The Messages of the Month!
Seminars (17 ADDS)
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- Frixos Christodoulou
Κατάλογος Δασκάλων και Θεραπευτών
Όλοι οι δάσκαλοι και θεραπευτές Αγγελικού Ρέικι έχουν συντονιστεί και εκπαιδευτεί στο αυθεντικό σύστημα του Αγγελικού Ρέικι.
Αφροδίτη Τάχα (Practitioner)
Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Κιν: 6980444405
Ελένη Παπαχρήστου (Master Teacher)
Σεμινάρια, Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Κιν: 6932279287
Ευθαλία Τάχα (Practitioner)
Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Κιν: 6981012747
Μαρία Σαμακλή (Practitioner)
Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Ομήρου 2, Νέα Σμύρνη
Κιν: 6981001778
Πασχάλης Καζακόπουλος (Master Teacher)
Σεμινάρια, Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Παλαιό Φάληρο
Κιν: 6932764216
Φρίξος Χριστοδούλου (Master Teacher)
Σεμινάρια, Ατομικές Συνεδρίες
Παλαιό Φάληρο
Κιν: 6932764216
Magdalene's Flame (One-day Workshop)
- Details
- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
Circle of the Sacred Rose
Monthly Workshop
With the founders Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou
Discovering the miracles on the path of the heart!
Once a month we meet in the “Circle of the Sacred Rose” in an atmosphere of unity, peace, deep serenity. This day is dedicated to the awakening of the Christ fire, the Flame of Magdalene.
Each gathering is a living heart experience flooded by love. A shower from the Light of the integrated Christ. Mary Magdalene, to whom this work is dedicated, overlights and guides the group.
Through meditations, sacred mantras and live channelings, Mary Magdalene shares her teaching about the path of the heart and our entrance in the Christ mysteries.
How would you feel if you were right now at the presence of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua?
The circle of Mary Magdalene is dedicated to the presence of the Sacred Female who exists in every being. Thousand years before people knew how important is the contact with the Feminine Principle, the energy and presence of the Divine Mother. They honoured her presence in their everyday life, they built majestic temples for Her, they were in contact with the cycles of nature.
In the modern society we live in, all the magic of the Sacred Feminine has been lost, the presence of love has withdrawn, the beauty of the soul, true kindness and other aspects of the Divine Mother were forgotten while we focused in the ruthless and limitative reasonable thinking.
In the passage of time humanity was nurtured with beliefs that woman - the female is something inferior, unholy and that intuition is devious. In the journey of life people seek to get completed through their relationships, seeking desperately for that essence of love which is a remembrance of a distant past. A constant search for the holy grail...
Come, let’s ignite together the Flame of Love for one more time in the temples of earth - the Flame of Magdalene!
What happens in the workshop
The monthly “Circle of the Sacred Rose” workshops provide the ground to contact the inner aspects of our self that are known as our female side. The gathering experience is mainly experiential since it is embraced by the energetic presence of Mary Magdalene, the energy that returns now on earth for the passage to the new golden age.
The way that the field of unconditional love is activated here through the higher levels, constitutes a deep experiential and essential state of consciousness for everyone to experience. While you will be contacting the pure field of the integrated Christ, the roses of your heart will start blooming again.
Through live channeling, Paschalis will channel the energy of Mary Magdalene and transmit her guidance and teaching for the group. Parallely we will share energy attunements and make use of several techniques that awaken the female energy, using mantras and other esoteric tools that unlock the creative and intuitive side of self.
The work presented here unfolds in a heartfelt way that embraces all participants without exceptions. Mary Magdalene provides us the compass and shows the path so to bring the essence of love in our life in a grounded way and to embody it.
While you will be reconnecting with the Female Christ Principle you will discover that your life can be full of grace, blessing and peace rather than a life of hard lessons and pain.
After the workshop I feel my life changing in a wonderful way and that something new is about to happen. The techniques of Mary Magdalene are very powerful for me and very transformational. Thank you. Sophia L. (Athens)
Very powerful energies I haven’t experienced before in my life. I made a step towards the recognition of who I truly am, the true nature of my soul. Thank you! Stefanos G. (Germany)
23 October.19 | 15 January.20 | 22 April | |
20 November |
12 February | 20 May | |
18 December | 18 March | 17 June | |
Participation Information
Participation: 35€ | Monthly workshop: Wednesday 19:00 - 21:30
You are requested to attend at least 15 minutes earlier!
To participate please contact us!
Ετήσια Ενδυνάμωση
- Details
- Frixos Christodoulou
Ετήσια Μύηση Αγγελικού Ρέικι
Special Event
Προς όλους τους Θεραπευτές & Δασκάλους Αγγελικού Ρέικι!
Ετήσια συνάντηση Συντονισμού για όλους!
Ενδυνάμωση, Ανανέωση, Επανεκκίνηση!
Λαμβάνοντας τις εναρμονίσεις του αγγελικού ρέικι ξανά μας βοηθά ώστε να εμβαθύνουμε στην ενσωμάτωση της αγγελικής συνείδησης, διευρύνει τη συνειδητότητα μας και αυξάνει τις δονητικές μας συχνότητες.
Καθαρίζει βαθύτερα τις ενέργειες μας και μας τοποθετεί εκ νέου στο κέντρο μας, αποκαθιστά την αρμονία και μας επαν-ευθυγραμμίζει με τον ανώτερο μας σκοπό!
Αγαπημένη οικογένεια του αγγελικού ρέικι, διδάσκοντας εντατικά για 20 χρόνια αυτό το μεταμορφωτικό σύστημα από τους αγγέλους έχουμε δει πως κάθε φορά που λαμβάνουμε αυτές τις εναρμονίσεις βιώνουμε διαφορετικές μετατοπίσεις, διεύρυνση στη συνείδηση και η κατανόηση της φύσης των αγγέλων εμβαθύνει συνεχώς. Είναι ένας επιταχυντής!
Όταν λαμβάνουμε τις μυήσεις στο αγγελικό ρέικι, το Αγγελικό Βασίλειο μας συντονίζει κάθε φορά όχι μόνο για τις προσωπικές μας ανάγκες και το μονοπάτι μας, αλλά και στο ρόλο μας ως αγγελικοί θεραπευτές. Όντας ανοιχτοί προς υπηρεσία μέσα από αυτό το όχημα, επιτρέπει στους αγγέλους να επιταχύνουν την πορεία μας και να αυξήσουν το δυναμικό μας ώστε να μπορούμε να βοήσουμε περισσότερους ανθρώπους και τον πλανήτη.
Αν και οι εναρμονίσεις μοιάζουν οι ίδιες, όλοι όσοι έχουν λάβει τις μυήσεις περισσότερες από μία φορά μπορούν να βεβαιώσουν πόσο διαφορετικές και ισχυρές είναι κάθε φορά. Κατ’ ακρίβεια, είναι διαφορετικές! Μια δεύτερη σημαντική πτυχή είναι πως οι συντονισμοί χρωματίζονται από την ιδιαίτερη σύνθεση και το δυναμικό της ομάδας, τις παρούσες συλλογικές ανάγκες και τις πλανητικές και γαλαξιακές κινήσεις προσθέτοντας μια μοναδική σπίθα!
Μια ημέρα ενδυνάμωσης και ευγνωμοσύνης για το υπέροχο δώρο του Αγγελικού Ρέικι! Για όλους εσάς την οικογένεια του αγγελικού ρέικι, μια γιορτή προς το υπέροχο πνεύμα του Kevin Core και του Αρχάγγελου Μέτατρον που μας χάρισαν αυτό το δώρο.
Όλοι μαζί θα συνδεθούμε με το πλανητικό πλέγμα του αγγελικού ρέικι σε μια μοναδική εναρμόνιση με τα αγγελικά βασίλεια, την πνευματική Ιεραρχία και τα Γαλαξιακά Συμβούλια του Φωτός!
Θα είναι ακόμη μια τέλεια ευκαιρία εάν αισθάνεστε αποκομμένοι, εάν δεν έχετε ασκηθεί για κάποιο διάστημα και θέλετε να ξεκινήσετε εκ νέου, εάν θέλετε να ξανά-συντονιστείτε ή απλά θα θέλατε να βρεθείτε ξανά μέσα στο υπέροχο πεδίο των αγγέλων και να λάβετε τις νέες ενδυναμώσεις που θα μοιραστούμε.
Από το σπίτι των αγγέλων με αγάπη,
Πασχάλης Καζακόπουλος
28 Ιουλίου 2024!
⦿ Καθαρισμός και καρμικές αποκοπές από το αγγελικό βασίλειο, αυτές που χρειάζεσαι στο τώρα σου!
⦿ Συντονισμός στο 2ο Βαθμό, από το επίπεδο συνείδησης που έχεις πετύχει μέχρι αυτή τη στιγμή έτσι ώστε να κάνεις το επόμενο βήμα.
⦿ Λήψη των τελευταίων ενεργοποιήσεων, αγγελικών κωδικών και σπάνιων ενδυναμώσεων που είναι διαθέσιμες διά μέσου της ομαδικής εργασίας των ήδη μυημένων μαθητών
⦿ Λάβε όλα τα παραπάνω χωρίς να χρειάζεται να συμμετέχεις στο κανονικό τριήμερο εργαστήριο. Λιγότερες ώρες, εστιασμένη εργασία και νέες ενεργοποιήσεις!
⦿ Αυτή θα είναι μια πολύ δυνατή στιγμή που συνθέτει τις νέες γαλαξιακές ενέργειες της Πύλης του Σειρίου, της Πνευματικής Ιεραρχίας και του Αγγελικού Βασιλείου!
Τώρα είναι η στιγμή για την Ετήσια Ενδυνάμωση!
Προαπαιτούμενο: Να έχετε παρακολουθήσει το εργαστήριο Αγγελικό Ρέικι 1ος & 2ος Βαθμός.
Σπουδαστές άλλων σχολών είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι να συμμετέχουν. Θα χρειαστεί να παρουσιάσετε το πιστοποιητικό σας. Παρακαλώ ελάτε σε επαφή μαζί μας.
28 Ιουλίου 2024, Κυριακή | Ώρες 10:00 - 14:00
Τόπος διεξαγωγής: Αngels House | Αμφιτρίτης 14, Π. Φάληρο.
Συμμετοχή: 60 €
Από το Σκοτάδι στο Φως2018
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- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
Από το Σκοτάδι στο Φως
7 Συναντήσεις
Ένας κλειστός κύκλος 7 μαθημάτων με τους Π. Καζακόπουλο & Φ. Χριστοδούλου
Ο Ναός της Αγάπης
Συντονισμός στη Χριστική Συνειδητότητα!
Σε χαιρετώ μέσα από τη φλόγα του ναού της αγάπης. Εγώ Ειμί η Μαγδαληνή. Σε παίρνω τώρα σε ένα ταξίδι στο ναό της αγάπης, εκεί που οι άνθρωποι ήταν πλήρως ενωμένοι με τη δόνηση της Αγάπης του Χριστού, τη δόνηση της Φλόγας της Θεϊκής Μητέρας, ένα με τη θεϊκή καρδιά.
Ο κεντρικός ναός της Ατλαντίδας ήταν ο Ναός της Αγάπης! Εδώ γινόταν σημαντική εργασία η οποία ενοποιούσε όλα τα Άσραμ - Ναούς και κρατούσε ζωντανή τη σύνδεση με το Θεϊκό. Όλες οι Ιέρειες και οι Ιερείς της αγάπης εκπαιδεύονταν στην έκφραση της Θεϊκής Αγάπης, όπως μαθαίνετε να κάνετε και εσείς τώρα…
Αυτό που πρόκειται να σας μεταδώσουμε σε αυτό το εργαστήριο είναι επτά συντονισμούς της Αγάπης συνολικά που θα βοηθήσουν τον αυθεντικό σας εαυτό να έρθει στο προσκήνιο σε αυτήν την τρισδιάστατη πραγματικότητα. Αυτοί οι συντονισμοί δίνονται απευθείας από τη Μητέρα Θεά και την Θεϊκή Διάνοια!
Το όχημα του Ιερού Ρόδου
Το ρόδο για να ανθίσει χρειάζεται έφορο έδαφος. Χρειάζεται να αναπνεύσει αέρα. Να πάρει φως από τον ήλιο, να πιεί νερό να μεγαλώσει. Άρα χρειάζεται όλα τα στοιχεία. Η ενέργεια της κουνταλίνη αφυπνίζεται με ασφάλεια όταν υπάρχει αγάπη και εναρμόνιση στο πρώτο κέντρο. Θα γεμίσουμε τα ενεργειακά σου κέντρα με αγάπη σ’ αυτό το εργαστήριο και θα αισθανθείς την ενέργεια σου να ανυψώνεται. Αυτός είναι και ο σκοπός ενεργοποίησης των 7 τσάκρα με τους επτά συντονισμούς που θα γίνουν κατά την διάρκεια των επόμενων 7 μηνών.
Η ενέργεια της Γης παρέχει αυτή την ώθηση. Στην αρχαία Αίγυπτο, χρησιμοποιούσαν την τεχνική της γεω-ενέργειας, χρησιμοποιώντας αυτό το δυναμικό. Εσείς έχετε τώρα σαν εργαλείο την τεχνική που θα σας δώσουμε, ώστε να μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε τα τσάκρα σας συνδέοντας τα, με το φωτεινό σας σώμα για να έχετε αυτή την εμπειρία.
Έπειτα αφού ενεργοποιηθεί χρειάζεται να ακολουθήσετε μια ενεργειακή γραμμή, ένα δρόμο θα λέγαμε, που θα σε οδηγήσει κάπου, ανάλογα με το που θες να πας, τι θες να βιώσεις. Υπάρχουν επτά δρόμοι - μονοπάτια αφύπνισης ή επτά τσάκρα θα λέγαμε διαφορετικά…
Τι γίνεται στο εργαστήριο;
Το εργαστήριο “από το σκοτάδι στο φως” είναι ένα εσωτερικό διαλογιστικό ταξίδι 7 συναντήσεων, αφιερωμένο στην Μαρία Μαγδαληνή και στην επανασύνδεση με την εσωτερική Χριστική Συνειδητότητα. Ένα κάλεσμα στο προσωπικό μονοπάτι του καθενός.
Σας προσκαλούμε από καρδιάς να είστε μέρος αυτής της ανυψωτικής εργασίας. Καθώς θα περνούμε μέσα από τις Πύλες του Φωτός, ο δρόμος μας θα είναι μια αποκάλυψη του Εσωτερικού Αυθεντικού Εαυτού για μια βαθιά επανένωση Αγάπης. Ελάτε με ανοικτή καρδιά και απλότητα για μια ουσιαστική κοινωνία με το πνεύμα σας.
Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του διαλογιστικού ταξιδιού θα γίνουν ενεργοποιήσεις και διαλογισμοί ενώ θα υπάρχει χρόνος για να λάβει ο καθένας τις προσωπικές του εντυπώσεις. Ως ομάδα θα προσφέρουμε υπηρεσία στην Ελλάδα και στο Πλανητικό Χριστικό Πλέγμα.
Επίσης θα πραγματοποιήσουμε ανώτερες επικοινωνίες που θα επεκτείνουν την εργασία και την εμπειρία του καθενός. Οι εναρμονίσεις, οι κωδικοί Φωτός και οι συνειδητοποιήσεις που θα αναδυθούν θα σας συντροφεύουν από εκείνη τη στιγμή και έπειτα στη ζωή σας.
Η εργασία που παρουσιάζεται εδώ ξετυλίγεται με ένα εγκάρδιο τρόπο που αγκαλιάζει όλους τους συμμετέχοντες ανεξαιρέτως. Η Μ. Μαγδαληνή μας παρέχει την πυξίδα και μας δείχνει το μονοπάτι ώστε να φέρουμε την ουσία της αγάπης στη ζωή μας με ένα γειωμένο τρόπο και βοηθά να την ενσωματώσουμε.
Οι Ημερομηνίες Συναντήσεων:
✤ 13 Ιανουαρίου: Ο Σκοπός της Ζωής!
✤ 03 Φεβρουαριου: Επιλογή του μονοπατιού!
✤ 03 Μαρτίου: Ανακαλύπτοντας το νόημα της ζωής!
✤ 14 Απριλίου: Ανυψώνοντας τη συνείδηση!
✤ 05 Μαΐου: Το Φως της Ψυχής!
✤ 02 Ιουνίου: Το Δοχείο - Δισκοπότηρο!
✤ 07 Ιουλίου: Μοίρασμα φωτός!
Πληροφορίες Συμμετοχής
Συμμετοχή: 50€ | Ένα Σάββατο κάθε μήνα 17.00 - 21.00
Εγγραφή: 50€ | Μέχρι 11 Ιανουαρίου 2018
Παρακαλείστε να προσέλθετε τουλάχιστον 15 λεπτά πριν την έναρξη!
Για να συμμετέχετε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας!
Angelic Reiki Update
- Details
Angelic Reiki - Update!
Two-Day Seminar
Embracing our true Self!
A day of consciousness exploration for all Angelic Reiki healers and teachers, including experiential healing practices, expansion of quantum perception, meditations and attunements! The Angelic Reiki Update workshop introduces a further grounding of the angelic energy, expansion of consciousness and embracing the possibilities of healing through the All!
This day we will explore the principles of grounding in healing and how to apply it in every day life bringing a deeper meaning and direction. It is a wonderful and direct way of alignment you will want to apply in everything you do, even to start your day or to bring harmony in chaotic situations.
We will also explore the nature of the feeling body and learn how to move consistently into this field to draw information for any subject you want thus bringing expanded awareness. The feeling body opens the possibilities for the unfolding of new experiences and perceptions. Building on this understanding we will engage in a multidimensional healing and a new healing method, Spherical Healing: a practice which is based on the principles of sacred geometry and the merkabah. When our consciousness embraces the All, then it can heal on that level!!
Part of this experience are the angelic clearings and attunement with the Archangels of the Tree of Life. The Angelic Reiki Update workshop promises to broaden your understanding the embodiment of the angelic energies, giving you valuable tools for healing and for your personal path. An opportunity to enrich your knowledge and understanding on Angelic Reiki. A useful and necessary update for all, especially those who practise angelic reiki on professional basis offering sessions and seminars.
What’s different in the Update Workshop?
A leap in the realization of the vastness and perfection of your being. Using words to describe this state of consciousness is always inadequate. It’ beyond description. Drawing from the ancient wisdom we will create the space so each one to experience it. From that moment on you will perceive things differently.
We all recognize how much Love and dynamic is in the core of this work with the angels. Opening to this new information will allow you to bring manifestation here in a more balanced and coherent way. Also we will explore some very important spiritual principles which underpin the expression of the higher consciousness in our reality.
As always in angelic reiki there is a perfect combination of teaching and experiential application in order for everyone to embody the information presented in an integrated way. Through this we will release the restrictive consciousness and embrace joy, life and existence itself. It is a calling for greater awareness of the authentic Self under the guidance of the angels.
The workshop is an experience of group co-creation with the angelic kingdom for healing, expansion and self awareness. We will weave together this journey bringing insights and extra activations that will be channeled from spirit that moment.
The Update Workshop Includes:
Activation of new angelic codes and Archangelic vibrations.
Experience the angelic clearing on a different level! Presenting a new perspective we will engage in releasing various and specific issues that are bothering each participant personally.
The wisdom and the deva of the body. An experience that will shift your awareness and consciousness, changing the relationship with your self and existence. Read the testimonials!
The Archangels of the Tree of Life. Attunement and understanding the spiritual principles that allow you to bring directly a new state in consciousness.
Space, dimensions, zero point, the wisdom of colors and much more.
How to slide into the feeling body with easiness and its expansions. The multidimensional Self & the Spherical consciousness.
How to integrate the seminar’s teaching in your healing practice, meditations and everyday life.
+| CD with the exercises to deepen at your own pace.
+| Certificate of participation.
+| A full manual with the workshop material.*
*For all who have completed the 3rd & 4th Degree seminar or wish to teach it.
To participate in the Angelic Reiki Update workshop prerequisites that you completed the Angelic Reiki 1st - 2nd degreeor/ and Angelic Reiki 3rd - 4th degree.
That was some workshop! Afterwards I felt like I had been through the "heavy duty" cycle of a washing machine! My human consciousness is feeling much more grounded and I thank you both for all that you facilitated. Gillian S. (Hydra)
Thank you, it was truly very powerful and exceptional… Next morning I woke up different… Feeling in love with my body, my being, with the world, with Life! Victoria K. (Athens) Read More...
Participation Information
Participation: 250€ | Registration: 50€
Times: Weekend 10:00 - 18:00
To participate please contact us or click below to register:
The Power of the Subconscious Mind
- Details
- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
The Power of the Subconscious!
2day WorkshopFacilitated by Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou
Transform your life and seize the moment!
Many times we find ourselves in difficult and chaotic situations, what we call “eye of the cyclone”. Limited in beliefs and prejudice, in family and relationship situations, in our work, unable to live our freedom as we truly wish. We have been trained very well to believe: “this situation cannot change”, “life is difficult”, “miracles don’t happen.”.
- Is this true? Who and what defines it?
- Why don’t we allow our self to experience something different?
You have the power to become what you want!
The way of thinking and everything we believe define our destiny. Our thoughts create our reality. Whatever we think, we become. Through his teaching Lord Buddha helps us understand this in the most perfect way "Everything we are is the result of what we have thought".
In a few words, our life is the perfect mirror of the thoughts, beliefs and of our prominent mental attitude. Wether we realise it or not, we create our reality through the power of our thought. Each effect we see in our external world has its initial cause inside us - with no exceptions. To again access in the major creative force we have at our disposal, we need to learn the nature of our thoughts and align them with the Source of all Power which we are all part of.
No one was born to be unhappy, in fear and sadness, facing health problems and feeling inferior or unworthy. Everyone is equipped with the power to overcome adversities, bringing back all happiness, harmony, health and prosperity. Discover this hidden power inside you, let your subconscious mind act beneficially for you and enjoy a life in health and prosperity.
Subconscious Mind: The Key to our power!
Our subconscious mind is a powerful tool we can use for the benefit of all. The programs stored in our subconscious can facilitate or block our health, abundance, our psychology and every other aspect of our being.
This seminar is designed in such a way to provide a stable foundation of understanding and exploring the subconscious mind. Through this expanded understanding we will examine how our subconscious programs affect us, how to track them and change them, installing a new paradigm.
The power of the subconscious is available to everyone. Having this huge force of power by our side we can improve and facilitate every aspect of our reality. While we will be clearing the negative programming, new paths in life will open and the new seed we will plant will keep growing, giving you the fruits of this work.
Some of the subjects we will explore:
Introduction to the subconscious mind. Aligning the conscious and super conscious mind. How beliefs create reality. The role of the subconscious mind in health, abundance, relationships. Methods to reprogram your subconscious. Exercises and methods. Affirmations, learn to create your own affirmations and how, when do they work and when they don’t! Guided meditations for deep purification and attunement of the subconscious mind as a part of this workshop. Energy visualisations for working with your subconscious. The subconscious mind in the chamber of the heart. The mind of the heart and the heart of the mind.
What is Angelic Reiki
- Details
- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
What is Angelic Reiki
Introductory Article
By Frixos Christodoulou
A system of transformation from the angels!
Angelic Reiki is a complete system of healing, self care and transformation. It is a transferable system which makes use of the energy of the divine mind.
Completely new in healing or with background in the healing arts can use this work to bring changes to any aspect they wish. Anyone can be channel for the energies of angels and apply it easily.
Angelic Reiki starts with a light touch and focused intent, opening a field of grace where reality can change. This field can be used to open new possibilities and transform situations that are related with disease, beliefs and the structure of reality.
When you apply Angelic Reiki you will usually feel the flow of energy inside and around and the person who receives experiences it and enters a state of deep relaxation or activation. This can happen with the person lying on a healing bed or sitting.
The participants are taught specific methods utilizing focused intention, the field of the heart in cooperation with the angelic energy allowing changes to occur.
Exploring Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki is not a “thing” or “something” to be defined, but rather a path to transformation and return to wholeness. This transformation takes place on multiple levels and on the information grid which forms reality.
The tools and the methods presented in a seminar consist a language which is used to navigate consciousness and trace the unfolding changes. For example the participants learn how to locate blockages in the energy and direct the new possibility through the third eye or in a multidimensional healing - one of the “tools” we use in Angelic Reiki - you can locate disharmonious patterns which have their source in other dimensions, parallel realities or in past incarnations and restore them in a harmonious and aligned state.
All possibilities are available through the field of the heart and the field of angels in which everyone has access in Angelic Reiki.
There are no limits in the healing of angels!
You do you do when you apply Angelic Reiki?
You reconnect with the All allowing the Divine Mind for which the angels are vehicles, to manifest the divine perfection in what we perceive as reality.
In Angelic Reiki a connection is established with the healing angels who do all changes or healing that needs to unfold the specific moment in order to bring the highest possible results.
What you truly need to do is to get yourself out of the way or the need to heal something, allowing the angels to make changes on the reality grid!
The grace of this system is in its simplicity.
The entire seminar experience is experiential and allows you to step into a new understanding, like learning new skills, a new language, something that will expand your perception about what is possible in a reality that seems many things cannot change.
Many situations, chronic issues, traumas, emotions and beliefs are usually transformed with grace in the sacred ground of the seminars. It is about a blessed experience filled with grace, love and heartfelt reconnection with spirit.
The experience of each one who joins these seminars is different and everyone experiences what they need and will help him the most at that moment in their personal path of self healing, expansion and self mastery. Every seminar is unique and is guided in such a way that benefits the group to the maximum.
The uniqueness of the Angelic Reiki attunements
The dynamic of Angelic Reiki is found in the field of limitless possibilities which opens during the seminars and when applying Angelic Reiki during a healing session.
During the seminars we do energy attunements which grand access to the healing energies of angels and the angelic field with which the participants can contact and co-create with.
In Angelic Reiki the attunements are given directly from the angelic kingdom to the participants, confirming the purity of the energy and the highest attunement unlike other reiki systems where the attunements are filtered and transmitted through the consciousness of the teacher.
In each seminar are presented two energy clearings from karma, negative blockages and restrictive energies. These clearings have a direct purifying effect on the multiple bodies and the light body and they raise the vibration in order to follow the merging with the angelic consciousness.
Also a connection with the ascended Masters and the galactic Masters is established, giving access to more healing energies and possibilities. Then follows the attunement and merger with the angelic vibration and the healing angels.
In each seminar you will experience two attunements (1st - 2nd degree and 3rd - 4th degree respectively for each seminar). At this point the divine mind anchors in the conciousness the traditional reiki symbols and other, which are given in the angelic level and activated on the seven levels of form and divine form.
In Angelic Reiki we perceive symbols are vehicles for the archetypal energies of Creation. They are multidimensional portals of consciousness. You don’t need to memorize them or learn to draw them. From the time of the attunement to angelic reiki all participants have instant access to anything required and their action is guided automatically by the healing angels.
These attunements trigger a transformational process while they call all disharmonious pattern to return in alignment with divine perfection.
This does not affect only the raising of the person’s vibration but also transforms the DNA, the light body, expands perception and reconnects with the All and much more we cannot trace with the restrictive faculty of the senses. From that time on each participant is connected with a healing angel who accompanies them in all healings they do.
Another thing that makes Angelic Reiki unique is the merger with the angelic vibration and the Divine Mind. Here the participants become one with the angelic energy and the divine mind and from that level and the possibilities that open up all healings are done.
Becoming one with the angels and co-creating through the angelic field is totally different than applying a healing method and asking assistance from the angels.
Angelic Reiki works for any issue or situation you would like to shift. Many people who join these seminars have seen their life changing and discovered a deeper meaning of being.
In others awakens their personal talents and helps them to uncover their personal path and life purpose; it brings greater fulfilment, peace, clarity, understanding and renewal.
It is an inexhaustible and invaluable treasure through which you will draw every day. The angels and the field of the divine mind are their for you 24 hours a day! Angelic Reiki is a modern system of healing supported by the ancient wisdom and the new way of thought.
Its roots go back to the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, when angels and humans were as one. This ancient knowledge is reawakened at this time giving us the possibility to reconnect with the higher spheres of spirit.
Think for a moment, how would it be to merge with the living presence of angels? How would it be if you could feel now the energies of angels embracing you?
To truly understand the magnitude of this system you need to experience it. If you apply any other healing methods, if you wish to support your friends, family or friends, to connect with the angels in a deep way, Angelic Reiki provides you new tools and way of thinking which you can apply in anything you want to accomplish.
Cosmic Portal 12_12_12 Total Transformation
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- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
Cosmic Portal 12:12:12
One day Event!Attunement through the 12 Dimensions of Reality!
The last years we experienced the wonderful energies and codes of Light from the higher levels which are anchoring on our planet through the opening of harmonic portals, unfolding our multidimensional nature.
Number 12 as an archetype brings the energies of completion, an important number that appears in many with deeper meaning (12 months, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 zodiac signs, 12 apostles etc)! On the 12th of December humanity will have the opportunity to contact powerful cosmic energies which will be anchored by the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth for a total transformation and acceleration of ascension
The oncoming Cosmic Portal opening on the 12th of December 2012, known as the 12:12:12 Portal is a great and major event not only for our planet but for the entire solar system and beyond. It is of essential importance to get attuned with the spiritual fields that will be activated this day, a powerful codification which humanity will have access for first time!
While the cosmic clock will be ticking 12:12:12
we are called for a deep attunement
with the hosts of the inner planes
for a total transformation...
Paschalis Kazakopoulos
This special day is a basic station for a powerful attunement of our bodies and an energy upgrade in our energy fields for greater balance, physical health, emotional, mental and spiritual stability. Humanity enters the final upgrade phase of the ascension codes. A transformational 9-day period before the galactic alignment on the 21st of December 2012!
In this gathering Paschalis and Frixos, channels for the Spiritual Hierarchy, will prepare the group for the smooth assimilation of the new vibrations. Within the field of the 12:12:12 Portal we will conduct energy cleansings, contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy through live channeling and further activation of the 12 chakras and the light body (Merkabah) which will receive a new spin that will affect the planetary ascension process and also ours!...
All this work will be manifesting in your life while it contributes in the upgrade of your energy bodies, the nervous system and other important factors, helping you in a grounded way to hold the higher vibrations of Light in your bodies for greater harmony, balance and alignment for the transition to the New Era starting now...
A day of Co-Creation and Blessings Τransmission
with the Hosts of the Inner Planes and
the Planetary Family of Light!
Video clip from last year’s gathering with lightworkers from all over Greece at Angels House University - Galactic Portal 11:11:11
Express your Interest
If you are interested to join the Cosmic Portal 12:12:12 please
fill in the following form. To book your seat now find more details below!
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Wesak Day
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- Frixos Christodoulou
Wesak Day at Angels House!
14 May 2017
With Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou
Wesak celebration is taking place during the Full Moon in Taurus. It is about an important celebration which honours and acknowledges the birthday of the Buddha and the great wisdom that this Cosmic Master brought to the Earth.
Wesak is a time for great renewal and celebration.
The quality of this energy is the "Power of Enlightenment". This energy emanates from the heart of God and it associates with divine understanding and Love - Wisdom of God. Wesak is considered from the ascended Masters to be of great importance in global affairs.
During the Wesak celebration a channel opens for humanity which allows Light workers to come in contact with energies that are not regularly available or accessible. This allows an expansion and growth in consciousness.
We will connect with all groups in the world bringing down the highest ascension energy together. That moment, all lightworkers will receive a down pouring flow of energy that will empower them in order to move on to the next phase of their spiritual path!
Embracing our True Being!
At the time of the Wesak Festival a living bridge is formed between humanity, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa. The power of Love - Wisdom is imprinted at this time on humanity in order to awaken us from ignorance and to prompt us for service to our fellow people, to good will, compassion and pure spirituality.
Thousands of people all over the earth turn their attention this day to the ascension of humanity and all kingdoms of earth, in order for all beings to be liberated from illusion, suffering and pain.
We become a vessel for the highest spiritual energies in order to cultivate the spiritual virtues within us and to bring our being in alignment, to remember again our true nature and to express it in the world. The blessings that are transmitted at the Wesak are of great importance since they promote self realisation and the externalisation of the divine plan on earth.
Whichever is your service and your work in this life, the Wesak blessing will give you the inspiration, the opening and the boost you need to manifest them and so to benefit all beings.
A celebration not to be missed!
Wesak Day Festival 2013 at Angels House.
On the 22nd of May we celebrate the Wesak Day Festival in Athens along with thousands of lightworkers all over the world. In a festive atmosphere at Angels House we will experience:
Rededication to the spiritual path and make offerings.
Buddhist prayers for healing, karma removal etc.
Energy attunements and activations.
The traditional Wesak meditation with all the groups all over the globe.
Live channeling that will be transmitted that moment for the group.
Attunements through sacred mantras.
Sharing and connecting with like minded lightworkers.
Breaks with tea and special traditional delicacies for this celebration and other surprises!
Sunday 14 May, 2017 (11:00 - 17:00)
Participation Information
Participation: 50€ | Book 2 seats, before the 5th May: 70€
Discount for students / unemployed: 25€
You are requested to attend at least 15 minutes earlier!
To participate please contact us or click below for online registrations:
Angelic Reiki Action Group
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- Frixos Christodoulou
Angelic Reiki Action Group
Monthly Workshop
Expand, share, practice, heal!
The monthly “Action Group” gathering helps you take your skills beyond the fundamental teaching of the seminars!
At each meeting everyone is provided with the opportunity to practice new healing tools and receive insights and answers on queries that may come up after the angelic reiki seminar or through their personal expriences. Also there is group work and distant healing for planetary service or on other subjects that the group wishes to work on.
The “Action Group” is a wonderful opportunity to exchange healings, deepen in your skills and unleash your inner dynamic in the co-creation with angels.
Teaching angelic reiki since 2004, many things have been revealed. In these meetings we share with you this understanding.
The angelic reiki action group is for all students of Angels House University who have completed the angelic reiki 1st - 2nd degree seminar, or/ and 3rd - the degree seminar.
Dive into the limitless potential of the Divine Mind!
We will explore many different ways helping us to embody angelic reiki in our life, answer questions, experience new tools and have a lot of practice.
The angelic reiki “Action Group” creates an ideal space that helps you gain more experiences, providing you with confidence and new approaches either you apply it on your self and friends or you wish to offer it on profesional basis.
As a part of this meeting we do service work on global affairs. In co-creation with the healing angels we offer service to the planet, to humanity and on other subjects that may be urgent that period or issues that the group wishes to work on.
The angelic reiki “Action Group” is a perfect opportunity for personal empowerment, deep healing and heartfelt contact with the family of angels!
A journey to the galactic angels’ world, a journey to peacefulness, serenity, inner balance, self awareness and the contact with higher energies, feelings that cannot be described just be experienced. Be well and may the path you have taken always be full of light. Athanasios M. (Thessaloniki) Read more...
16 October.2019 | 5 February | 3 June | |
6 November | 11 March | ||
4 December | 8 April | ||
8 January.2020 | 13 May |
Participation Information
Participation: 35€ | Monthly workshop: Wednesday 19:00 - 21:30
You are requested to attend at least 15 minutes earlier!
To participate please contact us!
Testimonials from the Angelic Reiki workshops
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- Frixos Christodoulou
A new world opened for me, a world once I imagined its existence, now I experienced it for first time. I felt the angelic energy and much more that cannot be described with words. From that moment on I started feeling the truth of the situations around me and changing along with them, specifically my fears are eliminated and I have more faith and inner peace. I’m very grateful for meeting this path.
Ourania (Athens)
An unusual, transformational, exciting and moving experience of being united with the energy of Light and Love. A body and soul cleansing that shocked and still does my whole being. For the first time I felt the energy flow in my body so intensely, so powerfully, so truly. Three revealing days I strongly recommend. Thank you Paschalis.
Stavros (Scotland)
There are no words on Earth to describe in the slightest the deep spiritual experience I’ve had in this Angelic Reiki seminar. However, I will tell you that it was liberating in a purifying way, revealing, joyous, unique, full of so many unexpected inner surprises having as a highlight the moment I reunited with my heavenly angelic friends and felt their unlimited love.
I was home again. Now I can realize what “you are never alone, you never were” means. It was such a deep experience, such a real contact that I can no longer deny it, for it is part of my truth. Two weeks after, I feel the transformational change happening in such a sweet, soft, peaceful almost silent way, just like when the sun rises. There is now light where there were some shadows left.
I have noticed that I've stopped worrying about what will happen in the future, how things will turn out etc., which means that I am not any more interested in controlling the future because I am getting more and more certain day by day – which seems to come out of nowhere but it is not – that all my needs are taken care of at the appropriate time for me and as you, Paschalis, told us everything is as it is supposed to be, there is no mistake!
And at last I wake up in the morning full of happiness (I’ve been wondering where that sensation of vanity and emptiness which flooded me at times for years, went) feeling my body peacefully powerful after all these months I’ve been feeling so tired. In a few words, I would like to tell you that I Am Fine! I would like to thank you and all the heavenly family from the depths of my heart for all the gifts you have offered me!
Eva Tzouma (Mytilene)
This experience has been a landmark, a new beginning for my life, a journey in the depths of my being. The Angels’ presence in our life is a reality. Their Support and Love is endless. We are certainly not alone in our journey. That is what I feel every day more and more intensely, as well as all this love that overflows. A big thank you from the depths of my heart to Paschalis for the work he offers and may Christ give him the strength to go on.
Antigone (Volos)
My heart vibrates from joy after this Seminar knowing that the Higher Consciousness “works” through this channel on Earth. Love-Light and Joy on the path for ever.
Βuddhadeo (Athens)
I travelled beyond time and space. Blue, purple, magenta waves in an endless motion were accompanying me. I felt vibrations in my body and an intense numbness during the whole experience. For the first time I saw an Angel before me. I feel stronger! For a long time I had the feeling that I had no base. Today I feel there are foundations in my life! My journey in the life of earth makes sense again and perhaps there is a new destination.
Glykeria (Volos)
A journey to the Galactic Angels’ World, a journey to peacefulness, serenity, inner balance, Self Knowledge and the contact with Higher Energies, feelings that cannot be described just be experienced. Be well and may the path you have taken always be full of light!
Athanasios (Thessaloniki)
My soul received love, my personality knowledge, and my Spirit joy. I feel really blessed, that the Universe gave me the chance to experience something so powerful, true, coming from Heaven and the Angels. Thank you for your help, knowledge and most of all your Light. Thank you for helping me, through this process, to approach so beautifully and deeply spiritually the Angelic Kingdom.
Aloe (Volos)
A journey of Self Knowledge. An exploration of the limits of the self and soul. A dive in the depths of existence and recollection of the hidden treasures of faith, courage, strength and love. Recognition of the inner possibilities and their manifestation beyond natural and cognitive field. A mystic journey on the path of soul where angels assist every time your self loses courage. At the end of the tunnel the reward is the trust in the soul and love that surpasses all fears and doubts.
George (Thessaloniki)
Angelic Reiki for me was a reconnection with who I really am. The contact with our true home in the inner planes of light. An anchoring of the energies of the divine triad, love, wisdom and power in my bodies.
Paschali and Frixo, thank you for the guidance and a big thank you to the angelic kingdom and all the ascended masters for their help and the Gift they offered us.
Stefanos (Germany)
I heartfelt thank you to Paschalis and Frixos the facilitators of the seminar which took place in Thessaloniki and established the angelic vibration in the hearts of all the participants and in the energy grids of the city. Lighting up new torches of light in Greece.
Nikoforos (Thessaloniki)
Introduction to the Diamond Heart Merkaba of Creation
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- Frixos Christodoulou
Return to the Lodge: Unlocking the Da Vinci Code!
Some may wonder, What if Real is not True?
Have you ever felt that life is so much more than what you see around you? Why should there be so much pain in the world and why is something like that allowed to happen? Do you feel that happiness is a state which you should always be in but cannot understand why this is not happening?
Are you ready to leave illusions behind and take the red pill?
This teaching is older than time itself, and goes back beyond time. It composes the foundation of all Creation. The Merkaba is the primeval construction of Creation. Its knowledge leads to limitless power and with its practice one enters the creative power of All That There Is.
The mind is activated by this creative power, and everything there is inside it is led to be revealed in the natural world. Those communities which in the past possessed the knowledge of this practice, were evolved to guiding and transformational powers worldwidely. Egypt and Greece possessed this knowledge, just like Western communities do now.
This practice had always been kept secret. In the West, this knowledge is the teaching of the “Esoteric Temple” of the Masonic Lodge. A new elite of alchemists was accepted in the Masonic world in the 15th and 16th century and this knowledge was revealed to them. As a result a new generation of people was created, who had the power so that through the practice of Merkaba they would place the foundations of the Industrial Revolution and the modern society we now live in.
The Merkaba workshops are made in a way that the student can be presented with the reasons why this practice is of such great importance. It covers topics which in the past were considered to have such immense Power, that the knowledge shouldn’t be exposed to the world.
This knowledge was in the past given to men so that they would create a New Age. However, this knowledge has been misused by the few, so that the many would be controlled. At this specific time in human history and evolution, we are called by the Angels and the Masters to apply this knowledge of practice to create the New Age we all wish for...
I grant my thanks for these workshops to Kevin Core and Christine Core who taught me for the first time the Merkabah practice in 2004, as well as Drunvalo Melchizedek, who brought forward this teaching in 1995.
Memories from our Ancient Past & The Mer-Ka-Ba
There is one other main factor on which we shall focus during the Merkaba seminar. 13.000 years ago, we knew something about ourselves which we have completely forgot:
That the geometric energy fields around our bodies can rotate in a particular way, which is also connected with our breathing.
These fields used to rotate almost in light speed around our bodies but the speed decreased and they stopped rotating after the Fall. When this field activates and rotates, it is called Merkabah, and its use in this reality is unparallel. It gives us extensive knowledge of who we are, connects us with higher levels of consciousness and restores the memory of the endless possibilities of our existence.
The Word Merkaba: consists of three shorter words, Mer, Ka and Ba, which come from Ancient Egypt. These words have been found in other cultures as well in the form of: Merkabah, Merkaba and Merkavah. There are very many ways to pronounce it, but generally we pronounce it in three separate syllables, intonating each of them separately.
The Word Mer: refers to a specific quality of Light, which was comprehended in ancient Egypt during the period of the 18th Dynasty. It was perceived through their consciousness, as two oppositely rotating light fields which rotated in the same space, and functioned in a particular breathing pattern.
The Word Ka: refers to the independent spirit and Ba is usually defined as the body or physical reality. In other realities where spirits have no bodies, it refers to concepts or the interpretation of the reality they bring.
Therefore, the Mer-Ka-Ba is an oppositely rotating light field which affects the body and the spirit simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can transport the Spirit and the Body (or the “interpreted” reality) of a person from one world to another or one dimension to another.
To be precise the Mer-Ka-Ba is so much more than that, as it can create reality while moving through realities. Our purpose in the Merkabah seminar is to focus mainly on the part that it is a multidimensional vehicle which will help us return to the higher and authentic state of consciousness.
Golden Ratio & The Multidimensional Vehicle Mer-Ka-Ba
The ratio of the facade length of the Great Pyramid from the centre of its façade base in connection with the distance of the same point in the centre of the base square of the pyramid is 1:6.
It is under discussion whether this ratio was kept on purpose or not.
Euclid (3,000 B.C.) in “Elements” names the separation of a line in 0,6180399 “line separation in the Golden Ratio”. This later led to naming the Golden Rule. We do not have the precise archives of the Greek architects based on which the well-known temples and buildings, such as the Parthenon, were designed. Consequently, we do not know whether the Golden Rule was used on purpose in the architectural designs.
The American mathematician Mark Barr used the greek letter "φ'' so as to represent the Golden Ratio, taking the first letter of the Greek sculptor Feidias who used the Golden Ratio to make his sculptures.
Luca Paccioli wrote a book with the title “De Divina Proportione” (Divine Ratio) in 1509. It contains the sketches of the 5 Platonic Solids of Leonardo Da Vinci. Possibly Da Vinci was the first to give the name Sectio Aurea ( a latin word for Golden Section).
Today some mathematicians use the letter φ for the Golden Ratio and in other applications they use the greek letter "α'' or "τ", the first letter of the greek word for “section”.
The Golden Rule has a lot of interesting characteristics. It is believed that many things such as pictures with dimensions that are divided in the ratio of 1:φ are in some way more visually pleasant than other pictures in other ratios. In the Fibonacci ratio, numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 where every number is the sum of the previous two numbers, the ratio of these numbers (their quotient) tends towards φ.
The resonance that the Divine Ratio has for the human eye and brain has been scientifically researched. A lot of psychological test, the ones of Gustav Fechner being first in the 19th century, showed that in a line of objects presented in rectangular frames, people chose as being more visually pleasant, the ones whose sides corresponded to the Golden Ratio.
However, the most amazing of all is that a number that esthetically attract people, appears in nature and science. Bring in mind, for example, how the leaves on a branch are organized. Each new leaf growing, does so by having a divergence in its angle in connection with the leaf right under it. The most common angle among fully grown leaves is 137,5, The Golden Angle. Why? Because 137,5=360-360/G where G stands for Golden Ratio.
Why does the Golden Ratio play a role in the arrangement of the leaves? This is owed to the irrationality of this number. The irrational numbers are the ones which cannot be expressed as a fraction, for example 5/2. “The Golden Ratio is perhaps the most irrational number of all irrational numbers” Livio says. The Golden Ratio is that continued fraction which tends to become integer, with the slowest pace in connection with all continued fractions” This is the key - characteristic of the Golden Rule.
Every leaf has to absorb the sunlight, without shading the leaves underneath. The plant has to arrange its leaves in a way so that the one being higher to have formed a spiral around the stem, before a new leaf grows right under it in the lowest part of the plant, and this is a divergence of 360 degrees. “There is no better way than choosing an angle among the leaves, which is based on a number which need more time to become integer” says Livio.
We can see the Golden Ratio in Positive Sciences too!
Even the Pythagoreans knew the connection between the Golden Ratio and the five-sided symmetry. Their symbol was a five-pointed star and the ratio of the length of the side of each triangle to its appeared base, is the Golden Ratio.
Maybe the most amazing fact is that the Golden Ratio appears in the Physics of the Black Holes, a discovery made by Paul Davies from the University of Adelaide in 1989. The Black Holes as well as other planetary bodies which have self powered gravity, such as the Sun, have a “negative special heat”. This means they become hotter when their temperature decreases. Basically, the loss of heat pushes the gases of a body such as the Sun, in inner pressure, allowing gravity to compress it into a smaller body. Then the gases are heated for the same reason the air in a bike pump heats as it is compressed.
Things are not so simple when it comes to a rotating black hole, since in that case there is an external centripetal force that acts so as not to allow the alteration of the black hole. This force depends on how fast the black hole rotates. It seems that in a specific critical point of the rotation price, the special heat of the black hole changes from negative to positive. And that means that instead of becoming hotter as it loses heat, it becomes cooler.
-What defines this critical point? The mass of the black hole and the Golden Ratio! Why is there a connection between the Golden Ratio and the Black Holes? “This is a true puzzle” Livio confesses. William Shakespeare clearly said: “There are more things in Heaven and on Earth"
What we tried to show is that all physical systems contain the Divine constructive foundation of the ratio of the Golden Rule. This is a knowledge very well hidden by the Greeks and the Egyptians, and before them, the Atlanteans.
In the 14th, 15th and 16th century, the incorporation of artists and alchemists in the Masonic classes led to a revolution in the field of Art, Architecture and Music.
It is known as the Golden Age of the Reformation and was started by those artists, when the knowledge of the Golden Rule and its role in the Divine Proportion was revealed to them.
Those artists incorporated in their drawings, buildings and music, the vibration of the Golden Rule, giving their works a quality of beauty one could only then find in nature.
The Arch in a Muslim temple and the gates of entrance in a Cathedral are both designed using two cutting cirles and Vesica Pisces but with positive angles in each of them. Through these gates, symbols of a spiritual path, we leave the path of the Many and enter the area of the One.
Most of us feel that our consciousness is created in the frames of our physical brain. But that is not so. Our brains are just the vehicle to accept the consciousness in this incarnation, this reality. We also exist in many levels of consciousness. Those levels or dimensions, correspond to music scales in an octave. Humanity has now focused on incarnation, the third level of consciousness.
We are working as a team for the forth level of consciousness and we are evolving towards the fifth. The magnetic construction of our electromagnetic energy bodies in each and every level of consciousness corresponds to one of the Platonic Solids. This electromagnetic energy field around each of our bodies in every dimension is our Merkaba Light Body for this level of consciousness.
The Golden Heart Merkaba Of Creation is a practice through which each of these Merkaba Light Bodies, rotates in a Divine measure to create an energy vortex within our consciousness on that level. All these sacred geometrical shapes have in their structures the energy of creation in the form of the ratio of the Golden Rule. These sacred geometrical shapes exist as a magnetic structure in our different Merkaba Light Bodies.
As we activate each one of these Light Bodies using this practice through their rotation, they create a vortex by which the Creative Energy of God is attracted in our Light Body, activating our consciousness in that level creating anything that exists in that level of our consciousness. We become a vortex of the Creation Energy. That’s the cause of the power of this practice and the reason why it had been kept secret until 1995.
Paschalis Kazakopoulos
The Flame of Magdalene (Two day Workshop)
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- Frixos Christodoulou
The Flame of Magdalene
2 day Workshop
With the Founders Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou
The Secret Teaching of the Sacred Heart!
An experiential workshop which brings the energy of living love and the Christ consciousness. The seminar experience is that of heart opening and love experience, communion with our Divine self and soul essence, freedom, relief and empowerment.
The workshop has a healing and self-knowing character. Through the teaching of Mary Magdalene many restrictive beliefs that block the flow of grace in our life are released and the relationship with our self, the Divine, people and life itself is improved.
Many restrictive patterns, traumas and situations from our personal experiences are released in grace through this teaching. Also you learn how to work with this energy for healing, how to develop the Christ consciousness within and how to listen to the guidance of your heart. The workshop is a diode that activates the Divine spark and opens the portal of living love in your life...
Exploring the Christ Consciousness
In this workshop Paschalis and Frixos present the new teaching of Mary Magdalene that they received through channeling the last years. We will explore the essence of the Christ consciousness as a path to fulfillment.
Beginning this journey there is an introduction to the new teaching of M.Magdalene and we will gradually remove any limitations and programming that prevents us from experiencing the presence of the integrated Christ in our life.
Through useful information, energy work and experiential exercises we are going to release deep rooted traumas that block the flow of love within us. All this happens in a very graceful way.
While you will be reconnecting with the field of living love many realizations come up and liberate, issues regarding the relationship and the image we hold for ourselves, our relationship with our parents and other people, the inner child, emotional traumas, the relationship with Spirit/ God-Goddess, and many other conditions that are transmuted in the living field of love and divine Grace that embraces the group.
Usually the participants feel an emotional release, inner peace, love and will for life. The connection with the guidance of the heart is enhanced while many negative energies such as anger, non forgiveness, bitterness are alleviated or completely removed.
The Secret Teaching of the Sacred Heart!
Experience the field of the heart, the center of Love in a deep way like the master of Love herself reveals. It’s about the secret teaching of the Sacred Heart and the path of the roses. Under the guidance of Mary Magdalene, whose the living presence and energies overlight the seminar, you will experience a strong initiation that awakens the 12 Rays of the Sacred Heart. You will learn how to work with this energy as a way of self healing and fulfillment towards the Christ consciousness.
This energy was available in the past during the Atlantean times at the temple of Love, and later in ancient Egypt, the priestesses who served in the temples of the Great Mother.
Also we will present information such as the holy grail and how its related the the Light codes of the Christ and the DNA. What are the soul mates and twin flames, how this works inside and outside and the way it is reflected in practical life. We will apply several dynamic techniques for merging your consciousness with the Christ consciousness and you will be able to apply them after the seminar too.
Paschalis and Frixos guide the participants through practical information, energy attunements and harmonizations with the Flame of Mary Magdalene, the ruby-golden ray, the diamond codes of the Christ, the divine spark, reconnection with the Regions of the Light etc. The synthesis of this work will allow you to make a fresh start and see life through an expanded perspective, touching your course in a profound way.
A special part of this workshop is the living contact of each participant with the active presence of Mary Magdalene so each one to have a directly personal and transformational experience.
In these gatherings we do live channeling from Mary Magdalene for guidance and expansion of the teaching while a personal message is channeled for each participant. The direct contact with the energy of the Christ consciousness opens the doors for instant transformation for a life in the path of divine grace.
Paschalis and Frixos have presented “The Flame of Mary Magdalene” the last years in many places all over the world: France, England, Cyprus, Scotland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Dubai, Israel... Giving the opportunity to many people from different cultures to embrace this energy in their lives!
I am usually good with words but I feel there are no words to express my joy, love and gratitude for your presence and your guidance. You see me ! and my heart fills with tears of joy thinking about it. I want to thank you for the channeling, it means the world to me to hear Christ's words of love and wisdom.
You, my dear Paschalis, are so in alignment with His light and love that I feel blessed and comforted to have met you and to have you in this world. I send Frixos my love and respects, he reminds me of purity and unconditional love. May we all continue to serve the light ever so more in this year. Reshma (Dubai)
I would like to thank you once more for that wonderful joy and love we shared. It was really powerful, and for me, it was such a nice (and first) experience to be in such a close energetic contact with Maria Magdalena and Yeshua. Sophia.T (France)
14 - 15 Sept. 2019, Nicosia / Cyprus
Participation Information
Participation: 200€ | registration: 50€
Times: Sat. & Sun. 10:00 - 18:00
Repeat: 100€
To participate please contact us or click below to register:
The New Shamballa - Living as a Master
- Details
- Paschalis Kazakopoulos
Shambhala 13 Dimensions
4 day Seminar
The diamond light of unconditional love!
Have you ever dreamt of a land where people and nature are in perfect harmony, where peace and beauty prevails? A land where nature is colorful and alive and there is heartfelt communication among people, trees, the animal kingdom and the celestial beings?
On the etheric level above the Himalayas, the Masters who lived on earth and ascended, hold in their consciousness the divine perfection for the entire earth. This possibility exists and we can experience it here, now!
"Shamballa 13 Dimensions" reveals in a grounded and practical way the promise of heaven on earth. The seminar is a strong reconnection with the Masters of Shamballa and the consciousness of perfection.
Through the teachings of the ancient wisdom about the nature of life, mind and being and the perception about reality, and going through energy attunements in the 13 dimensions you will discover how this perfection exists around you and how to embrace it.
Shamballa 13 Dimensions is a platform for transformation and a passage through the veils for a brand new life!
What happens in the Seminar
This seminar is a journey of self discovery through the 13 Dimensions of reality that helps everyone embrace their divine being and expand their perception.
We will explore the 13 Dimensions of reality one by one and experience them in a practical way and also through the 13 initiations - energy attunements.
During the seminar we explain and share important information that are interconnected, giving you the opportunity to open your perspective while we will be going through the understanding offered by each dimension.
The teaching presented here helps you disconnect from the negative perspective, the dramas, the emotional games of life and relationships, giving you the opportunity to break free from the chains of the mind and to understand its nature. You will experience a deep reconnection with life itself, with the joy and the meaning of being in the here and now.
Also you will connect with the energy of the ascended Masters of Shamballa and the divine aspect of Divine Will and Love - Wisdom. This seminar is a major attunement to the energy of the master, the energy of self-mastery and will.
All understanding drawn from this experience will accompany you like precious diamonds in your everyday life. After the recent activation of the “Mahatma Portal” on the 31st of August 2012, the energy that pours in the seminar has gone on a new level, providing greater and stronger access to the energy of Shamballa!
Moreover we will explore several aspects such as the spiritual warrior, the observer, creative inactivity, the programming and the projections of the mind, the emotional body and other facets that will allow you to embody them in your life.
The seminar unfolds in such a way that offers deep realizations and in combination with the energy attunements that will lift you on a new level of understanding. Parallely you will experience a profound connection with the spiritual Hierarchy, the ascended Masters and the Light beings who oversee this work.
You will learn how to work with the sacred directions and how to bring down the energy of Shamballa as a method of multidimensional healing.
The seminar experience is one of empowerment and expansion. The participants usually feel greater centerdness and confidence in themselves, experience greater peace and harmony, compassion and understanding while they release restrictive beliefs, judgment and other.
“Shamballah” seminar offers you the opportunity to make a fresh start, changing the way you see and experience life, your self, your relationships and existence itself. An invitation to embrace more the perfection and the gift of life.
Some of the subjects we will explore:
Staying grounded in the now moment, the meaning of blood, the galactic races and the crystal skulls (new attunenement), devas and elementals, Shambhalla - the diamond Light of unconditional love, clearing meditation and Light Body integration, brain balancing. A full manual and certificated is provided.
A profound, transformational and moving experience of merging with the energy of Light and Love. A purification of soul and body that keeps exiting my being. For first time I felt the energy moving so strong, so true. I strongly recommend it. Sabrina B. (Athens)
19 - 20 May 2018, Athens (Part 1)
26 - 27 May 2018, Athens (Part 2)
Participation Information
Participation: 650 450€ | registration: 50€
Times: 2 Weekends 10:00 - 18:00
Repeat: 200€
To participate please contact us or click below to register: