
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Golden Codes & DNA Reprogramming!

oi chrysoi kodikoi epanaprogrammatismos tou dna

Photo from: Alex Noriega in flickr.

We greet you beloved ones through the source of clear truth that we are… We anchor the 33 frequencies of Light in the energy field of your consciousness, and we attune now the broadcasting station of your consciousness...

Let your mind relax, open your heart and with your every breath transport yourself to the field of limitless possibilities of your soul. As you swim in your consciousness and surrender more to the energies of light from Sirius, we are ready to do an upgrade to your system.

An upgrade which happens now in the Earth’s energy field and is anchored from the higher level of light through Andromeda, through the Sun, through Pleiades and Sirius on Earth. These Golden Codes of light beloved ones come through the Solar Disc and the Portal has opened during the night of the full moon.

The Moon beloved has opened the Portal to the Fourth Dimension, with the light from the glance of Mother Goddess, so for the collective consciousness to ascend to the Fifth Dimension where the Sun is found and radiates now the Golden Codes of light. We also contribute to this, since this energy penetrates Sirius and then descends on Earth…


DNA Reprogramming & Physical Symptoms!


The energies of the Golden Codes will help in releasing old beliefs, patterns and fears of the past and will support the upgrade of the DNA code on a collective level in humanity.

Many of you may be feeling recently that you have lost the compass, either in your relationship with other people or in your path. Some of you may be feeling like you are somehow outside of space and time. It is ok!

Many of you have some problems at the throat lately. Others have eye problems and tears. Some of you on the third eye and the neck.

All this is a minor re-programming that takes place in your DNA through the Golden Codes that come now on Earth in order for your higher chakras, the 10th, 9th and 8th Chakra to receive the upgrade they need. And all this energy flow penetrates the Crown (chakra) and descends to the rest Chakras.

So many of you may have such symptoms on the physical level, but know that this is the change itself happening inside you. The way you interpret it doesn’t matter. The essence is change itself and it happens now!

The work we will do today is related to the cerebellum, there is the reptilian brain, just above the neck. All beliefs and old patterns are found there, energies of fear, energies of resistance to move forward.

In order to wake up this center you need to awaken the kundalini energy and the most people on earth don’t wake up the kundalini energy due to the fear of taking their power in their hands, to be the masters of their self and the masters of their destiny…

So with the Golden Codes of light we help humanity make a step forward. We open that center which is located just above the neck at the level of the ponytail and little bit inside.. and we channel through that point, through your higher chakras, passing through the crown to your entire body down to the Omega Center, the energy of Love, the energy of Light and Freedom brought by these codes; filling the body and your spirit with the harmony it should have.

Feel now this flow, this flood of light beloved… As we’ll be creating an energy grid around this group, surrender to the full upgrade of your DNA, the new resonance of Light unfolding now.

Listen to your cells speaking. Speaking about the freedom of spirit, the freedom of love, the art of gratitude, the art of life. Feel your consciousness levitating now while your cells resonate with her and see the golden flame descending from the heart to your lower centers…


The Sacred Moon Cycle & 28 Days of Activation!


Now beloved ones let’s work together for the networking of these codes of light that are necessary for humanity in this period.

Through your Omega Center see the Guardian Crystal in the center of the Aegean Sea and allow the energy flow to pass through your higher Centers, establishing your connection to the Crystal. All this process beloved will continue for the next 28 days, like the cycle of the Moon and the cycle of the Goddess, aligning you for the complete absorbtion, rebirth and reconstruction of your DNA through these codes.

Now that you have anchored your connections as a group to the crystal, see the dolphins taking these energy threads and transmitting them through sound all over the earth, sharing the blessing. The Golden Codes are weaved in this way on the Diamond Grid of Mother Earth.

Look closer to the crystal and you will see an equilateral triangle in its center. A golden equilateral triangle with golden radiant spheres in its (exterior) angles… Wonderful!

With your Light Body pass through the golden equilateral triangle. Pass through with your consciousness… and then return back to your body… Feel now your body. What differences do you notice?

If you have any pain or there is a spot that feels uncomfortable, focus your energy there and visualize this triangle with the three golden spheres on the area where pain resists and you will see that it will subside.

The connection has been completed and works only for your higher good, for the higher good of all and cannot be used for any other purpose.

Excellent, intergalactic workers of Light. You are being prepared for work with the neighbouring galaxy of Andromeda. As it will be uniting with your galaxy, what will result is a new light radiation of the Christed Energy that will gradually flood your planet.

So co-creation is part of this process and as you move on with this light work you will find that co-creation is part of your everyday life. We charge now your grids with the energies of Love and Light and we make our presence more perceptible. Remain in this energy for a few minutes…

The 33 Masters of Sirius.

+| The Golden Codes of Rebirth, 20 - 23 February!


Meditation retreat for rest, rejuvenation and activation of the Golden Codes with preparation for the oncoming wave of change. This light gathering is a gift from the cosmic heart to your heart. Come and share the blessings and heart expansion as we will be opening together the field of deep healing and earth service.

Read more about this special event!