Wesak Day: The Peace of the Nations!
- Details
- Boddhisatva Quan Yin through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 15 May.11
Beloved ambassadors of the Light, sweet beings of Love who reside in your heart, I am talking to you... I speak to the beings who live in you, who are aligned with the Regions of the Light, which you are... Allow them to appear, allow them to come forward now. Wonderful sweet ambassadors of the Light.
The Peace of the Nations!
Fiery hearts of Love, I welcome you.
On this day I would like to give you a global message which concerns the nations and the peace of the nations. Beloved, you are on this time in earth's history where the nations will unite in peace and the Light will prevail while the darkness will be falling behind the rocks of the consciousness of froward people. But they are about to change too if you stay and keep praying for them, as we do from up here.
So while the darkness will be falling in the consciousnesses of these people, what is about to come and what you are about to live require only fiery hearts. Hearts of Love and Light in order to withstand all this Love, all this Light which will be transmitted to you so to pass it on, for service. For the transition to the New Earth. These fiery hearts are here, at this moment. It is you you, here.
How many times have you prayed for your children and the children of all the world...
How many times have you prayed for peace in your house and for the peace of the world...
How many times you thank for the food you eat, for the health you have, for the food and the health of the world...
You are potentially Boddhisatvas. You are potentially ascended Masters on a path of growth. You might hear this strangely or see it in a different way. It is because you don’t see through the Regions of the Light. When you see through the Regions of the Light you realize and understand the lesson of karma and the entrance in a next incarnation and a next incarnation through different roles. But you, beloved ones, have chosen to help and serve the Light. So when you where as spirits in the Regions of the Light, before you incarnate, you were trained in order to come here, at this moment, on the living present, on the now.
I haven’t completed my ascension yet, while I am close to the fields of the Earth and I listen to the prayers of all people. I won’t leave until everyone is released! This is my purpose, that’s what I serve. I don’t ask you to do the same, but I ask you to serve the man, through a spiritual view, through an expanded perspective.
Come now beloved ones, unite your hearts with a golden thread of Love. Unite these hearts who pray for everyone and send this force. Send this Light now to all who need it. Independently of race, to which race the belong, what color they have and which is their social status. Send this Light to anyone in need.
Peace within, without and in the Global Affairs!
Work for the next three years.
The peace of the nations is your work for the next three years. You are workers of Peace, first of course of Love and Light, but of Peace too. Peace within and without, in the global affairs, will play prevalent role in the next three years.
You are those who will transmit the message of freedom from the ties of the lower consciousness because it will happen first to you!
So welcome now the peace in you and don’t get bonded to words, thoughts and deeds which try to imprison and limit you. Like they do it to you, so they try to do it in every race, country, city and village. But you are those who will show with your fiery heart that this does not apply in the Regions of the Light.
You are those, beloved ones, who will transfer crowds of people and will lead them to the Regions of the Light and the New Earth which is found above the earth you inhabit.
The Transmitters of Truth & the Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy!
You are the transmitters of truth. Through yourselves the Hierarchy externalizes its actions on Earth. You are the tubes and our channels. We do not use you, you have chose to do it. It is your will. We simply channel and supply you with our energies since you ask us so.
You are our links and our tubes on Earth. So unite for the good. Unite for the good will, and only for this. This does not mean that you need to unite with anything that exists, which is not in alignment with the Regions of the Light.
Unite now in Love while I bring down a wonderful lotus made of the highest energies of compassion from all beings and spiritual guides who are behind you now.
The people you lost and are on the other side wish to communicate the messages of love, peace and unity, because they see clearly now. And you have many of them who take care of you, who visit you, who give you healing. You are their channels too. Let them channel their love... They do it now.
Photo from edwinsail in Flickr.
Breaking the System... of the Mind!
Now focus through your heart and see a pulse of Love and Light going to all children of Earth who starve, to all the children of earth who are tortured undeservedly through the system which has been set up...
Break the system, send Love. Break the system, send Peace, to every occasion in your life where your intellect says to act in a different way. Follow the heart and the path of compassion and break this system of the mind by sending Love and Peace, because this is your path.
Beloved, you will see that you will find yourselves in front of situations that demand your mastery, on becoming the bringers of peace in the regions you are. Know that we are next to you, the entire company of heaven, while you are the tubes for the manifestation here on Earth and this is a task of great importance.
As we work on the higher levels, you work here every day too!
Continue this wonderful work of Light, continue opening your heart. A heart that shares blessings, a heart that doesn’t set walls, and you do this through your thoughts, your deeds and your words...
I touch each one of you now on the chakra of the head and the chakra of the heart and I transmit the rivers of compassion which flow through the heart of Mother Goddess in order to sympathize yourself, the being who lives in you and connects with the Regions of the Light, and allow it to flood your being, your existence now.
Now see the wonderful circle formed by your bodies. Not your physical bodies, your etheric bodies, and as they swirl in circles, your group is transported to the Ashram of Shamballa... You are guided by me... Remain in a circle and in unity with your group as we land on the etheric level in the Ashram of Shamballa, you see how beautiful city of Light it is and you observe the preparations for the coming of the full moon and the descension of the Buddha on Earth. You feel the energies of your beloved Masters, the Hierarchy and the Angels...
As you are now on a circle look down to the Earth and see etherically, from the cities, this red-gray color of tension. See the black of weakness and lack and send storms of Light and send rain of Light...
This is your pure intention beloved...
Your bodies disappear now and you become a radiant light ship which travels above those areas and you do this now and this is happening in reality... And you keep illuminating and suffusing these energies on all areas, in the Middle East, in Africa, and you enfold the Earth in circles in a very fast rhythm, weaving the Light... Infinite circles...
The Portal of the Aegean Sea and the Energy Grid of Greece!
Now you come above Greece and you release a green color to be suffused in the Aegean and from there to spread in every city, village, to your communities... Before we return back I will reveal to you something which becomes known to you today, to you, the bringers of peace.
When you will be called to bring peace in the area, send Love in the Aegean!
From there it will spread for sure since there are guardian-crystals which connect with the most Sacred areas in Greece and the broader area and also with all pyramidal structures in the world. The center is found near Delos Island, send it there, the same color, the same vibration from heart.
You don’t need to get in fear or thinking. You already know all these. It is simply different to know what to do when it is needed, rather than not knowing what to do. I embrace you now loved ones as I would hug a child and as I would take care of a child, because you are so pure in your essence, so true...
Ι penetrate now your bodies, your cells through compassion and Love, to heal every inner wound and every outer reality which has been distorted by your eyes and I align it with Love. Definitely your eyes will be different from now on. When you hear this, know that change has been made...
I leave you now beloved and I throw bloomed lotuses, in the space, for blessing, for the full moon which is about to rise in a while. I leave you with a shower of Love and Light. The Mothers of Compassion and I will be here whenever it’s needed. We will be here on the eternal present, on the now.
Be blessed,
Quan Yin.
Channeling from Quan Yin through Paschalis Kazakopoulos| 15 May.11, Athens
Please forward this message without alterations or changes!
Angels House University: www.angelshouse.eu
Video with snapshots from the Wesak celebration with the Family of Light!
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