
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Alignment Ceremony & The New Physical Vehicle!

Beloved workers of God’s work, I speak directly in your heart, in the core of your soul and your being. Surrender to this wave of energy brought by the Angels and the Masters of Light at this moment in the fields of your group and surrender to the breath of the Divine...

The changes you are going through beloved are deep, essential...

The road is acclivitous and you are ascending...

The sun is alive and pulsating, your heart is open to receive it, and that’s why we are all here today. The entire Company of Heaven, the Masters you connect with, the Angels and the Archangels for a Sacred Ceremony.

The alignment ceremony of all of your chakras, all of your meridians, energy centres and Light bodies with the new Light frequency, which is encoded now from the Regions of the Light downwards in all of your bodies, all of your chakras, and while it gets grounded and encoded in your DNA, it raises you up.

This rising is not only physical but also spiritual on all levels and provides you with the possibility to pass through the Portals of the Light, through the Temples of Love, the Crystalline Temples of Light which have been activated on Earth and radiate and connect the new geometry. The new geometry of your bodies and the multi-dimensionality of the New Earth.

Alignment Ceremony with the Company of Heaven!


Photo from nzdzeni in Flickr.

Like I told you before we are here with the Company of Heaven for a ceremony and this ceremony begins now with the descension of Lord Buddha, who sits on a shining lotus ascended on your spiritual body and he anchors the energy of thousand suns through the diamond of Shamballa to the fields of the Earth and in your fields now. Bringing purity and clarity in your thoughts and your mind. In the thought and mind of the earth, the earth which is born now within your consciousness and symbolises the physical body with which you will get along as humanity for the next 2000 years...

Quan Yin comes now in this space releasing the rivers of kindness, of compassion to fill all of your bodies and the bodies of Earth. This blessing is given to your every cell, every atom, each subatomic particle of your bodies and the physical body of the earth. And her message is:

“Allow compassion to lead the race to peace and unity.”

Now Saint Germain and the Archangels of the Violet Flame come in, radiating the energies of the violet fire, embracing the earth and your bodies with the energies of infinite transmutation of the paradisian flame, the Flame of Freedom...

In this room comes Paramahansa Yogananda, radiating the orange ray of joy. All these Masters make a big circle, all Angels and Masters of Light while Lord Buddha brings an energy from the central sun of our galaxy, signalling the beginning of the new cycle now!

This wave which begins today will be completed on the 12/12/2012...

So you are transported now as a group to the Temple of Love which receives these Light codes and connects with your heart on the physical level, as you keep breathing, you assimilate the Light codes which are given now to humanity...

Powerful Upgrade of the Chakras & your Light Bodies!

Beloved, the processes which will be completed throughout this great period concern all of your bodies. So your chakras become a light vehicle in order to hold the new quality that the Mahatma energy will anchor to the Portals of Tibet, completing the inflow process of the rainbow...

The time of freedom, balance, flow in the Light and the assimilation from the Regions of the Light will take place gradually. Open your hands and your heart to the resurrection of your spirit. Open your hands and your heart and share with yourself, with your being itself this blessed day...

I now come with Mary Magdalene and I touch the chakra of your heart, opening the rose of the Christ, opening all the portals on all dimensions...

So beloved, the road is open through your heart and you can move on, you can assimilate more of what you ask through your prayers, in your meditations, in your everyday life, through all the dimensions.

There is nothing to limit you and the road of your heart is open!

The return to the planet of love, peace and freedom is here for you now. Allow this shift from heart to heart to create the flow for humanity and rise the entire field while the Earth is absorbed and will emerge again in the higher dimension.

Transition through the Dimensional Veils!


Photo from matssee in Flickr.

The Pleiadian galactic brothers of the Light assist in this process now. The Angels of Light, the Masters and your Spiritual Guides are guiding you to decisions which are important for your spirit. You need to allow these decisions to flow freely in your life...

Each one of you is connected with different spiritual levels in the spiritual world. All these levels converge to one point, the Christ Consciousness, the Buddhic Consciousness, the liberation of self in Love. So how can you do it when you hold things, situations, ideas, thoughts that do not belong there?

So release them now. As much as you release them, the veils of the dimensions will be lifted and the process will be easier. As this is delayed to take place, you will just feel this pressure from the fields themselves which don’t allow anything that it isn’t high enough to come in as vibration.

The road of your heart, the path of the Light is open like I told you. So through in there you can enter. Allow compassion and charity to flood your heart. Allow this bright being that you are to continue its ascension.

Allow this attraction to magnetise you. Let the breath lead you and whatever may be, anything that  creates chaos, whatever may this be, from the biggest to the smallest, - the power of Love, Wisdom of Father God/ Mother Goddess will bring balance, will bring order to anything that resists. Because the entire existence is reborn now, the entire existence exhales. You are now in the pause, but the exhalation is the one which will create the fifth dimension on earth. You are just a little before the exhalation and this is a big moment beloved ones for the evolution itself, for the entire galaxy.

So with this understanding I can now accept your questions...

You see, the energy of harmony and balance prevailing in your consciousness at this moment, floods you with the Light of the information you need and are necessary this moment.

Empowerment Exercise from the Master Yeshua, Sananda:

The Golden Pyramid, the Diamond of Shamballa & the Rose of the Christ!


Photo from 1_kb in Flickr.

Closing this beautiful company here and the beautiful ceremony we did for you and which took place of course for the entire Earth simultaneously on all dimensions, outside of space and time, I would like to give you a very important information for this period. An exercise that will help you and all those who listen this moment in their ascension process and evolution.

Visualise a golden three-sided pyramid around you.

Visualise the diamond of Shamballa on the top of the pyramid.

Visualise a rose opening below your feel, embracing the pyramid, and see a ray of Light passing through your entire chakra system, activating the rose; and the energies of the rose filling the field with a pink-purple colour in the pyramid you are in; and inhale this energy through all of your body. Become like a sponge and absorb all this energy...

This exercise will help you for physical, mental or psychological issues. Anything that comes up and anything that resists will be able to be transmuted and your bright Self will be emerging. Your Christ Self, your Buddhic Self, your Melchizedek Self. And when this happens, see the pyramid ascending up and you are sitting on the rose which creates highways of Light and lead you to the path of truth.

You can also make a question while you assimilate this Light, and the highway of Light that will open, the diode of Light that will open will lead you to the answer, your next step to your evolutionary process.

So beloved, we weave your Light fields up to your Monad and soul with the 12 strand DNA which is anchored now from the etheric to your physical body...

Expressers of Truth and Love, I greet you.


Master Yeshua through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 21 Mar.12

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