
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Absolute Freedom from Fear!

Beloved workers of Light, blessed breaths of the life of God himself, I am Sananda. The teaching, that I, Mary Magdalene and Thamar, our daughter, will give you today, will descend like pyramid and triangle here to your companionship.

Helping you to understand the crystalline diamond heart of the christed consciousness, as you walk in the energies of this month. Beloved breathe, inhale the golden breath of your own soul through the essence of your own aspect, your own soul.

Inhale and exhale bringing inside you the glory and the blessing that you are, feeling the warmth in the centre of your heart, feeling the essence of the christed quality being spread in your body, in your existence. Let it spread, give freedom to love so as to spread, because you have the choice and this choice is gold.

It is the most important value, it is Love!

Let it spread within the essence of your existence, confirming, once again, in your own whole system, that this is the freedom of your life, Love. You are the one who deprives love from yourself and you are the one who gives freedom to yourself, so as to live Love, to experience Love, to be Love.

So Loved Ones give this permission and free Love inside you, around you, everywhere, and shine with the light of this love. Whatever comes to meet you, whatever exists around you.

- Do you really know which the greatest freedom is?

- Do you really know what the absolute freedom is?

It is the Freedom from Fear!

This is the absolute freedom. Freedom from any limitation. Isn’t it? Give freedom to love, to operate within your heart, within your complete system, awakening your christed consciousness and releasing it from the limitations of fear, of separation, of lower ego.

Let now these limitations of fear that hold the control in the mind and carry and drag all these fears, trying to influence the heart. But the heart is higher, the heart by its nature is in another level, so it isn’t influenced, it is never “squeezed”, never is flinched, never feels sad. You think that the feelings that are created by fear are those that the heart controls, but the heart doesn’t control, the heart releases.

So Loved Ones, release, release any fears, any limitations of the mind, that they have told you that this is it, that this is the right thing and that’s the way to proceed forward. Let all these, and now that you are breathing with the gold breath of your heart, feel the space around you, feel my voice, this moment that surrounds you.

My voice is spherical and now you feel it. Your love is spherical. It is the absolute freedom of the space within time that you create, in order to experience the choice. To experience the choice that you had to do. See now the sphericality of freedom and feel it around your consciousness, spreading and expanding.

Feel the scent of your own soul, as it wraps the existence and the consciousness of the awakened christed freedom, that is contained within you, within your own heart. And what we are trying now, together with Mary Magdalena and Thamar, is to bring to this consciousness, this awakened consciousness, the scent of the heart inside the mind, so as you to open and see all the aspects and all the realities that we can co-create, we and you, you with your very own Divine Presence, with the Father/God Himself, Mother/Goddess.

The pain which is related with the heart is an illusion. Mind has conceived it this way, and your feelings are what they express it. So moving towards this time of major changes you need to enrich your feelings with love, divine passion and ecstasy, romantic love, the very life itself, bringing all this in your daily life, to the present of each moment. And we, Sananda Family, will help you on this.

Thamar is coming now, in front of each one of you, serving the light of the heart and infusing your hearts with the breath of the New Earth, of the new advent, of your own advent. The advent of your own Divine Self inside the nature of your soul. And  Thamar, is now infusing this in your hearts, going round the companionship.

Loved Ones, you, who are now reading what I am saying, what I am transferring in this group, experience it too, you, now, as experience it the people that are here now, because all are interconnected, all are one, live the moment.

Release yourself, let any doubts and feel Thamar, now, as she is doing this for you. As She is doing this for all humanity. The sweet innocence of Thamar will lead you back to the first innocence, to the zero point, for the new beginning of the nature of the Light Workers. The Workers of the awakened christed love as the new paradigm for the New Earth. Feel this soft touch of Thamar in your heart, as I and Mary Magdalene are weaving the grid of light that will support this new quality which is established in your hearts.

Release this, Loved Ones, and breathe in, breath in when you feel it and the inhalation will be done through your heart which will open a new path, in the infinity of your own spirit, as it will come in contact with the nature of your own soul. Breath in now through your heart, take a deep breath and say:

«I commune the truth of my Spirit, I commune the truth of the Divine».

How do you feel now? How do you feel inside your own system? What we see form our side, is that your auras have created a magical pink spinning of gold and rose wrapping around your system.

And as it extends in your higher chakras, it creates a spout that reaches up to the essence, to your Monad. Feel this in your physiology and let it go through, and let it be established, as you are changing, as all are changing.

As you inhale in this new breath, absolutely aligned with the essence of the nature of your own soul, put your intention, your clear pure intention and let it manifest to all heights, to all widths, to the full size.

You are the new reality that you are waiting for, and it is here.

Loved Ones, doubt is the only thing that destroys your system, because it contains the limitations of fear and this is The Prison. Free then, free love and create the present using as a principle the Truth.

Sananda Family, convey the love of Divine’s heart to your hearts, from the essence of the Cosmic Heart.

The Sananda Family

Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Nov.08 Athens

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