Guidance |  Channeling




In this session Paschalis becomes a channel for the ascended Masters Yeshua & Mary Magdalene who respond to your questions with wisdom, love and their healing energies.

A channeling session will help you see beyond the limitations and the illusions. Depending on the questions and the guidance you seek, they will provide you with information that are useful to your growth.

This is not a psychic reading on what will happen in the future. Each one has the free will regarding the choices and the decisions they make for their self. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene always express with precision and can tell many things with in few words. They teach love, forgiveness, dedication and harmlessness.

Their advices are useful and reasonable, usually simple, precise and not flamboyant. They inform you about what you need to learn and some times they also allow you to follow your own way of learning. They may show you too some more pleasant ways to approach something difficult and very important.

While the wording of the questions plays an important role regarding the guidance you will receive, we advise you to think beforehand your questions and put priorities.

More guidance is given to questions that are formulated in a useful way, for example how the A or B choice will affect me, what do I need to know in order to help myself in the situation I’m facing etc.

Avoid questions that require predictions, questions with a “yes” or “no” answer,  if the X event will happen or when, if a specific health issue will be healed, since the possibilities and parameters change from moment to moment according to the choices and the total approach of the individual.

During the Channeling the healing energies will be working with you while a telepathic communication of information is activated, which unfolds smoothly after the session as guidance or inspiration in daily life.

Whatever is troubling you, whichever may be the reason you will choose to attend a soul meeting - channeling, the Masters Yeshua and Mary Magdalene will embrace you and transmit the most wonderful energies and clear guidance that will be the most perfect for you in that moment.


Some of the questions you can make may be related to:


Your life purpose, soul talents.

Your work, changes, new beginnings.

Relationships, family.

Solving inner issues with people that made their transition.

Spiritual subjects such as spiritual guides, past lives etc.


Book your session


Book your session online and then send your questions to

5 Questions Session: 100€

Your reading will be scheduled and the resutls will be send to your email.

For your session contact us or book online:

