
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

The Crytalline Light Network!

We are very glad that we are here today. We are the 33, we are the 33 beings of Sirius. We will speak to your groups from now on. We are responsible for this school, for the evolution of this planet. Pangaia’s school...

Give us some time, so that our energies to be grounded in the space. We are pleased to meet you again. We are glad that we feel you once more. So let your energies flow slowly within your consciousness and accept us with love and joy. Because this is the mean through which we communicate… The quality of love and the vibration of joy.

You feel that you have another light around you. It is our energy with your own Mahatma energy. It is the expansion of your enlarged consciousness. Actually it is the total companionship. It is the embracement of the celestial world.

The ray we channel to you through your exercises is subtle but at the same time it is also powerful. It transfers many codings, even cellar codings, that you will need to change them and you will change them.

Are you ready to give a hand to your self?

(Yes, Yes…)

Do you know why you haven’t done it till now?

Because you had forgotten it. You had let it behind, in the time-capsule of history. That some others are Messiahs. Some others are the Masters. You are the Masters. You are the Masters of your own Self. You will need to be connected and regain the energy of your mastership, which is calling you to be the responsible to your life and your course.

We have been together again in the inner planes. We are present in your exercises impelling you to the mastership of yourself through your actions and you know this, you see it, you realize it. What you don’t actually see and realize is the US, is what is speaking through our channel now. You consider it as a strange thing, something unnatural  or something… let’s find out now.

It exists everywhere, it exists inside you, it exists around you. Our energy is transmitted everywhere. The potential of your exercises give you the best choice you could have in relation with the radiance of your being to the greatest extent. This will allow you to have a better communication with us.

Many times you postpone things, other times you speed up some other situations. Actually, you, where are you among all these? Where do you find yourself inside the story of time and who are you?

What you are, begins in the furthest past, before you appear on Earth. You come and you end up to us because the basic origin of all of you comes from Sirius. You are Sirians. One tree of life, actually, begins from us to reach you, from generation to generation. But you, once, chose to forget, to let, with the command of moving on, but not only you stayed stagnant but also you went even further back.

Now, see it as a chance on the Earth and to all of you, the emissaries of Light. The bright emissaries, as you would say it, because you are bright emissaries. The time has come for you to take action in your hands. The action that you are entitled for and the action that universe have set on you, before you incarnate.

This sounds easy, but sometimes it is difficult in action, according to your 3-dimensional frameworks. According to the structure of the society you live in, and this is because you contrast the sky with the Earth, with the conditions of life upon Earth. The sky doesn’t handle the situations as you handle them, wake up!

Wake up and see, realize and feel the way the sky acts. It acts through love. A lesson that you learned last year, good enough. We talk to you, continuously about love and truth and how you can put them into your lives. The time has come for you to put forward the purpose of your life, in order to proceed and this purpose is love.

Let other beings enter in the space. Let your consciousness open to accept more love. Do you know something? The conditions you are living in upon Earth do not allow you, many times, to live in love. Your world has been built in hate, wars, enemies, conflicts, good and bad. And that, by itself doesn’t allow you to live in love.

We congratulate you that you have the power at least to express it through your own way, to feel it through your own way, trying through your own way again, to bring love in this world that it doesn’t recognize it, it doesn’t approve it and it doesn’t sacrifice itself, anymore, for this love.

Let now this love that you have, flow in all of your cells. See it flowing, it is energy. Let us put our quality. The selflessness within this love.

Can you see it?

But you can feel it!

Can you feel it?;

(Yes, yes...)

The crystalline net of light is asking for you. It asks the bright emissaries to take action. It asks those who have defined themselves, before they come here, in order to take the leads of their power and proceed upon Earth. Don’t hesitate to do this, but do it with love. Until the next month that we will meet, give the quality of love to each obstacle you meet, to each challenge and test of life. Give this rare quality that today exists in museums, as you would say it. It is priceless.

This is the way you would say it, isn’t it? You would say that it is very expensive. It is love! Love is expensive. It is expensive because the Earth has run out of love. And the people with love are considered as stupid. But the structure of your society is rotten. How can you built upon these rotten foundations? Well these rotten foundations of your society are falling. They will fall, you will see it this year.

You will see that your society cannot stand because it doesn’t contain this vibration. The result of the opposite energies has inflated upon the planet, and the only thing that will keep people it will be the quality of love in their lives and in others lives.

Even in healing, the quality of love is what it remains, nothing else. Through this quality we communicate and through this quality the ray of God is actually transmitted.

Open your hands in front of your heart and send love to the planet. Do it every day, send love to the planet, to all beings of the planet, to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom of the planet. To the Mother Earth itself. Send love to the heavens. Learn to do this. It will help you to open yourself to this quality of love.

Work with this quality in order to take more tools. If you don’t work with this quality, and you don’t try to do it, you won’t have the results you are asking for.

The Sirians

Channeling from Ascension workshops, Dec, 06, Athens

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