
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Sacred Rose in Bulgaria!


For first time in Bulgaria we shared the experience of the heart field through the two-day workshop “The Flame of Magdalene”, accessing new possibilities and opening the way for new beginnings.

How wonderful and magical can this period be! Weaving a field for healing and transformation with light workers last November in Cyprus and then in Bulgaria. The raised vibration at this time opens the doors for instant releases and transformation.

Snapshots from the workshop with the Family of Light in Bulgaria!

A big thank you to the family of Light from Bulgaria for the sharing and the new experiences in the field of love! The workshop created a powerful love field for healing and service for all participants and the energy grids of the country!

Next stop with the Flame of Mary Magdalene in Athens! Experience the two-day workshop for first time this February with the energies of the Sacred Rose of the heart. Drop into the heart and see transformation unfolding!

An accumulated work built over the last 3 years and embraced by many people in Crete, England, Cyprus, Scotland, Germany, Dubai, France, Israel, Portugal, Bulgaria...

With love and gratitude,

Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou

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Angels House University: www.angelshouse.eu

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