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Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Give yourself the Passport for your Freedom!

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, let you soul feel, let your body hear, let your spirit feel. Don’t hold your self anymore. Free all things. Stay free even here.

The greatest freedom is inside us, and you can walk on it, you can live it. You didn’t lose it, you just need to find it again, and this moment is the present, because it was always there. Come now to live it. Give your self the passport for your freedom. Do not hold him back anymore. You need to flow along with love in this freedom.

I am here today to speak to you about this, and I am here today in order to pass the new codings of light of Sananda’s energy, to all of you, here.

So I am bringing now, in front of you, a giant Merkaba that will lead you to the Ashram of the 6th ray, and this is set here.

Now you start to feel the rotation as we ascend to higher dimensions and as we approach the Ashram of the 6th ray, the ray of devotion and spiritual idealism, so as for you to live the absolute freedom flowing inside love, flowing inside your own freedom and taking the passport in order for you to proceed to the love of your self, of your life, of your consciousness.

So, as we ascend, feel the elevation that is taking place now. And as we ascend even higher and we are inside the Ashram, you see two magnificent pillars standing right and left. The one symbolizes the Devotion, it is stable and it is transmitting this energy. The other is the pillar of the Spiritual Idealism and of the expansion of your consciousness. Its energy is very powerful and penetrating.

As you pass through these two columns, these two pillars, you enter my Ashram of 6th ray in order for you to receive the new codings of Sananda’s energy, and you sit to the thrones that exist in this semicircle place and you see the etheric temple of the Ashram of the 6th ray. Around your seats, you feel the energy as a column of light, as a vortex of light. Remain calm now, so as you to receive these new codes of Sananda’s Light. Feeling this freedom and this love, this moment, now. The advent of the energies has begun. Do you feel them? What do they cause in your inner system? What do they cause in your cell system? How do you realize all this?

And now, I, Sananda, pass the sword of Truth, from the chakra of your crown to the chakra of your base, to each one of you, now. Freedom is the truth. Lying is the handcuffs that you chain your soul and your heart without letting them evolve. Remain true now, as the sword of truth passes through you, starting up and going down, and as long as you breath the sword becomes bigger and giantic, becomes even more powerful dissipating all the illusions, all fake dreams, fake ideas, fake idols, fake Gods, fake visions. Remain true with your self. It needs devotion, by you to yourself. Remain now true with your self for a moment, for a minute, remain true. Stay by yourself. Letting go everything, that isn’t you. How do you feel now that the sword of truth is inside you? I am asking you how do you feel? Do you feel this vibration expanding everywhere? Do you feel this vibration expanding to all areas of your mind? This mind is the one that creates the illusion, and the body experiences it, you experience it, because you give it food and you create it. Inside the Ashram, the 6th Ashram the Truth of God is diffused, and you have the chance to cleanse yourself from everything. From the Alfa to Omega.

Is there anyone who feels sinful? Is there anyone who feels guilty? Is there anyone who has sadness in his heart because he didn’t deserve to evolve? Is there anyone? There is someone and there are all of you. Why do you lie to yourselves? Why aren’t you being honest? Stop saying lies. Remain truthful to yourself. You have forgotten the honesty inside you and you are looking for the honesty in fake things. This is the truth. Remain honest to yourself and give it to yourself, give the gift to yourself. You are the Christ inside you and I am inside you. The time has come to tell the truth of the soul remaining dedicated, at list to yourself.

I know that there are lessons, and constantly, difficulties, and you face many challenges and of course you are in a discipleship as I used to be. It was also difficult for me, but the effort was every moment, every minute. Don’t quit from the truth of your soul, don’t betray your own soul, remain honest, whatever is needed to go away it will go for the best. And what will remain, it will be the diamond that you are. Don’t put more mud upon this diamond, don’t see its shine, see its element, see its essence. You feel things for something that you are not, you burden yourself with guilt about things you once did. What you need to see is what you will do from now on, each and every day. And not what really happened, because what happened is the nugget of the wisdom that you need to have so as for you to proceed to the new challenges, prevailing over these elements, because the diamond of the truth is shining now, among us and no one can hide himself from this.

So, give me your old self. I am here to pull from inside of you the old piece of yours, as I pulled it 2000 ago, for all. So, with devotion, I came to do it once more, because this is the chance. This is the chance for all of you. You deprive from yourself even your own chance, you have been so cruel! This is the truth. If you are not cruel let it go, give it to me now! What does keep you from giving it to me? Give it. Through an exhalation let this old piece go away. I am in the centre of this place picking it up. Now you are honest, because now you saw what existed inside you. Now I am taking it. I take it through the gate that opened in the centre of the space, that has the essence of the burning bush, burning everything through the light and the fire of God.

And feel, feel this new coding of truth that I pass into your cells. Something that it is your birth right, to be honest to yourselves. To be honest with others.

Now brothers, and sisters, don’t you feel in a different way these codings and these activations? You can do this, every night every day. When your day ends, ask for my help. I am here and I am wherever you are. I am in preordered service of the Intergalactic Council of the Light.

You honor my passions, you honor what I did, when I told you that you can do much more. The days pass by and you stick to it, where is the effort? Why so much pain? Who told you that I felt so much pain on the cross? My physical body yes, I, no. My spirit, no. My spirit was so free, and aligned as the celestial angelic hierarchies were singing, and some they were listening. And some of you, that I looked at them, then, they were there, and they know it. But the freedom came. So you need to sacrifice too, and not to stick in the passion and the grief.

For what reason all this grief? For me? I am happy now, risen, in the service of the Divine, in your own service and in the service of all of you. By being sad you increase your egoism. By trying you send away the egoism. Don’t feel sorry for yourselves. Free them. Free them from the bonds, from all the handcuffs that you were put on and remain free. And let your diamond, the diamond of your heart, the diamond of your soul shine itself.

Grasp hands with each other and feel the energy that exists inside the Christ that you are His body, as one. As above so below. Stay dedicated to this. And now I take the sword of the truth of your chakras, letting space to fill with your love.


Channeling from the Ascension Workshops, Apr.08, Athens

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