Clear what's holding you back
What’s holding you back or stuck? From improving your life, moving on to the next phase, the next step of a project, a plan, your life or simply to clear your house and declutter your desk? Perhaps you know what needs to be done but there is still an undefined force that keeps you chained? Each time something changes in your life for the better something happens and stops you?
This clearing transmits a thorough clearing and empowers you in order to get you quickly back to flow with optimism and strength! Also this clearing packet transmits Darshan (blessings) from Hindu and other powerful deities who bestow blessings, clear obstacles, improve our life quality and develop useful and practical abilities for our everyday life and our personal goals. Now is the time to be free from the ties and fly high!
Also ideal for those times when we feel weak, disoriented, sad or something holds us back for completing anything.
Duration: 4 minutes