
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The World of Unity & The World of Fear!

o kosmos tis enotitas o kosmos tou fovou

Photo from: Donato Caragnano in flickr.

Beloved lilies of heaven, transmitters of truth, welcome in the heavenly heart. In what wonderful way you opened the Circle of the Sacred Rose today. Continue this practice, focusing on the heart chakra and allowing the river of harmony, of love flowing to the world, because loves ones humanity has been divided at this time in the world of unity - the world of love and the world of fear - of lack...

As long as you connect to the world of unity you will be receiving love, the harmony of love and you will be sending out the harmony of love. When you connect to the world of fear, you are connecting with lack, you will be experiencing lack and you will be sending this out.

So the choice needs to be made in the heart, working in the way you analyzed all together. You see it everywhere around you. This needs to come in balance and it will be balanced. And then the choice will be a step for humanity and for the evolution of humanity to move in the world of unity, the world of love which is her destiny, her truth, the essence and her purpose.

The mental body and the emotional body are directly related with both worlds and the resulting actions. The results will be immediate in both worlds. So humanity will receive a clear message. The energy of Mother Goddess embraces the planet bringing to light the hidden agendas in order for humanity to make the correct choice.

And the choice is the world of unity, the world of love!

The energy of crystals supports this shift. Many of you work with crystals and recognize their clear essence and their emission. You recognize the clear emission of love. Work with crystals, get closer. They are pure antennas of this river of love.

Work with the crystals you have at home, create a mandala which will be expressing your choice. Your choice for a world of unity, for a world of love and let the crystals broadcasting it twenty four hours a day.

There is no right or wrong way to this. The crystals themselves will show you their arrangement. They will contribute in the establishment of this grid. Experiment, you will see that it will help...

Those were the directions I wanted to transmit to you for this period. Everything we have said is true...

But now you need to activate your heart for a journey to the eternity of the soul. A journey to the Creator of love. The Mother of compassion. Surrender in the waters of spirit and allow the flame of your heart to merge with the flame of the Creator of love and let the Mother of compassion hold you on the waters of your soul’s spirit.

Feel the heavenly union of these two forces in your heart chakra while these two forces, these two divine principles working inside you and align you to the living present, through the highways of your consciousness, the house of your soul. Allow yourself to be attracted by the house of your soul. Feel the joy, simplicity, surrendering.

Feel the descension of your soul’s crystal in your heart, in the heart of your universe while a new birth is about to come. The birth of the clear divine spirit in you. Do you feel the warmth in your heart? The crystal is being kept there!

Let it shine, attracting in your reality all these wonderful things and situations. All the wonderful beings who want to meet you. All these wonderful ideas that are to be born. All those clear pathways of the heart your soul wants you to walk on. All these wonderful soul songs waiting for you to sing them again. All this joy that is here for you to experience.

The vastness of your being is here, it’s in your heart. Allow it to shine beloved now, let it shine and with the power of the heavenly Mother I activate the crystal of your soul into each one of you, in order for the Word of the soul to be manifested as the reason of your existence in this life.

Place your hands on the heart and say this affirmation every day by touching the crystal of your soul which was activated in your heart chakra:

"Beloved Company of Heaven, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, I am a being on earth who feels connected with you. My intention is pure and from the depths of my heart I wish that my soul’s crystal shine, bringing in my life all the positive manifestations that are being held in the crystal of my soul."

Now feel your heart chakra opening, being illuminated...

"I trust completely, I surrender completely to Your love!"

And so it is!

In this way beloved ones and in many other ways that will come through your heart chakra, align yourself every day. Make the right choice, the world of unity. Live in it and anchor it in each separate reality that each one of you experiences here on earth.

The time where all these separate realities will become one gets closer, and the world of unity, the world of love will be the only reality on the blessed planet earth!

I am here to listen to your questions and help you in further understanding. I am here for you now...

Q: I would like to ask why I’m surrounded in my life by people who are repressive, my mother, my father… Why is this happening, why do I have this challenge? Why is this intense anger rising in me… Where is it coming from and how can I face it?

A: What choice do you make when you live in the world of unity? The world of lack draws closer but it cannot touch you. It tries to harm the ego but it doesn’t harm the heart. You know beloved that you are here with a different purpose.

-Did you choose these teachers and placed them there in order for you to realize how important your mission and purpose is? And if you understand it completely you will realize that this is coming from the time of Atlantis and you will release it.

At those moments look within. Which is that feeling, which is that idea that hurts? Is it coming from the world of unity or the world of fear? The result will be equivalent, love or lack. What they project to you is a deficiency, a fear. Isn’t it? Your heart is in unity and in love. Why does your mind worry so much for what others think, what others do? Are you responsible for them too?

When I called you as guardians of your brother/sister and I said that you are responsible regarding your reality, I didn’t mean that you are responsible for what others do unconsciously in their life. You are responsible regarding to if you hold them inside you in the world of unity or in the world of fear.

So I’m not saying to separate from them, I’m asking you to come inside you and stand next to them and embrace them; the world of unity will be prevailing in you. The world of love which understands.

You knew that at the time of Atlantis. Like many of you here you transferred this knowledge in Egypt and you faced exactly the same thing that is happening now. The plan of your soul is being repeated in order for you to understand that freedom is inside you. You are free, you are not depended to anyone. Wherever there is dependence there is fear. Thus lack.

I think I helped you beloved to see the greater picture. I’m sure you will do a lot of practice and the results will make you even more happy, much stronger while you will know that your will is one with the divine will. Do not be afraid of power. Hold it in the unity of the heart and the power of love will triumph.

Q:  I would like some advice for my life now.

A: How wonderful this is, how simple and so important to live in alignment with the soul. For you beloved and for all of you in relation to this period it is important to bring the teaching closer to your everyday life.

Keep experimenting and supporting the establishment of unity, of love. Serve love and unity for all beings, and this will make your crystal shine.

And so concluding I would like to say to you to trust more and more the world of unity and everything I shared with you today..

Allow yourself to be who he/she is - a Divine bing who loves and expresses freely through love and understanding. And when you will wake up tomorrow morning, see how beautiful everything is around you.

Connect to this beauty and let yourself flow in the day with the harmony of love...

Mary Magdalene.


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