
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Quantum Improvement, A new approach.

Most self improvement programs and healing modalities require to identify the causes creating the problem and to name the things that are holding you back. But what prevents us from moving towards our goals are all these things we are unaware and are located in our bioenergy field.


This healing approach bypasses the need of conscious identification of each cause. It locates and corrects the energetic causes in order to help you move forward easily and effortlessly. 

Quantum Improvement is a powerful method which is applied without physical contact or the need to lay hands on the body. It combines many aspects such as anatomy, physiology, energy techniques and quantum physics in order to quickly locate and shift blockages and imbalances on all levels. When disharmonious signals in the body are located and corrected, then the person can experience immediate relief from pain, emotional symptoms, unproductive behaviours etc.  

Quantum Improvement applies the above principles on sacred geometry, multidimensional tools and adjusted protocols to bring about quick results.


Energy Signals

Our bodies emit signals that can be read by others since we are made up of energy and all are interconnected through energy. Quantum Improvement uses this connection in order to look at the energy signals we emit, scans for disharmonious signals and then corrects them. 

This is similar to a remote control used to set up an electronic device. For example you listen to a radio station and the sound is unclear and can’t be heard properly, your connection is slow and music is disrupted. The remote control sends the right signals towards the device in order to increase the volume and adjust the settings so that you can listen to a clear sound and enjoy the music. The energy corrections are done non-invasively and non-touch so treatments can take place on the phone or online.


How many sessions are required?

Imagine of each problem as a path, a journey. After a session the symptom or issue may reoccur and you feel that you made no progress, whilst in you are much closer to your destination. When the person keeps receiving treatments, it moves further along the path till it reaches the destination. So if you reexperience the symptom after a session it is because you are on the journey to resolution but much closer to your destination. You are at a point where the symptoms reappear.  

An example

There may be several reasons why a symptom shows up. So there may be multiple paths to walk through relatied to a symptom. A real life example: A client was experiencing shoulder pain. The first time the pain surfaced has rooted with the people in her immediate environment and the relationship with them. This continued for 5 months where she received healing sessions whenever she was in pain, about every 2 or 4 weeks. The next time the shoulder pain was triggered, the relationship with the people around her was fine and no further corrections needed there. This indicates that the specifical path is complete. What surfaced next was a financial issue. When the financial concern was cleared the shoulder pain vanished. So, as you can see, each symptom is comprised by some issues or path that need to be addressed in order to be fully relieved from your symptom.


Benefits of Quantum Improvement



Improve health and vitality.

Reduce stress.

Promote mental clarity and emotional balance.

Increase and maintain higher energy level throughout the day.

Prevent chronic diseases.



Improve a good marriage.

Ease the separation / divorce journey.

Resolve conflicts.

Ease challenges of parenting role.

Increase self confidence.



Resolve conflict.

Enliven team engagement.

Increased aletrness, focus, well being.

Improve prospect, customer and vendor relationships.

Activate paths of inivation and efficiency.

Strengthens communication and learning.

Integrating work, life and spirituality.



Increase ability to handle stressful situations.

Enhance focus, concentration & memory.

Raise productivity and efficiency.

Improve communication & inter-human relationships.

Maintain optimum levels of performance throughout the day.



Adopt a positive and open approach to life.

Clarify personal values and life goals.

Create inner peace and fulfilment.

Overcome limitations and fears.

Live and experience each moment to the fullest.



Book your Session

* Energy Sessions do not replace professional medical care or advice from your doctor.