that you are one humanity. But you are one humanity! A unified organism! Can you cut your finger and say “It doesn’t matter”? It will hurt you, is part of you. You are one body! How can this body be divided into pieces? How can a heart become a thousand pieces and keep functioning?

You are one humanity!

So function as one humanity!

This is the calling of the Masters of light in this era of choices and of constant trial. Your supporter are the energies which have change in the earthly plane and therefore it’s so clear to you and you can perceive what lies behind every thing...

Call people to return back to one humanity!

So I bring light from the paradisian earth in your heart. Feel this light which connects you with all the people, all beings. Do you feel divided from them? Do you feel separate from these beings? Humanity gets purified!

What will be born, what is going to come will be a whole body and not a dissected body that will be wondering why it did that to itself!

Open your eyes, listen to your heart, allow your power unite with the forces of light and feel wholeness inside you, around you. What is being destroyed now needs to be destroyed in order for something new to be built and you will synthesize it all together through your paradisian hearts as one humanity!

Through the heart of the Mother, all beings of light of infinity help you now. Our presence will be even more intense, more constant. Because we are one too with this humanity that is being created now!

Mary Magdalene.


Join us in creating a life of freedom, joy and flow!